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Formatted using the Markdown syntax, as specified by [CommonMark](https://commonmark.org/).", "name": "reason", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } ], "description": "Marks an element of a GraphQL schema as no longer supported.", "locations": [ "FIELD_DEFINITION", "ARGUMENT_DEFINITION", "INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION", "ENUM_VALUE" ], "name": "deprecated" }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The URL that specifies the behaviour of this scalar.", "name": "url", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "description": "Exposes a URL that specifies the behaviour of this scalar.", "locations": [ "SCALAR" ], "name": "specifiedBy" } ], "mutationType": { "name": "Mutation" }, "queryType": { "name": "Query" }, "subscriptionType": null, "types": [ { "description": null, "enumValues": null, "fields": [ { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Indicates if there are more results when paginating backward.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "hasPreviousPage", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Indicates if there are more results when paginating forward.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "hasNextPage", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Cursor representing the first result in the paginated results.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "startCursor", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Cursor representing the last result in the paginated results.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "endCursor", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } ], "inputFields": null, "interfaces": [], "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "PageInfo", "possibleTypes": null }, { "description": "The `Boolean` scalar type represents `true` or `false`.", "enumValues": null, "fields": null, "inputFields": null, "interfaces": null, "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "possibleTypes": null }, { "description": "The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.", "enumValues": null, "fields": null, "inputFields": null, "interfaces": null, "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "possibleTypes": null }, { "description": "An API key. Grants access to the user's resources.", "enumValues": null, "fields": [ { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "The unique identifier of the entity.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "ID", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "The time at which the entity was created.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "createdAt", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "DateTime", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "The last time at which the entity was updated. This is the same as the creation time if the\n entity hasn't been updated after creation.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "updatedAt", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "DateTime", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "The time at which the entity was archived. Null if the entity has not been archived.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "archivedAt", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "DateTime", "ofType": null } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "The label of the API key.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "label", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "inputFields": null, "interfaces": [ { "kind": "INTERFACE", "name": "Node", "ofType": null } ], "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "ApiKey", "possibleTypes": null }, { "description": "The `ID` scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. 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"ofType": null } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Whether to allow zeros in issues estimates.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "issueEstimationAllowZero", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Whether to move issues to bottom of the column when changing state.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "issueSortOrderDefaultToBottom", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Whether to add additional points to the estimate scale.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "issueEstimationExtended", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "What to use as an default estimate for unestimated 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[], "deprecationReason": "Use defaultTemplateForMembers instead", "description": "The id of the default template to use for new issues created by members of the team.", "isDeprecated": true, "name": "defaultTemplateForMembersId", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "The default template to use for new issues created by non-members of the team.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "defaultTemplateForNonMembers", "type": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "Template", "ofType": null } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": "Use defaultTemplateForNonMembers instead", "description": "The id of the default template to use for new issues created by non-members of the team.", "isDeprecated": true, "name": "defaultTemplateForNonMembersId", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "The workflow state into which issues are set when they are 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"deprecationReason": null, "description": "The workflow state into which issues are moved when a review has been requested for the PR.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "reviewWorkflowState", "type": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "WorkflowState", "ofType": null } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "The workflow state into which issues are moved when a PR has been merged.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "mergeWorkflowState", "type": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "WorkflowState", "ofType": null } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Whether to group recent issue history entries.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "groupIssueHistory", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Whether to send new issue notifications to Slack.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "slackNewIssue", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Whether to send new issue comment notifications to Slack.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "slackIssueComments", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Whether to send new issue status updates to Slack.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "slackIssueStatuses", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Period after which issues are automatically closed in months. 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Defaults to the first canceled state.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "markedAsDuplicateWorkflowState", "type": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "WorkflowState", "ofType": null } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Calendar feed URL (iCal) for cycles.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "cycleCalenderUrl", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Filter returned issues.", "name": "filter", "type": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "IssueFilter", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "A cursor to be used with last for backward pagination.", "name": "before", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "A cursor to be used with first for forward pagination", "name": "after", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The number of items to forward paginate (used with after). 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Use roadmaps instead.", "description": "Milestones associated with the organization.", "isDeprecated": true, "name": "milestones", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "MilestoneConnection", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "A cursor to be used with last for backward pagination.", "name": "before", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "A cursor to be used with first for forward pagination", "name": "after", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The number of items to forward paginate (used with after). Defaults to 50.", "name": "first", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Int", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The number of items to backward paginate (used with before). 