use clap::Parser; use futures::StreamExt; use lighthouse_client::{protocol::Authentication, Lighthouse, Result, TokioWebSocket, LIGHTHOUSE_URL}; use lighthouse_protocol::Model; use tracing::info; async fn run(mut lh: Lighthouse) -> Result<()> { info!("Connected to the Lighthouse server"); // Stream input events let mut stream = lh.stream_model().await?; while let Some(msg) = { if let Model::InputEvent(event) = msg?.payload { info!("Got input event: {:?}", event) } } Ok(()) } #[derive(Parser)] struct Args { /// The username. #[arg(short, long, env = "LIGHTHOUSE_USER")] username: String, /// The API token. #[arg(short, long, env = "LIGHTHOUSE_TOKEN")] token: String, /// The server URL. #[arg(long, env = "LIGHTHOUSE_URL", default_value = LIGHTHOUSE_URL)] url: String, } #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn main() -> Result<()> { tracing_subscriber::fmt().init(); _ = dotenvy::dotenv(); let args = Args::parse(); let auth = Authentication::new(&args.username, &args.token); let lh = Lighthouse::connect_with_tokio_to(&args.url, auth).await?; run(lh).await }