/* * An example of creating an Excel pie chart using the libxlsxwriter library. * * The demo also shows how to set segment colors. It is possible to define * chart colors for most types of libxlsxwriter charts via the series * formatting functions. However, Pie/Doughnut charts are a special case since * each segment is represented as a point so it is necessary to assign * formatting to each point in the series. * * Copyright 2014-2021, John McNamara, jmcnamara@cpan.org * */ #include "xlsxwriter.h" /* * Write some data to the worksheet. */ void write_worksheet_data(lxw_worksheet *worksheet, lxw_format *bold) { worksheet_write_string(worksheet, CELL("A1"), "Category", bold); worksheet_write_string(worksheet, CELL("A2"), "Apple", NULL); worksheet_write_string(worksheet, CELL("A3"), "Cherry", NULL); worksheet_write_string(worksheet, CELL("A4"), "Pecan", NULL); worksheet_write_string(worksheet, CELL("B1"), "Values", bold); worksheet_write_number(worksheet, CELL("B2"), 60, NULL); worksheet_write_number(worksheet, CELL("B3"), 30, NULL); worksheet_write_number(worksheet, CELL("B4"), 10, NULL); } /* * Create a worksheet with examples charts. * */ int main() { lxw_workbook *workbook = workbook_new("chart_pie.xlsx"); lxw_worksheet *worksheet = workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, NULL); lxw_chart *chart ; lxw_chart_series *series; /* Add a bold format to use to highlight the header cells. */ lxw_format *bold = workbook_add_format(workbook); format_set_bold(bold); /* Write some data for the chart. */ write_worksheet_data(worksheet, bold); /* * Chart 1: Create a simple pie chart. */ chart = workbook_add_chart(workbook, LXW_CHART_PIE); /* Add the first series to the chart. */ series = chart_add_series(chart, "=Sheet1!$A$2:$A$4", "=Sheet1!$B$2:$B$4"); /* Set the name for the series instead of the default "Series 1". */ chart_series_set_name(series, "Pie sales data"); /* Add a chart title. */ chart_title_set_name(chart, "Popular Pie Types"); /* Set an Excel chart style. */ chart_set_style(chart, 10); /* Insert the chart into the worksheet. */ worksheet_insert_chart(worksheet, CELL("D2"), chart); /* * Chart 2: Create a pie chart with user defined segment colors. */ chart = workbook_add_chart(workbook, LXW_CHART_PIE); /* Add the first series to the chart. */ series = chart_add_series(chart, "=Sheet1!$A$2:$A$4", "=Sheet1!$B$2:$B$4"); /* Set the name for the series instead of the default "Series 1". */ chart_series_set_name(series, "Pie sales data"); /* Add a chart title. */ chart_title_set_name(chart, "Pie Chart with user defined colors"); /* Add for fills for use in the chart. */ lxw_chart_fill fill1 = {.color = 0x5ABA10}; lxw_chart_fill fill2 = {.color = 0xFE110E}; lxw_chart_fill fill3 = {.color = 0xCA5C05}; /* Add some points with the above fills. */ lxw_chart_point point1 = {.fill = &fill1}; lxw_chart_point point2 = {.fill = &fill2}; lxw_chart_point point3 = {.fill = &fill3}; /* Create an array of the point objects. */ lxw_chart_point *points[] = {&point1, &point2, &point3, NULL}; /* Add/override the points/segments of the chart. */ chart_series_set_points(series, points); /* Insert the chart into the worksheet. */ worksheet_insert_chart(worksheet, CELL("D18"), chart); /* * Chart 3: Create a pie chart with rotation of the segments. */ chart = workbook_add_chart(workbook, LXW_CHART_PIE); /* Add the first series to the chart. */ series = chart_add_series(chart, "=Sheet1!$A$2:$A$4", "=Sheet1!$B$2:$B$4"); /* Set the name for the series instead of the default "Series 1". */ chart_series_set_name(series, "Pie sales data"); /* Add a chart title. */ chart_title_set_name(chart, "Pie Chart with segment rotation"); /* Change the angle/rotation of the first segment. */ chart_set_rotation(chart, 90); /* Insert the chart into the worksheet. */ worksheet_insert_chart(worksheet, CELL("D34"), chart); return workbook_close(workbook); }