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Dimensions should be 20x20px for optimal display quality.", "name": "iconUrl", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Attachment metadata object with string and number values.", "name": "metadata", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "JSONObject", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Indicates if attachments for the same source application should be grouped in the Linear UI.", "name": "groupBySource", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Create a linked comment with markdown body.", "name": "commentBody", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Create a linked comment with Prosemirror body. Please use `commentBody` instead", "name": "commentBodyData", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "JSONObject", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Create attachment as a user with the provided name. This option is only available to OAuth applications creating attachments in `actor=application` mode.", "name": "createAsUser", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } ], "interfaces": null, "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "AttachmentCreateInput", "possibleTypes": null }, { "description": null, "enumValues": null, "fields": null, "inputFields": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The attachment title.", "name": "title", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The attachment subtitle.", "name": "subtitle", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Attachment metadata object with string and number values.", "name": "metadata", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "JSONObject", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "An icon url to display with the attachment. Should be of jpg or png format. Maximum of 1MB in size. Dimensions should be 20x20px for optimal display quality.", "name": "iconUrl", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } ], "interfaces": null, "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "AttachmentUpdateInput", "possibleTypes": null }, { "description": "Audit entry filtering options.", "enumValues": null, "fields": null, "inputFields": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Comparator for the identifier.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "IDComparator", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Comparator for the created at date.", "name": "createdAt", "type": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "DateComparator", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Comparator for the updated at date.", "name": "updatedAt", "type": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "DateComparator", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Comparator for the type.", "name": "type", "type": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": 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"String", "ofType": null } } ], "interfaces": null, "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "OnboardingCustomerSurvey", "possibleTypes": null }, { "description": null, "enumValues": null, "fields": null, "inputFields": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The name of the organization.", "name": "name", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The URL key of the organization.", "name": "urlKey", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Whether the organization should allow email domain access.", "name": "domainAccess", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The timezone of the organization, passed in by client.", "name": "timezone", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "JSON serialized UTM parameters associated with the creation of the workspace.", "name": "utm", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } ], "interfaces": null, "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "CreateOrganizationInput", "possibleTypes": null }, { "description": null, "enumValues": null, "fields": null, "inputFields": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the organization.", "name": "organizationId", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "interfaces": null, "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "JoinOrganizationInput", "possibleTypes": null }, { "description": null, "enumValues": null, "fields": null, "inputFields": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The email for which to generate the magic login code.", "name": "email", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Whether the login was requested from the desktop app.", "name": "isDesktop", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Auth code for the client initiating the sequence.", "name": "clientAuthCode", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Signup code.", "name": "signupCode", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } ], "interfaces": null, "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "EmailUserAccountAuthChallengeInput", "possibleTypes": null }, { "description": null, "enumValues": null, "fields": null, "inputFields": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The email which to login via the magic login code.", "name": "email", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The magic login code.", "name": "token", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The timezone of the user's browser.", "name": "timezone", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifiers of the teams to auto-join.", "name": "teamIdsToJoin", "type": { "kind": "LIST", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } } ], "interfaces": null, "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "TokenUserAccountAuthInput", "possibleTypes": null }, { "description": null, "enumValues": null, "fields": null, "inputFields": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Code returned from Google's OAuth flow.", "name": "code", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The URI to redirect the user to.", "name": "redirectUri", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The timezone of the user's browser.", "name": "timezone", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifiers of the teams to auto-join.", "name": "teamIdsToJoin", "type": { "kind": "LIST", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Signup code.", "name": "signupCode", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } ], "interfaces": null, "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "GoogleUserAccountAuthInput", "possibleTypes": null }, { "description": null, "enumValues": null, "fields": null, "inputFields": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier. If none is provided, the backend will generate one.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The comment content in markdown format.", "name": "body", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The comment content as a Prosemirror document.", "name": "bodyData", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "JSON", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The issue to associate the comment with.", "name": "issueId", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "[Internal] The parent under which to nest the comment.", "name": "parentId", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Create comment as a user with the provided name. This option is only available to OAuth applications creating comments in `actor=application` mode.", "name": "createAsUser", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Provide an external user avatar URL. Can only be used in conjunction with the `createAsUser` options. This option is only available to OAuth applications creating comments in `actor=application` mode.", "name": "displayIconUrl", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The date when the comment was created (e.g. if importing from another system). Must be a date in the past. If none is provided, the backend will generate the time as now.", "name": "createdAt", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "DateTime", "ofType": null } } ], "interfaces": null, "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "CommentCreateInput", "possibleTypes": null }, { "description": null, "enumValues": null, "fields": null, "inputFields": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The comment content.", "name": "body", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The comment content as a Prosemirror document.", "name": "bodyData", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "JSON", "ofType": null } } ], "interfaces": null, "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "CommentUpdateInput", "possibleTypes": null }, { "description": null, "enumValues": null, "fields": null, "inputFields": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The type of support contact.", "name": "type", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The message the user sent.", "name": "message", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "User's operating system.", "name": "operatingSystem", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "User's browser information.", "name": "browser", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "User's device information.", "name": "device", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "User's Linear client information.", "name": "clientVersion", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "How disappointed the user would be if they could no longer use Linear.", "name": "disappointmentRating", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Int", "ofType": null } } ], "interfaces": null, "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "ContactCreateInput", "possibleTypes": null }, { "description": "[INTERNAL] Input for sending a message to the Linear Sales team", "enumValues": null, "fields": null, "inputFields": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Name of the person requesting information.", "name": "name", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Work email of the person requesting information.", "name": "email", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The message the user sent.", "name": "message", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } ], "interfaces": null, "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "ContactSalesCreateInput", "possibleTypes": null }, { "description": null, "enumValues": null, "fields": null, "inputFields": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier. 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This option is only available to OAuth applications creating issues in `actor=application` mode.", "name": "createAsUser", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Provide an external user avatar URL. Can only be used in conjunction with the `createAsUser` options. This option is only available to OAuth applications creating comments in `actor=application` mode.", "name": "displayIconUrl", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The date when the issue was created (e.g. if importing from another system). Must be a date in the past. If none is provided, the backend will generate the time as now.", "name": "createdAt", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "DateTime", "ofType": null } } ], "interfaces": null, "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "IssueCreateInput", "possibleTypes": null }, { "description": null, "enumValues": null, "fields": null, "inputFields": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The issue title.", "name": "title", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The issue description in markdown format.", "name": "description", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The issue description as a Prosemirror document.", "name": "descriptionData", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "JSON", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the user to assign the issue to.", "name": "assigneeId", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the parent issue.", "name": "parentId", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The priority of the issue.", "name": "priority", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Int", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The estimated complexity of the issue.", "name": "estimate", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Int", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifiers of the users subscribing to this ticket.", "name": "subscriberIds", "type": { "kind": "LIST", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifiers of the issue labels associated with this ticket.", "name": "labelIds", "type": { "kind": "LIST", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier or key of the team associated with the issue.", "name": "teamId", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The cycle associated with the issue.", "name": "cycleId", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The project associated with the issue.", "name": "projectId", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The team state of the issue.", "name": "stateId", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The position of the issue in its column on the board view.", "name": "boardOrder", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Float", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The position of the issue related to other issues.", "name": "sortOrder", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Float", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The position of the issue in parent's sub-issue list.", "name": "subIssueSortOrder", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Float", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The date at which the issue is due.", "name": "dueDate", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "TimelessDate", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Wether the issue has been trashed.", "name": "trashed", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The time until an issue will be snoozed in Triage view.", "name": "snoozedUntilAt", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "DateTime", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the user who snoozed the issue.", "name": "snoozedById", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } ], "interfaces": null, "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "IssueUpdateInput", "possibleTypes": null }, { "description": null, "enumValues": null, "fields": null, "inputFields": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier. 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After that it will appear in the inbox again.", "name": "snoozedUntilAt", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "DateTime", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The id of the project update related to the notification.", "name": "projectUpdateId", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } ], "interfaces": null, "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "NotificationUpdateInput", "possibleTypes": null }, { "description": null, "enumValues": null, "fields": null, "inputFields": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier. 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Defaults to 50.", "name": "first", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Int", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The number of items to backward paginate (used with before). Defaults to 50.", "name": "last", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Int", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Should archived resources be included (default: false)", "name": "includeArchived", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "By which field should the pagination order by. Available options are createdAt (default) and updatedAt.", "name": "orderBy", "type": { "kind": "ENUM", "name": "PaginationOrderBy", "ofType": null } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "All API keys for the user.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "apiKeys", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "ApiKeyConnection", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The client ID of the application.", "name": "clientId", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Get basic information for an application.