#!/usr/bin/perl # # Simple program to generate the coccoapods unbrella file. # Run from the libxlsxwriter root dir. # # Copyright 2014-2021, John McNamara, jmcnamara@cpan.org # use warnings; use strict; use File::Find; my @includes; # Callback to match header files. sub match_include { push @includes, $File::Find::name if /^.*\.h\z/s; } # Use File::Find to find header files. find({wanted => \&match_include}, 'include/xlsxwriter'); # Sort and remove leading dirs from the include files. @includes = sort @includes; s{^include/xlsxwriter/}{} for @includes; # Generate the unbrella file. print qq{#import \n\n}; print qq{#import "../xlsxwriter.h"\n}; print qq{#import "$_"\n} for @includes; print qq{\n}; print qq{FOUNDATION_EXPORT double xlsxwriterVersionNumber;\n}; print qq{FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char xlsxwriterVersionString[];\n\n};