# 1.3.0 * Support installing release candidate CPython builds. # 1.2.0 * Support installing CPython debug builds. # 1.1.2 * Improve UX of `lilyenv list` when no virtualenvs exist yet. * Omit metadata file `directory` from `lilyenv list` output. # 1.1.1 * Fix paths in `sysconfig` and `pkgconfig` to match the interpreter's location after being downloaded. # 1.1.0 * Add `lilyenv site-packages` command to open a subshell in a virtualenv's site-packages. # 1.0.2 * Set `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` for in activated virtualenvs to allow linking the python interpreter in other programs. # 1.0.1 * Fix README formatting on crates.io. # 1.0.0 * Initial release.