const css = require('./'); const fs = require('fs'); if (process.argv[process.argv.length - 1] !== __filename) { let opts = { filename: process.argv[process.argv.length - 1], code: fs.readFileSync(process.argv[process.argv.length - 1]), minify: true, sourceMap: true, targets: { chrome: 95 << 16 } }; console.time('optimize'); let r = css.transform(opts); console.timeEnd('optimize') // console.log(r.toString()); console.log(r); let code = r.code; if ( { code = code.toString() + `\n/*# */\n`; } fs.writeFileSync('out.css', code); if ( { fs.writeFileSync('',; } return; } let res = css.transform({ filename: __filename, code: Buffer.from(` @breakpoints { .foo { color: yellow; } } .foo { color: red; @bar { width: 25px; } } `), drafts: { nesting: true }, targets: { safari: 16 << 16 }, customAtRules: { breakpoints: { // Syntax string defining the at rule prelude. // prelude: null, // Type of the at rule block. // Can be declaration-list, rule-list, or style-block. // body: 'rule-list' }, bar: { body: 'style-block' } }, visitor: { Rule: { custom(rule) { console.log(rule.body); } }, Length(length) { length.value *= 2; return length; } } }); console.log(res.code.toString());