const std = @import("std"); const Path = std.Build.LazyPath; // Although this function looks imperative, note that its job is to // declaratively construct a build graph that will be libcuted by an external // runner. pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void { // Standard target options allows the person running `zig build` to choose // what target to build for. Here we do not override the defaults, which // means any target is allowed, and the default is native. Other options // for restricting supported target set are available. const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{}); // Standard optimization options allow the person running `zig build` to select // between Debug, ReleaseSafe, ReleaseFast, and ReleaseSmall. Here we do not // set a preferred release mode, allowing the user to decide how to optimize. const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{}); const shared = b.option(bool, "SHARED_LIBRARY", "Build the Shared Library [default: false]") orelse false; const examples = b.option(bool, "BUILD_EXAMPLES", "Build libxlsxwriter examples [default: false]") orelse false; const tests = b.option(bool, "BUILD_TESTS", "Build libxlsxwriter tests [default: false]") orelse false; const dtoa = b.option(bool, "USE_DTOA_LIBRARY", "Use the locale independent third party Milo Yip DTOA library [default: off]") orelse false; const minizip = b.option(bool, "USE_SYSTEM_MINIZIP", "Use system minizip installation [default: off]") orelse false; const md5 = b.option(bool, "USE_OPENSSL_MD5", "Build libxlsxwriter with the OpenSSL MD5 lib [default: off]") orelse false; const stdtmpfile = b.option(bool, "USE_STANDARD_TMPFILE", "Use the C standard library's tmpfile() [default: off]") orelse false; const lib = if (shared) b.addSharedLibrary(.{ .name = "xlsxwriter", .target = target, .optimize = optimize, .version = .{ .major = 1, .minor = 1, .patch = 6, }, }) else b.addStaticLibrary(.{ .name = "xlsxwriter", .target = target, .optimize = optimize, }); lib.pie = true; switch (optimize) { .Debug, .ReleaseSafe => lib.bundle_compiler_rt = true, else => lib.strip = true, } if (tests) lib.defineCMacro("TESTING", null); lib.addCSourceFiles(&.{ "src/vml.c", "src/chartsheet.c", "src/theme.c", "src/content_types.c", "src/xmlwriter.c", "src/app.c", "src/styles.c", "src/core.c", "src/comment.c", "src/utility.c", "src/metadata.c", "src/custom.c", "src/hash_table.c", "src/relationships.c", "src/drawing.c", "src/chart.c", "src/shared_strings.c", "src/worksheet.c", "src/format.c", "src/table.c", "src/workbook.c", "src/packager.c", }, cflags); // minizip if (minizip) { lib.addCSourceFiles(switch (target.getOsTag()) { .windows => minizip_src ++ [_][]const u8{ "third_party/minizip/iowin32.c", }, else => minizip_src, }, cflags); } // zig-pkg: download & build zlib (to all targets) const zlib_dep = b.dependency("zlib", .{ .optimize = optimize, .target = target, }); const zlib = zlib_dep.artifact("z"); lib.linkLibrary(zlib); lib.installLibraryHeaders(zlib); // md5 if (!md5) lib.addCSourceFile(.{ .file = .{ .path = "third_party/md5/md5.c" }, .flags = cflags }) else lib.linkSystemLibrary("crypto"); // dtoa if (dtoa) lib.addCSourceFile(.{ .file = Path.relative("third_party/dtoa/emyg_dtoa.c"), .flags = cflags }); // tmpfileplus if (stdtmpfile) lib.addCSourceFile(.{ .file = .{ .path = "third_party/tmpfileplus/tmpfileplus.c" }, .flags = cflags }) else lib.defineCMacro("USE_STANDARD_TMPFILE", null); lib.addIncludePath(Path.relative("include")); lib.addIncludePath(Path.relative("third_party")); lib.linkLibC(); // get headers on include to zig-out/include lib.installHeadersDirectory("include", ""); // get binaries on zig-cache to zig-out b.installArtifact(lib); // build examples if (examples) { buildExe(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "examples/anatomy.c", }); buildExe(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "examples/array_formula.c", }); buildExe(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "examples/autofilter.c", }); buildExe(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "examples/background.c", }); buildExe(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "examples/chart_area.c", }); buildExe(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "examples/chart_column.c", }); buildExe(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "examples/data_validate.c", }); buildExe(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "examples/hello.c", }); buildExe(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "examples/watermark.c", }); buildExe(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "examples/worksheet_protection.c", }); } // build