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "applicationInfo", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "Application", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The IDs of the applications.", "name": "ids", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "LIST", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "[INTERNAL] Get basic information for a list of applications", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "applicationInfoByIds", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "LIST", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "Application", "ofType": null } } } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": "\"user\"", "description": "Actor mode used for the authorization.", "name": "actor", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Redirect URI for the application.", "name": "redirectUri", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Scopes being requested by the application", "name": "scope", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "LIST", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The client ID of the application.", "name": "clientId", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Get information for an application and whether a user has approved it for the given scopes.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "applicationWithAuthorization", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "UserAuthorizedApplication", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "[INTERNAL] Get all authorized applications for a user", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "authorizedApplications", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "LIST", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "AuthorizedApplication", "ofType": null } } } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "[INTERNAL] Get all authorized applications (with limited fields) for a workspace", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "workspaceAuthorizedApplications", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "LIST", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "WorkspaceAuthorizedApplication", "ofType": null } } } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Filter returned attachments.", "name": "filter", "type": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "AttachmentFilter", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "A cursor to be used with last for backward pagination.", "name": "before", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "A cursor to be used with first for forward pagination", "name": "after", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The number of items to forward paginate (used with after). Defaults to 50.", "name": "first", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Int", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The number of items to backward paginate (used with before). Defaults to 50.", "name": "last", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Int", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Should archived resources be included (default: false)", "name": "includeArchived", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "By which field should the pagination order by. Available options are createdAt (default) and updatedAt.", "name": "orderBy", "type": { "kind": "ENUM", "name": "PaginationOrderBy", "ofType": null } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "All issue attachments.\n\nTo get attachments for a given URL, use `attachmentsForURL` query.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "attachments", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "AttachmentConnection", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": null, "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "\nOne specific issue attachment.\n[Deprecated] 'url' can no longer be used as the 'id' parameter. Use 'attachmentsForUrl' instead", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "attachment", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "Attachment", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "A cursor to be used with last for backward pagination.", "name": "before", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "A cursor to be used with first for forward pagination", "name": "after", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The number of items to forward paginate (used with after). Defaults to 50.", "name": "first", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Int", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The number of items to backward paginate (used with before). Defaults to 50.", "name": "last", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Int", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Should archived resources be included (default: false)", "name": "includeArchived", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "By which field should the pagination order by. Available options are createdAt (default) and updatedAt.", "name": "orderBy", "type": { "kind": "ENUM", "name": "PaginationOrderBy", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The attachment URL.", "name": "url", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Returns issue attachments for a given `url`.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "attachmentsForURL", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "AttachmentConnection", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "`id` of the attachment for which you'll want to get the issue for. [Deprecated] `url` as the `id` parameter.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": "Will be removed in near future, please use `attachmentsForURL` to get attachments and their issues instead.", "description": "\nQuery an issue by its associated attachment, and its id.\n", "isDeprecated": true, "name": "attachmentIssue", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "Issue", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "List of audit entry types.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "auditEntryTypes", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "LIST", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "AuditEntryType", "ofType": null } } } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Filter returned audit entries.", "name": "filter", "type": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "AuditEntryFilter", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "A cursor to be used with last for backward pagination.", "name": "before", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "A cursor to be used with first for forward pagination", "name": "after", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The number of items to forward paginate (used with after). Defaults to 50.", "name": "first", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Int", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The number of items to backward paginate (used with before). Defaults to 50.", "name": "last", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Int", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Should archived resources be included (default: false)", "name": "includeArchived", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "By which field should the pagination order by. 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To retrieve the authenticated user, use `viewer` query.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "One specific user.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "user", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "User", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "The currently authenticated user.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "viewer", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "User", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "The user's settings.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "userSettings", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "UserSettings", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "A cursor to be used with last for backward pagination.", "name": "before", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "A cursor to be used with first for forward pagination", "name": "after", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The number of items to forward paginate (used with after). 