# LightWave 3D Rust Parser
Complete LWO2 parser for Rust.
Basic Usage
use lightwave::LightWaveObject;
fn main() {
// or
LightWaveObject::read(Cursor::new(vec![0x00, 0x01, ...]))
## LightWave Object (LWO2)
Fully feature complete following the [LWO2 Spec](http://static.lightwave3d.com/sdk/2015/html/filefmts/lwo2.html).
| Chunk | Tag | Status |
| Layer | `LAYR` | ✅ |
| Point List | `PNTS` | ✅ |
| Vertex Mapping | `VMAP` | ✅ |
| Polygon List | `POLS` | ✅ |
| Tag Strings | `TAGS` | ✅ |
| Polygon Tag Mapping | `PTAG` | ✅ |
| Discontinuous Vertex Mapping | `VMAD` | ✅ |
| Vertex Map Parameter | `VMPA` | ✅ |
| [Envelope Definition](#envelope-subchunks) | `ENVL` | ✅ |
| [Image (-Sequence)](#clip-subchunks) | `CLIP` | ✅ |
| [Surface Definition](#surface-subchunks) | `SURF` | ✅ |
| Bounding Box | `BBOX` | ✅ |
| Description Line | `DESC` | ✅ |
| Commentary Text | `TEXT` | ✅ |
| Thumbnail Icon Image | `ICON` | ✅ |
### Envelope Subchunks
| Chunk | Tag | Status |
| Envelope Type | `TYPE` | ✅ |
| Pre-Behavior | `PRE` | ✅ |
| Post-Behavior | `POST` | ✅ |
| Keyframe Time and Value | `KEY` | ✅ |
| Interval Interpolation | `SPAN` | ✅ |
| Plugin Channel Modifiers | `CHAN` | ✅ |
| Channel Name | `NAME` | ✅ |
### Clip Subchunks
| Chunk | Tag | Status |
| Still Image | `STIL` | ✅ |
| Image Sequence | `ISEQ` | ✅ |
| Plugin Animation | `ANIM` | ✅ |
| Reference (Clone) | `XREF` | ✅ |
| Flag (Undocumented) | `FLAG` | ⚠️ |
| Color-cycling Still | `STCC` | ✅ |
| Time | `TIME` | ✅ |
| Color Space RGB | `CLRS` | ✅ |
| Color Space Alpha | `CLRA` | ✅ |
| Image Filtering | `FILT` | ✅ |
| Image Dithering | `DITH` | ✅ |
| Contrast | `CONT` | ✅ |
| Brightness | `BRIT` | ✅ |
| Saturation | `SATR` | ✅ |
| Hue | `HUE` | ✅ |
| Gamma Correction | `GAMM` | ✅ |
| Negative | `NEGA` | ✅ |
| Plugin Image Filters | `IFLT` | ✅ |
| Plugin Pixel Filters | `PFLT` | ✅ |
### Surface Subchunks
### Basic Surface Parameters
| Chunk | Tag | Status |
| Base Color | `COLR` | ✅ |
| Base Shading Values | `DIFF`
`TRNL` | ✅ |
| Specular Glossiness | `GLOS` | ✅ |
| Diffuse Sharpness | `SHRP` | ✅ |
| Bump Intensity | `BUMP` | ✅ |
| Polygon Sidedness | `SIDE` | ✅ |
| Max Smoothing Angle | `SMAN` | ✅ |
| Reflection Options | `RFOP` | ✅ |
| Reflection Map Image | `RIMG` | ✅ |
| Reflection Map Image Seam Angle | `RSAN` | ✅ |
| Reflection Blurring | `RBLR` | ✅ |
| Refractive Index | `RIND` | ✅ |
| Transparency Options | `TROP` | ✅ |
| Refraction Map Image | `TIMG` | ✅ |
| Refraction Blurring | `TBLR` | ✅ |
| Color Highlights | `CLRH` | ✅ |
| Color Filter | `CLRF` | ✅ |
| Additive Transparency | `ADRT` | ✅ |
| Glow Effect | `GLOW` | ✅ |
| Render Outlines | `LINE` | ✅ |
| Alpha Mode | `ALPH` | ✅ |
| Vertex Color Map | `VCOL` | ✅ |
| [Surface Blocks](#surface-blocks) | `BLOK` | ✅ |
### Surface Blocks
Ordinal Strings:
* ✅ [Image Texture Map](#image-texture-map) `IMAP`
* ✅ [Procedural Texture](#procedural-texture) `PROC`
* ✅ [Gradient Texture](#gradient-texture) `GRAD`
* ✅ [Shader Plugin](#shaders) `SHDR`
#### Shared
| Chunk | Tag | Status |
| Texture Channel | `CHAN` | ✅ |
| Enable State | `ENAB` | ✅ |
| Opacity | `OPAC` | ✅ |
| Displacement Axis | `AXIS` | ✅ |
| Negative (Undocumented) | `NEGA` | ⚠️ |
#### Texture Mapping
| Chunk | Tag | Status |
| Positioning | `CNTR`
`ROTA` | ✅ |
| Reference Object | `OREF` | ✅ |
| Falloff | `FALL` | ✅ |
| Coordinate System | `CSYS` | ✅ |
#### Image Texture Map
| Chunk | Tag | Status |
| [Texture Mapping](#texture-mapping) | `TMAP` | ✅ |
| Projection Mode | `PROJ` | ✅ |
| Major Axis | `AXIS` | ✅ |
| Image Map | `IMAG` | ✅ |
| Image Wrap Options | `WRAP` | ✅ |
| Image Wrap Amount | `WRPW`
`WRPH` | ✅ |
| UV Vertex Map | `VMAP` | ✅ |
| Antialiasing Strength | `AAST` | ✅ |
| Pixel Blending | `PIXB` | ✅ |
| Sticky Projection | `STCK` | ✅ |
| Texture Ampliture | `TAMP` | ✅ |
#### Procedural Texture
| Chunk | Tag | Status |
| Axis | `AXIS` | ✅ |
| Basic Value | `VALU` | ✅ |
| Algorithm and Parameters | `FUNC` | ✅ |
#### Gradient Texture
| Chunk | Tag | Status |
| Parameter Name | `PNAM` | ✅ |
| Item Name | `INAM` | ✅ |
| Gradient Range | `GRST`
`GREN` | ✅ |
| Repeat Mode | `GRPT` | ✅ |
| Key Values | `FKEY` | ✅ |
| Key Parameters | `IKEY` | ✅ |
#### Shaders
| Chunk | Tag | Status |
| Shader Algorithm | `FUNC` | ✅ |