# lift_result Lifts a fallible function that fails with error E1, into one that fails with error E2. I had my own `Error` type, turning another result into mine was easy and nice ```rust result.map_err(Error::from) ``` But when I wanted to apply a fallible function via `.and_then`, I had to do this: ```rust result.and_then(|x| failable(x).map_err(|e| e.into())) ``` And I didn't like that: * too verbose * not very readable * the compiler should be able to know how to do that So I wrote this library. Yay, programming! 🎉 ## Examples ```rust result .map_err(Error::from) .and_then(lift(failable)) ``` ## Special thanks Thank you [cargo-readme](https://github.com/livioribeiro/cargo-readme) for generating this README for me. License: MIT OR Apache-2.0