use pkg_config as pkg; use semver_parser::version; use semver_parser::version::Version; use std::env; use std::fs; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; pub fn main() { let src_dir = env::var_os("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap(); let src_dir = Path::new(&src_dir); let out_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let out_dir = Path::new(&out_dir); let ffi_header = src_dir.join("ffi.h"); let ffi_rs = out_dir.join(""); let (version,include_paths) = match env::var_os("VPX_LIB_DIR") { None => { // use VPX config from pkg-config let libvpx = pkg::probe_library("vpx").unwrap(); (libvpx.version, libvpx.include_paths) } Some(vpx_libdir) => { // use VPX config from environment variable let libdir = std::path::Path::new(&vpx_libdir); let version = env::var("VPX_VERSION").expect("env var VPX_VERSION"); let mut include_paths = vec![]; if let Some(include_dir) = env::var_os("VPX_INCLUDE_DIR") { include_paths.push(include_dir.into()); } // Set lib search path. println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", libdir.display()); // Get static using pkg-config-rs rules. let statik = infer_static("VPX"); // Set libname. if statik { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=vpx"); } else { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=vpx"); } (version, include_paths) } }; println!("rerun-if-changed={}", ffi_header.display()); for dir in &include_paths { println!("rerun-if-changed={}", dir.display()); } let gen_dir = src_dir.join("generated"); let exact_file = gen_dir.join(format!("vpx-ffi-{}.rs", version)); if cfg!(feature = "generate") || !copy_pregenerated(&gen_dir, &ffi_rs, &exact_file, &version) { generate_bindings(&ffi_header, &include_paths, &ffi_rs, &exact_file, &version); } } fn parse(version: &str) -> Result { let version = version.split('-').next().unwrap(); match version::parse(version) { Ok(ver) => Ok(ver), Err(err) => { if let Ok(zero_ver) = version::parse(&format!("{}.0", version)) { Ok(zero_ver) } else { Err(err.to_string()) } }, } } // This function was modified from pkg-config-rs and should have same behavior. fn infer_static(name: &str) -> bool { if env::var_os(&format!("{}_STATIC", name)).is_some() { true } else if env::var_os(&format!("{}_DYNAMIC", name)).is_some() { false } else if env::var_os("PKG_CONFIG_ALL_STATIC").is_some() { true } else if env::var_os("PKG_CONFIG_ALL_DYNAMIC").is_some() { false } else { false } } fn copy_pregenerated(gen_dir: &Path, ffi_rs: &Path, exact_file: &Path, version: &str) -> bool { let wanted_semver = match parse(version) { Ok(ver) => ver, Err(err) => { println!("cargo:warning=libvpx has unsupported version {} {}", version, err); return false; }, }; if exact_file.exists() && fs::copy(&exact_file, ffi_rs).is_ok() { return true; } let closest_match = fs::read_dir(gen_dir).unwrap() .filter_map(|e| e.ok()) .map(|e| e.path()) .filter_map(|path| { let diff = path.file_stem().and_then(|base_name| { let base_name = base_name.to_string_lossy(); if !base_name.starts_with("vpx-ffi-") { return None } let ver = match parse(&base_name["vpx-ffi-".len()..]) { Ok(ver) => ver, Err(err) => { println!("cargo:warning=Ignored pregenerated {} {}", err, base_name); return None; }, }; if ver.major != wanted_semver.major { return None; } if ver.major == 0 && ver.minor != wanted_semver.minor { return None; } let mut diff = (ver.minor as i32 - wanted_semver.minor as i32).abs(); if ver.minor > wanted_semver.minor { diff += 2; } Some(diff) });|diff| (path, diff)) }) .min_by_key(|pair| pair.1); if let Some((path, diff)) = closest_match { if diff > 0 { println!("\ncargo:warning=Using {} for libvpx version {}. If you get compile errors, try generating exact version.", path.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy(), version); } if fs::copy(path, ffi_rs).is_ok() { return true; } } println!("\ncargo:warning=Bindings for vpx version {} are not bundled with libvpx-native-sys yet (expected in {})", version, exact_file.display()); false } #[cfg(not(feature = "generate"))] fn generate_bindings(_ffi_header: &Path, _include_paths: &[PathBuf], _ffi_rs: &Path, _exact_file: &Path, version: &str) { panic!("The 'generate' feature of libvpx-native-sys is disabled, and we don't have pre-generated bindings for libvpx version {}. Enable 'generate' feature of the 'libvpx-native-sys' crate", version); } #[cfg(feature = "generate")] fn generate_bindings(ffi_header: &Path, include_paths: &[PathBuf], ffi_rs: &Path, exact_file: &Path, _version: &str) { let mut b = bindgen::builder().header(ffi_header.to_str().unwrap()) .rust_target(bindgen::RustTarget::Stable_1_47) .allowlist_type("^[vV].*") .allowlist_var("^[vV].*") .allowlist_function("^[vV].*") .rustified_enum("^v.*") .trust_clang_mangling(false) .layout_tests(false) // breaks 32/64-bit compat .generate_comments(false); // vpx comments have prefix /*!\ for dir in include_paths { b = b.clang_arg(format!("-I{}", dir.display())); } b.generate().unwrap() .write_to_file(ffi_rs).unwrap(); fs::copy(ffi_rs, exact_file).ok(); // ignore failure }