tests if (tests) { buildTest(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "test/unit/app/test_app.c", }); buildTest(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "test/unit/chart/test_chart.c", }); buildTest(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "test/unit/chartsheet/test_chartsheet.c", }); buildTest(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "test/unit/content_types/test_content_types.c", }); buildTest(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "test/unit/content_types/test_content_types_write_default.c", }); buildTest(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "test/unit/content_types/test_content_types_write_override.c", }); buildTest(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "test/unit/relationships/test_relationships.c", }); buildTest(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "test/unit/app/test_app_xml_declaration.c", }); buildTest(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "test/unit/relationships/test_relationships_xml_declaration.c", }); buildTest(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "test/unit/custom/test_custom_xml_declaration.c", }); buildTest(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "test/unit/metadata/test_metadata_xml_declaration.c", }); buildTest(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "test/unit/core/test_core_xml_declaration.c", }); buildTest(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "test/unit/sst/test_shared_strings.c", }); buildTest(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "test/unit/workbook/test_workbook.c", }); buildTest(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "test/unit/xmlwriter/test_xmlwriter.c", }); buildTest(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "test/unit/table/test_table01.c", }); buildTest(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "test/unit/table/test_table02.c", }); buildTest(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "test/unit/table/test_table03.c", }); buildTest(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "test/unit/table/test_table04.c", }); buildTest(b, .{ .lib = lib, .path = "test/unit/styles/test_styles_write_border.c", }); } } fn buildExe(b: *std.Build, info: BuildInfo) void { const exe = b.addExecutable(.{ .name = info.filename(), .optimize = info.lib.optimize, .target =, }); exe.addCSourceFile(.{ .file = Path.relative(info.path), .flags = cflags }); exe.linkLibrary(info.lib); for (info.lib.include_dirs.items) |include| { exe.include_dirs.append(include) catch {}; } exe.linkLibC(); b.installArtifact(exe); const run_cmd = b.addRunArtifact(exe); run_cmd.step.dependOn(b.getInstallStep()); if (b.args) |args| { run_cmd.addArgs(args); } const run_step = b.step( b.fmt("{s}", .{info.filename()}), b.fmt("Run the {s} test", .{info.filename()}), ); run_step.dependOn(&run_cmd.step); } fn buildTest(b: *std.Build, info: BuildInfo) void { const exe = b.addExecutable(.{ .name = info.filename(), .optimize = info.lib.optimize, .target =, }); exe.defineCMacro("TESTING", null); exe.addCSourceFile(.{ .file = Path.relative(info.path), .flags = cflags }); exe.addCSourceFile(.{ .file = Path.relative("test/unit/test_all.c"), .flags = cflags }); exe.addIncludePath(Path.relative("test/unit")); for (info.lib.include_dirs.items) |include| { exe.include_dirs.append(include) catch {}; } exe.linkLibrary(info.lib); exe.linkLibC(); b.installArtifact(exe); const run_cmd = b.addRunArtifact(exe); run_cmd.step.dependOn(b.getInstallStep()); if (b.args) |args| { run_cmd.addArgs(args); } const run_step = b.step( b.fmt("{s}", .{info.filename()}), b.fmt("Run the {s} test", .{info.filename()}), ); run_step.dependOn(&run_cmd.step); } const cflags = &.{ "-std=c89", "-Wall", "-Wextra", "-Wno-unused-parameter", }; const minizip_src: []const []const u8 = &.{ "third_party/minizip/ioapi.c", "third_party/minizip/mztools.c", "third_party/minizip/unzip.c", "third_party/minizip/zip.c", }; const BuildInfo = struct { lib: *std.Build.Step.Compile, path: []const u8, fn filename(self: BuildInfo) []const u8 { var split = std.mem.splitSequence(u8, std.fs.path.basename(self.path), "."); return split.first(); } };