/* * An example of inserting images into a worksheet using the libxlsxwriter * library. * * Copyright 2014-2021, John McNamara, jmcnamara@cpan.org * */ #include "xlsxwriter.h" int main() { /* Create a new workbook and add a worksheet. */ lxw_workbook *workbook = workbook_new("images.xlsx"); lxw_worksheet *worksheet = workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, NULL); /* Change some of the column widths for clarity. */ worksheet_set_column(worksheet, COLS("A:A"), 30, NULL); /* Insert an image. */ worksheet_write_string(worksheet, CELL("A2"), "Insert an image in a cell:", NULL); worksheet_insert_image(worksheet, CELL("B2"), "logo.png"); /* Insert an image offset in the cell. */ worksheet_write_string(worksheet, CELL("A12"), "Insert an offset image:", NULL); lxw_image_options options1 = {.x_offset = 15, .y_offset = 10}; worksheet_insert_image_opt(worksheet, CELL("B12"), "logo.png", &options1); /* Insert an image with scaling. */ worksheet_write_string(worksheet, CELL("A22"), "Insert a scaled image:", NULL); lxw_image_options options2 = {.x_scale = 0.5, .y_scale = 0.5}; worksheet_insert_image_opt(worksheet, CELL("B22"), "logo.png", &options2); /* Insert an image with a hyperlink. */ worksheet_write_string(worksheet, CELL("A32"), "Insert an image with a hyperlink:", NULL); lxw_image_options options3 = {.url = "https://github.com/jmcnamara"}; worksheet_insert_image_opt(worksheet, CELL("B32"), "logo.png", &options3); workbook_close(workbook); return 0; }