# Lindera IPADIC NEologd Builder [![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-yellow.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/lindera-morphology/lindera](https://badges.gitter.im/lindera-morphology/lindera.svg)](https://gitter.im/lindera-morphology/lindera?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/lindera-ipadic-neologd-builder.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/lindera-ipadic-neologd-builder) IPADIC NEologd dictionary builder for [Lindera](https://github.com/lindera-morphology/lindera). This project fork from [kuromoji-rs](https://github.com/fulmicoton/kuromoji-rs). ## Dictionary version This repository contains [mecab-ipadic-neologd](https://github.com/lindera-morphology/mecab-ipadic-neologd). ## Dictionary format Refer to the [manual](https://ja.osdn.net/projects/ipadic/docs/ipadic-2.7.0-manual-en.pdf/en/1/ipadic-2.7.0-manual-en.pdf.pdf) for details on the IPADIC dictionary format and part-of-speech tags. | Index | Name (Japanese) | Name (English) | Notes | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 0 | 表層形 | Surface | | | 1 | 左文脈ID | Left context ID | | | 2 | 右文脈ID | Right context ID | | | 3 | コスト | Cost | | | 4 | 品詞 | Major POS classification | | | 5 | 品詞細分類1 | Middle POS classification | | | 6 | 品詞細分類2 | Small POS classification | | | 7 | 品詞細分類3 | Fine POS classification | | | 8 | 活用形 | Conjugation type | | | 9 | 活用型 | Conjugation form | | | 10 | 原形 | Base form | | | 11 | 読み | Reading | | | 12 | 発音 | Pronunciation | | ## User dictionary format (CSV) ### Simple version | Index | Name (Japanese) | Name (English) | Notes | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 0 | 表層形 | surface | | | 1 | 品詞 | Major POS classification | | | 2 | 読み | Reading | | ### Detailed version | Index | Name (Japanese) | Name (English) | Notes | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 0 | 表層形 | Surface | | | 1 | 左文脈ID | Left context ID | | | 2 | 右文脈ID | Right context ID | | | 3 | コスト | Cost | | | 4 | 品詞 | POS | | | 5 | 品詞細分類1 | POS subcategory 1 | | | 6 | 品詞細分類2 | POS subcategory 2 | | | 7 | 品詞細分類3 | POS subcategory 3 | | | 8 | 活用形 | Conjugation type | | | 9 | 活用型 | Conjugation form | | | 10 | 原形 | Base form | | | 11 | 読み | Reading | | | 12 | 発音 | Pronunciation | | | 13 | - | - | After 13, it can be freely expanded. | ## How to use IPADIC dictionary For more details about `lindera` command, please refer to the following URL: - [Lindera CLI](https://github.com/lindera-morphology/lindera/tree/main/lindera-cli) ## API reference The API reference is available. Please see following URL: - [lindera-ipadic-neologd-builder](https://docs.rs/lindera-ipadic-neologd-builder)