/* * Example of adding an autofilter to a worksheet in Excel using * libxlsxwriter. * * Copyright 2014-2021, John McNamara, jmcnamara@cpan.org * */ #include "xlsxwriter.h" void write_worksheet_header(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_format *header); int main() { lxw_workbook *workbook = workbook_new("autofilter.xlsx"); lxw_worksheet *worksheet1 = workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, NULL); lxw_worksheet *worksheet2 = workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, NULL); lxw_worksheet *worksheet3 = workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, NULL); lxw_worksheet *worksheet4 = workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, NULL); lxw_worksheet *worksheet5 = workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, NULL); lxw_worksheet *worksheet6 = workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, NULL); lxw_worksheet *worksheet7 = workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, NULL); struct row { char region[16]; char item[16]; int volume; char month[16]; }; struct row data[] = { {"East", "Apple", 9000, "July" }, {"East", "Apple", 5000, "July" }, {"South", "Orange", 9000, "September" }, {"North", "Apple", 2000, "November" }, {"West", "Apple", 9000, "November" }, {"South", "Pear", 7000, "October" }, {"North", "Pear", 9000, "August" }, {"West", "Orange", 1000, "December" }, {"West", "Grape", 1000, "November" }, {"South", "Pear", 10000, "April" }, {"West", "Grape", 6000, "January" }, {"South", "Orange", 3000, "May" }, {"North", "Apple", 3000, "December" }, {"South", "Apple", 7000, "February" }, {"West", "Grape", 1000, "December" }, {"East", "Grape", 8000, "February" }, {"South", "Grape", 10000, "June" }, {"West", "Pear", 7000, "December" }, {"South", "Apple", 2000, "October" }, {"East", "Grape", 7000, "December" }, {"North", "Grape", 6000, "April" }, {"East", "Pear", 8000, "February" }, {"North", "Apple", 7000, "August" }, {"North", "Orange", 7000, "July" }, {"North", "Apple", 6000, "June" }, {"South", "Grape", 8000, "September" }, {"West", "Apple", 3000, "October" }, {"South", "Orange", 10000, "November" }, {"West", "Grape", 4000, "July" }, {"North", "Orange", 5000, "August" }, {"East", "Orange", 1000, "November" }, {"East", "Orange", 4000, "October" }, {"North", "Grape", 5000, "August" }, {"East", "Apple", 1000, "December" }, {"South", "Apple", 10000, "March" }, {"East", "Grape", 7000, "October" }, {"West", "Grape", 1000, "September" }, {"East", "Grape", 10000, "October" }, {"South", "Orange", 8000, "March" }, {"North", "Apple", 4000, "July" }, {"South", "Orange", 5000, "July" }, {"West", "Apple", 4000, "June" }, {"East", "Apple", 5000, "April" }, {"North", "Pear", 3000, "August" }, {"East", "Grape", 9000, "November" }, {"North", "Orange", 8000, "October" }, {"East", "Apple", 10000, "June" }, {"South", "Pear", 1000, "December" }, {"North", "Grape", 10000, "July" }, {"East", "Grape", 6000, "February" } }; uint16_t i; lxw_row_col_options hidden = {.hidden = LXW_TRUE}; lxw_format *header = workbook_add_format(workbook); format_set_bold(header); /* * Example 1. Autofilter without conditions. */ /* Set up the worksheet data. */ write_worksheet_header(worksheet1, header); /* Write the row data. */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(data)/sizeof(struct row); i++) { worksheet_write_string(worksheet1, i + 1, 0, data[i].region, NULL); worksheet_write_string(worksheet1, i + 1, 1, data[i].item, NULL); worksheet_write_number(worksheet1, i + 1, 2, data[i].volume, NULL); worksheet_write_string(worksheet1, i + 1, 3, data[i].month, NULL); } /* Add the autofilter. */ worksheet_autofilter(worksheet1, 0, 0, 50, 3); /* * Example 2. Autofilter with a filter condition in the first column. */ /* Set up the worksheet data. */ write_worksheet_header(worksheet2, header); /* Write