/* * An example of using the libxlsxwriter library to write some "rich strings", * i.e., strings with multiple formats. * * Copyright 2014-2021, John McNamara, jmcnamara@cpan.org * */ #include "xlsxwriter.h" int main() { lxw_workbook *workbook = workbook_new("rich_strings.xlsx"); lxw_worksheet *worksheet = workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, NULL); /* Set up some formats to use. */ lxw_format *bold = workbook_add_format(workbook); format_set_bold(bold); lxw_format *italic = workbook_add_format(workbook); format_set_italic(italic); lxw_format *red = workbook_add_format(workbook); format_set_font_color(red, LXW_COLOR_RED); lxw_format *blue = workbook_add_format(workbook); format_set_font_color(blue, LXW_COLOR_BLUE); lxw_format *center = workbook_add_format(workbook); format_set_align(center, LXW_ALIGN_CENTER); lxw_format *superscript = workbook_add_format(workbook); format_set_font_script(superscript, LXW_FONT_SUPERSCRIPT); /* Make the first column wider for clarity. */ worksheet_set_column(worksheet, 0, 0, 30, NULL); /* * Create and write some rich strings with multiple formats. */ /* Example 1. Some bold and italic in the same string. */ lxw_rich_string_tuple fragment11 = {.format = NULL, .string = "This is " }; lxw_rich_string_tuple fragment12 = {.format = bold, .string = "bold" }; lxw_rich_string_tuple fragment13 = {.format = NULL, .string = " and this is "}; lxw_rich_string_tuple fragment14 = {.format = italic, .string = "italic" }; lxw_rich_string_tuple *rich_string1[] = {&fragment11, &fragment12, &fragment13, &fragment14, NULL}; worksheet_write_rich_string(worksheet, CELL("A1"), rich_string1, NULL); /* Example 2. Some red and blue coloring in the same string. */ lxw_rich_string_tuple fragment21 = {.format = NULL, .string = "This is " }; lxw_rich_string_tuple fragment22 = {.format = red, .string = "red" }; lxw_rich_string_tuple fragment23 = {.format = NULL, .string = " and this is "}; lxw_rich_string_tuple fragment24 = {.format = blue, .string = "blue" }; lxw_rich_string_tuple *rich_string2[] = {&fragment21, &fragment22, &fragment23, &fragment24, NULL}; worksheet_write_rich_string(worksheet, CELL("A3"), rich_string2, NULL); /* Example 3. A rich string plus cell formatting. */ lxw_rich_string_tuple fragment31 = {.format = NULL, .string = "Some " }; lxw_rich_string_tuple fragment32 = {.format = bold, .string = "bold text"}; lxw_rich_string_tuple fragment33 = {.format = NULL, .string = " centered"}; lxw_rich_string_tuple *rich_string3[] = {&fragment31, &fragment32, &fragment33, NULL}; /* Note that this example also has a "center" cell format. */ worksheet_write_rich_string(worksheet, CELL("A5"), rich_string3, center); /* Example 4. A math example with a superscript. */ lxw_rich_string_tuple fragment41 = {.format = italic, .string = "j =k" }; lxw_rich_string_tuple fragment42 = {.format = superscript, .string = "(n-1)"}; lxw_rich_string_tuple *rich_string4[] = {&fragment41, &fragment42, NULL}; worksheet_write_rich_string(worksheet, CELL("A7"), rich_string4, center); workbook_close(workbook); return 0; }