# libxm-rs [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/nukep/libxm-rs.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/nukep/libxm-rs) A binding of [libxm](https://github.com/Artefact2/libxm/) for Rust. A small XM (FastTracker II Extended Module) player library. Designed for easy integration in demos and such, and provides timing functions for easy sync against specific instruments, samples or channels. As with libxm, this library is released under the WTFPL license. **Documentation**: https://nukep.github.io/libxm-rs/libxm ## Build requirements `libxm-rs` is ready to use with Rust 1.0 stable, and should be up to date with the nightly builds. If `libxm` is built locally (this is the default!), you must have a C compiler on your system that supports the C11 standard (such as GCC 4.7+ or clang 3.1). If you don't wish to build locally, a shared library that you have pre-built can be provided by following the steps below. ## Linking to a shared version of `libxm` By default, `libxm-rs` statically links and compiles `libxm`. This is to allow users to get started with the library more quickly. If you wish to provide your own shared or custom version of `libxm`, you can override the build step for `xm` in a `.cargo/config` file (see http://doc.crates.io/build-script.html#overriding-build-scripts). ```toml [target.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.xm] rustc-flags = "-l xm" ```