the row data. */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(data)/sizeof(struct row); i++) { worksheet_write_string(worksheet2, i + 1, 0, data[i].region, NULL); worksheet_write_string(worksheet2, i + 1, 1, data[i].item, NULL); worksheet_write_number(worksheet2, i + 1, 2, data[i].volume, NULL); worksheet_write_string(worksheet2, i + 1, 3, data[i].month, NULL); /* It isn't sufficient to just apply the filter condition below. We * must also hide the rows that don't match the criteria since Excel * doesn't do that automatically. */ if (strcmp(data[i].region, "East") == 0) { /* Row matches the filter, no further action required. */ } else { /* Hide rows that don't match the filter. */ worksheet_set_row_opt(worksheet2, i + 1, LXW_DEF_ROW_HEIGHT, NULL, &hidden); } /* Note, the if() statement above is written to match the logic of the * criteria in worksheet_filter_column() below. However you could get * the same results with the following simpler, but reversed, code: * * if (strcmp(data[i].region, "East") != 0) { * worksheet_set_row_opt(worksheet2, i + 1, LXW_DEF_ROW_HEIGHT, NULL, &hidden); * } * * The same applies to the Examples 3-6 as well. */ } /* Add the autofilter. */ worksheet_autofilter(worksheet2, 0, 0, 50, 3); /* Add the filter criteria. */ lxw_filter_rule filter_rule2 = {.criteria = LXW_FILTER_CRITERIA_EQUAL_TO, .value_string = "East"}; worksheet_filter_column(worksheet2, 0, &filter_rule2); /* * Example 3. Autofilter with a dual filter condition in one of the columns. */ /* Set up the worksheet data. */ write_worksheet_header(worksheet3, header); /* Write the row data. */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(data)/sizeof(struct row); i++) { worksheet_write_string(worksheet3, i + 1, 0, data[i].region, NULL); worksheet_write_string(worksheet3, i + 1, 1, data[i].item, NULL); worksheet_write_number(worksheet3, i + 1, 2, data[i].volume, NULL); worksheet_write_string(worksheet3, i + 1, 3, data[i].month, NULL); if (strcmp(data[i].region, "East") == 0 || strcmp(data[i].region, "South") == 0) { /* Row matches the filter, no further action required. */ } else { /* We need to hide rows that don't match the filter. */ worksheet_set_row_opt(worksheet3, i + 1, LXW_DEF_ROW_HEIGHT, NULL, &hidden); } } /* Add the autofilter. */ worksheet_autofilter(worksheet3, 0, 0, 50, 3); /* Add the filter criteria. */ lxw_filter_rule filter_rule3a = {.criteria = LXW_FILTER_CRITERIA_EQUAL_TO, .value_string = "East"}; lxw_filter_rule filter_rule3b = {.criteria = LXW_FILTER_CRITERIA_EQUAL_TO, .value_string = "South"}; worksheet_filter_column2(worksheet3, 0, &filter_rule3a, &filter_rule3b, LXW_FILTER_OR); /* * Example 4. Autofilter with filter conditions in two columns. */ /* Set up the worksheet data. */ write_worksheet_header(worksheet4, header); /* Write the row data. */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(data)/sizeof(struct row); i++) { worksheet_write_string(worksheet4, i + 1, 0, data[i].region, NULL); worksheet_write_string(worksheet4, i + 1, 1, data[i].item, NULL); worksheet_write_number(worksheet4, i + 1, 2, data[i].volume, NULL); worksheet_write_string(worksheet4, i + 1, 3, data[i].month, NULL); if (strcmp(data[i].region, "East") == 0 && data[i].volume > 3000 && data[i].volume < 8000) { /* Row matches the filter, no further action required. */ } else { /* We need to hide rows that don't match the filter. */ worksheet_set_row_opt(worksheet4, i + 1, LXW_DEF_ROW_HEIGHT, NULL, &hidden); } } /* Add the autofilter. */ worksheet_autofilter(worksheet4, 0, 0, 50, 3); /* Add the filter criteria. */ lxw_filter_rule filter_rule4a = {.criteria = LXW_FILTER_CRITERIA_EQUAL_TO, .value_string = "East"}; lxw_filter_rule filter_rule4b = {.criteria = LXW_FILTER_CRITERIA_GREATER_THAN, .value = 3000}; lxw_filter_rule filter_rule4c = {.criteria = LXW_FILTER_CRITERIA_LESS_THAN, .value = 8000}; worksheet_filter_column(worksheet4, 0, &filter_rule4a); worksheet_filter_column2(worksheet4, 2, &filter_rule4b, &filter_rule4c, LXW_FILTER_AND); /* * Example 5. Autofilter with a dual filter condition in one of the columns. */ /* Set up the worksheet data. */ write_worksheet_header(worksheet5, header); /* Write the row data. */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(data)/sizeof(struct row); i++) { worksheet_write_string(worksheet5, i + 1, 0, data[i].region, NULL); worksheet_write_string(worksheet5, i + 1, 1, data[i].item, NULL); worksheet_write_number(worksheet5, i + 1, 2, data[i].volume, NULL); worksheet_write_string(worksheet5, i + 1, 3, data[i].month, NULL); if (strcmp(data[i].region, "East") == 0 || strcmp(data[i].region, "North") == 0 || strcmp(data[i].region, "South") == 0) { /* Row matches the filter, no further action required. */ } else { /* We need to hide rows that don't match the filter. */ worksheet_set_row_opt(worksheet5, i + 1, LXW_DEF_ROW_HEIGHT, NULL, &hidden); } } /* Add the autofilter. */ worksheet_autofilter(worksheet5, 0, 0, 50, 3); /* Add the filter criteria. */ char* list[] = {"East", "North", "South", NULL}; worksheet_filter_list(worksheet5, 0, list); /* * Example 6. Autofilter with filter for blanks. */ /* Set up the worksheet data. */ write_worksheet_header(worksheet6, header); /* Simulate one blank cell in the data, to test the filter. */ data[5].region[0] = '\0'; /* Write the row data. */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(data)/sizeof(struct row); i++) { worksheet_write_string(worksheet6, i + 1, 0, data[i].region, NULL); worksheet_write_string(worksheet6, i + 1, 1, data[i].item, NULL); worksheet_write_number(worksheet6, i + 1, 2, data[i].volume, NULL); worksheet_write_string(worksheet6, i + 1, 3, data[i].month, NULL); if (strcmp(data[i].region, "") == 0) { /* Row matches the filter, no further action required. */ } else { /* We need to hide rows that don't match the filter. */ worksheet_set_row_opt(worksheet6, i + 1, LXW_DEF_ROW_HEIGHT, NULL, &hidden); } } /* Add the autofilter. */ worksheet_autofilter(worksheet6, 0, 0, 50, 3); /* Add the filter criteria. */ lxw_filter_rule filter_rule6 = {.criteria = LXW_FILTER_CRITERIA_BLANKS}; worksheet_filter_column(worksheet6, 0, &filter_rule6); /* * Example 7. Autofilter with filter for non-blanks. */ /* Set up the worksheet data. */ write_worksheet_header(worksheet7, header); /* Write the row data. */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(data)/sizeof(struct row); i++) { worksheet_write_string(worksheet7, i + 1, 0, data[i].region, NULL); worksheet_write_string(worksheet7, i + 1, 1, data[i].item, NULL); worksheet_write_number(worksheet7, i + 1, 2, data[i].volume, NULL); worksheet_write_string(worksheet7, i + 1, 3, data[i].month, NULL); if (strcmp(data[i].region, "") != 0) { /* Row matches the filter, no further action required. */ } else { /* We need to hide rows that don't match the filter. */ worksheet_set_row_opt(worksheet7, i + 1, LXW_DEF_ROW_HEIGHT, NULL, &hidden); } } /* Add the autofilter. */ worksheet_autofilter(worksheet7, 0, 0, 50, 3); /* Add the filter criteria. */ lxw_filter_rule filter_rule7 = {.criteria = LXW_FILTER_CRITERIA_NON_BLANKS}; worksheet_filter_column(worksheet7, 0, &filter_rule7); return workbook_close(workbook); } void write_worksheet_header(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_format *header) { /* Make the columns wider for clarity. */ worksheet_set_column(worksheet, 0, 3, 12, NULL); /* Write the column headers. */ worksheet_set_row(worksheet, 0, 20, header); worksheet_write_string(worksheet, 0, 0, "Region", NULL); worksheet_write_string(worksheet, 0, 1, "Item", NULL); worksheet_write_string(worksheet, 0, 2, "Volume", NULL); worksheet_write_string(worksheet, 0, 3, "Month", NULL); }