/* * Copyright (c) Peter Bjorklund. All rights reserved. https://github.com/swamp/limnus * Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information. */ use limnus_macros::Message; use limnus_message::{Message, MessageStorage}; use std::fmt::Debug; /// Example message type for testing. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Message, Debug)] pub struct MyMessage { pub secret: u8, } /// Another message type for testing multiple message types. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Message, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct AnotherMessage { pub data: u32, } /// Generic message type for testing generics support. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Message, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct GenericMessage { pub value: T, } #[test_log::test] fn swapping() { let mut storage = MessageStorage::new(); storage.register_message_type::(); { let msg_queue = storage .get_mut::() .expect("we just registered MyMessage"); msg_queue.send(MyMessage { secret: 42 }); } { let msg_queue_to_read = storage .get::() .expect("we just registered MyMessage"); assert_eq!(msg_queue_to_read.len_current(), 1); let mut count = 0; for my_message in msg_queue_to_read.iter_current() { assert_eq!(my_message.secret, 42); count += 1; } assert_eq!(count, 1); } storage.swap_all(); { let queue_left = storage .get::() .expect("we just registered MyMessage"); assert_eq!(queue_left.len_previous(), 1); assert_eq!(queue_left.len_current(), 0); } storage.swap_all(); { let empty_queue = storage .get::() .expect("we just registered MyMessage"); assert_eq!(empty_queue.len_previous(), 0); assert_eq!(empty_queue.len_current(), 0); } } #[test_log::test] fn send_message_with_generic_type() { let mut storage = MessageStorage::new(); // Use send_message to send a generic message without prior registration let _ = storage.send(GenericMessage { value: 42.42 }); // Verify that GenericMessage was automatically registered and message was sent { let msg_queue = storage .get::>() .expect("GenericMessage should be automatically registered"); assert_eq!(msg_queue.len_current(), 1); let msg = msg_queue.iter_current().next().unwrap(); assert_eq!(msg.value, 42.42); } // Swap messages storage.swap_all(); // Verify previous messages { let msg_queue = storage .get::>() .expect("GenericMessage should be automatically registered"); assert_eq!(msg_queue.len_previous(), 1); assert_eq!(msg_queue.len_current(), 0); let msg = msg_queue.iter_previous().next().unwrap(); assert_eq!(msg.value, 42.42); } } #[test_log::test] fn multiple_message_types() { let mut storage = MessageStorage::new(); storage.register_message_type::(); storage.register_message_type::(); // Send messages of different types { let my_msg_queue = storage .get_mut::() .expect("MyMessage should be registered"); my_msg_queue.send(MyMessage { secret: 100 }); let another_msg_queue = storage .get_mut::() .expect("AnotherMessage should be registered"); another_msg_queue.send(AnotherMessage { data: 999 }); } // Verify current messages for both types { let my_msg_queue = storage .get::() .expect("MyMessage should be registered"); assert_eq!(my_msg_queue.len_current(), 1); let my_msg = my_msg_queue.iter_current().next().unwrap(); assert_eq!(my_msg.secret, 100); let another_msg_queue = storage .get::() .expect("AnotherMessage should be registered"); assert_eq!(another_msg_queue.len_current(), 1); let another_msg = another_msg_queue.iter_current().next().unwrap(); assert_eq!(another_msg.data, 999); } // Swap messages storage.swap_all(); // Verify previous messages for both types { let my_msg_queue = storage .get::() .expect("MyMessage should be registered"); assert_eq!(my_msg_queue.len_previous(), 1); let my_msg = my_msg_queue.iter_previous().next().unwrap(); assert_eq!(my_msg.secret, 100); let another_msg_queue = storage .get::() .expect("AnotherMessage should be registered"); assert_eq!(another_msg_queue.len_previous(), 1); let another_msg = another_msg_queue.iter_previous().next().unwrap(); assert_eq!(another_msg.data, 999); } // Swap again to clear messages storage.swap_all(); // Verify all messages are cleared { let my_msg_queue = storage .get::() .expect("MyMessage should be registered"); assert_eq!(my_msg_queue.len_previous(), 0); assert_eq!(my_msg_queue.len_current(), 0); let another_msg_queue = storage .get::() .expect("AnotherMessage should be registered"); assert_eq!(another_msg_queue.len_previous(), 0); assert_eq!(another_msg_queue.len_current(), 0); } }