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You may : - Read, build, modify and displays as svg reconciled phylogenetic trees. - Drawing reconciled phylogenetic trees allowing 1, 2 or 3 reconciliation levels - Build a svg representation of a phylogenetic reconciled (or not) tree with events (loss, duplication, speciation, transfer). - Read a recphyloxml file: create a svg representation of the gene tree(s) and the associated species tree. - Read 2 nested recphyloxml files: create svg representations of the gene tree(s), the associated symbiot tree(s) and the associated species tree. - Read a newick or phyloxml file: create a svg representation of the gene tree only. You may use light_phylogeny functions and methods to build, manipulate, modify or draw phylogenetic trees. You may use the "thirdkind" software https://github.com/simonpenel/thirdkind/wiki based on 'light_phylogeny' to represent trees with 1, 2 or 3 reconciliation levels Keywords: phylogeny, reconciled trees, phylogenetic trees [Homepage](https://github.com/simonpenel/light_phylogeny/wiki) # Formats: phyloXML, recPhyloXML, rooted newick (NHX tags will not be considered). # Output examples For output examples, please see the thirdkind home page https://github.com/simonpenel/thirdkind/wiki # Using the API: https://crates.io/crates/light_phylogeny You may find code examples in the "examples" directory. Simple Rust example: read a newick.txt file and creates the svg ``` use light_phylogeny::{ArenaTree,Options,Config,read_newick,phyloxml_processing}; fn main() { let mut tree: ArenaTree = ArenaTree::default(); let options: Options = Options::new(); let config: Config = Config::new(); read_newick("examples/newick.txt".to_string(), &mut tree); phyloxml_processing(&mut tree, &options, &config,"read_newick-clado.svg".to_string()); println!("Please open output file 'read_newick-clado.svg' with your browser"); let mut tree: ArenaTree = ArenaTree::default(); let mut options: Options = Options::new(); options.real_length_flag = true; let config: Config = Config::new(); read_newick("examples/newick.txt".to_string(), &mut tree); phyloxml_processing(&mut tree, &options, &config,"read_newick-real-clado.svg".to_string()); println!("Please open output file 'read_newick-real-clado.svg' with your browser"); } ``` Some newick examples are available here : https://github.com/simonpenel/light_phylogeny/tree/master/newick_examples Simple Rust example:build a gene tree, creates the svg, modiy the tree and creates a new svg: ``` use light_phylogeny::{ArenaTree,Options,Config,Event,add_child,move_child,phyloxml_processing, summary,reset_pos}; fn main() { let mut tree: ArenaTree = ArenaTree::default(); let mut options: Options = Options::new(); let config: Config = Config::new(); // Create a new node root let root = tree.new_node("root".to_string()); // Create new nodes let a1 = tree.new_node("a1".to_string()); let a2 = tree.new_node("a2".to_string()); let a = tree.new_node("a".to_string()); let b1 = tree.new_node("b1".to_string()); let b2 = tree.new_node("b2".to_string()); let b = tree.new_node("b".to_string()); let c = tree.new_node("c".to_string()); let d = tree.new_node("d".to_string()); println!("Initial tree :"); summary(&mut tree); // Set names tree.arena[root].name = "MyRoot".to_string(); tree.arena[a].name = "Gene A".to_string(); tree.arena[a1].name = "Gene A1".to_string(); tree.arena[a2].name = "Gene A2".to_string(); tree.arena[b].name = "Gene B".to_string(); tree.arena[b1].name = "Gene B1".to_string(); tree.arena[b2].name = "Gene B2".to_string(); tree.arena[c].name = "Gene C".to_string(); tree.arena[d].name = "Gene D".to_string(); println!(""); println!("Tree after name attribution:"); summary(&mut tree); // Set hierarchy // a1 and a2 are children of a add_child(&mut tree,a,a1); add_child(&mut tree,a,a2); // a1 and a2 are children of a add_child(&mut tree,b,b1); add_child(&mut tree,b,b2); // a and b are children of c add_child(&mut tree,c,a); add_child(&mut tree,c,b); // c and d are children of root add_child(&mut tree,root,c); add_child(&mut tree,root,d); println!(""); println!("Tree after hierarchy attribution:"); summary(&mut tree); // Display internal nodes options.gene_internal = true ; phyloxml_processing(&mut tree, &options, &config,"modify_tree_ini.svg".to_string()); println!("Add a loss to C"); let loss = tree.new_node("loss".to_string()); tree.arena[loss].name = "Loss".to_string(); tree.arena[loss].e = Event::Loss; add_child(&mut tree,c,loss); println!("Add a node up to B"); let add = tree.new_node("add".to_string()); tree.arena[add].name = "Added up to B".to_string(); println!("Move A to new node "); move_child(&mut tree, a, add); println!("Move B to new node "); move_child(&mut tree, b, add); println!("Move new node to C "); add_child(&mut tree, c, add); println!("Tree after hierarchy modification:"); summary(&mut tree); reset_pos(&mut tree); phyloxml_processing(&mut tree, &options, &config,"modify_tree_mod.svg".to_string()); println!("Please open output files 'modify_tree_ini.svg' and 'modify_tree_mod.svg' with your browser"); println!("OK."); } ``` # Code Examples You may try the codes in the 'examples' directory: cargo run --example read_newick cargo run --example build_tree cargo run --example lca cargo run --example modify_tree Read and display a reconciled tree from a recPhyloXML file: https://github.com/simonpenel/light_phylogeny/blob/master/examples/read_recphyloxml.rs # Source documentation See Rust documentation : https://docs.rs/light_phylogeny/ # The "thirdkind" software https://github.com/simonpenel/thirdkind # recPhyloXML documentation See http://phylariane.univ-lyon1.fr/recphyloxml/ recPhyloXML paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6198865/ # phyloXML documentation See: http://www.phyloxml.org/ phyloXML paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2774328/ # Under development: - Possible problem with the obsolete version of recPhyloXML format (speciationLoss is supported, speciationOutLoss and speciationOut are not supported yet) # Tree drawing algorithms and structures "Arena" Tree structure is inspired by the code proposed [here](https://dev.to/deciduously/no-more-tears-no-more-knots-arena-allocated-trees-in-rust-44k6) Tree drawing algorithms are well explained [here](https://llimllib.github.io/pymag-trees/) and [here](https://rachel53461.wordpress.com/2014/04/20/algorithm-for-drawing-trees/) # Licence CECILL: https://choosealicense.com/licenses/cecill-2.1/