# line2httppost Simple tool to read lines from stdin and post each line as separate POST request to a specified URL (TCP connection is reused though). Good together with [postsse](https://github.com/vi/postsse). # Features * Connects to http and https, both http1 and http2. * Logging of errors during connection or failed response statuses. # Limitations * No advanced options like line delimiter * It waits for reposnse from server before sending the next line, so RTT affects thoughput. * Each line is fully buffered prior to starting the request, no streaming/chunking. # Installation Download pre-built executables from [Github releases](https://github.com/vi/line2httppost/releases/), install it from source code with `cargo install --path .` or from crates.io with `cargo install line2httppost`. # Example ``` $ line2httppost http://example.com 123 ABC ``` ``` POST / HTTP/1.1 content-type: text/plain host: example.com content-length: 3 123 POST / HTTP/1.1 content-type: text/plain host: example.com content-length: 3 ABC ```