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[ { "deprecationReason": null, "description": null, "isDeprecated": false, "name": "includeTrash" }, { "deprecationReason": null, "description": null, "isDeprecated": false, "name": "excludeTrash" }, { "deprecationReason": null, "description": null, "isDeprecated": false, "name": "trashOnly" } ], "fields": null, "inputFields": null, "interfaces": null, "kind": "ENUM", "name": "TrashOptionType", "possibleTypes": null }, { "description": null, "enumValues": null, "fields": [ { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The event to create.", "name": "input", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "EventCreateInput", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "[Deprecated] Creates a new event.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "eventCreate", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "EventPayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": 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"NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "AttachmentCreateInput", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Creates a new attachment, or updates existing if the same `url` and `issueId` is used.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "attachmentCreate", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "AttachmentPayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "A partial attachment object to update the attachment with.", "name": "input", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "AttachmentUpdateInput", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the attachment to update.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Updates an existing issue attachment.", 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{ "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The issue for which to link the Zendesk ticket.", "name": "issueId", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The Zendesk ticket ID to link.", "name": "ticketId", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Link an existing Zendesk ticket to an issue.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "attachmentLinkZendesk", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "AttachmentPayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The issue for which to link the Discord message.", "name": "issueId", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The 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"kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "AttachmentPayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the attachment to archive.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": "This mutation is deprecated, please use `attachmentDelete` instead", "description": "[DEPRECATED] Archives an issue attachment.", "isDeprecated": true, "name": "attachmentArchive", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "ArchivePayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the attachment to delete.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Deletes an issue attachment.", "isDeprecated": false, 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"name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "GoogleUserAccountAuthInput", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Authenticate user account through Google OAuth. This is the 2nd step of OAuth flow.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "googleUserAccountAuth", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "AuthResolverResponse", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Onboarding survey.", "name": "survey", "type": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "OnboardingCustomerSurvey", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Organization details for the new organization.", "name": "input", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "CreateOrganizationInput", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Creates an organization from onboarding.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "createOrganizationFromOnboarding", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "CreateOrJoinOrganizationResponse", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": 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"SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": "This query will soon be deprecated, please use `attachmentArchive` instead", "description": "Archives an integration resource.", "isDeprecated": true, "name": "integrationResourceArchive", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "ArchivePayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The settings to create.", "name": "input", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "IntegrationsSettingsCreateInput", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Creates new settings for one or more integrations.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "integrationsSettingsCreate", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "IntegrationsSettingsPayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "A settings object to update 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When teamId is not set.", "name": "teamName", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "ID of the team into which to import data.", "name": "teamId", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "ID of the organization into which to import data.", "name": "organizationId", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Kicks off a GitHub import job.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "issueImportCreateGithub", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "IssueImportPayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "ID of issue import. 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Can't be more than 50 at a time.", "name": "ids", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "LIST", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "UUID", "ofType": null } } } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Updates multiple issues at once.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "issueBatchUpdate", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "IssueBatchPayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Whether to trash the issue", "name": "trash", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the issue to archive.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Archives an issue.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "issueArchive", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "ArchivePayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the issue to archive.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Unarchives an issue.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "issueUnarchive", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "ArchivePayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the issue to delete.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Deletes (trashes) an issue.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "issueDelete", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "ArchivePayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The issue object to create.", "name": "input", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "MilestoneCreateInput", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": "Milestones will be removed. 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Use roadmaps instead.", "description": "Updates a milestone.", "isDeprecated": true, "name": "milestoneUpdate", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "MilestonePayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the milestone to delete.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": "Milestones will be removed. 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"NotificationUpdateInput", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the notification to update.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Updates a notification.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "notificationUpdate", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "NotificationPayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The id of the notification to archive.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Archives a notification.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "notificationArchive", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "ArchivePayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { 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"NotificationSubscriptionPayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "A partial notification subscription object to update the notification subscription with.", "name": "input", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "NotificationSubscriptionUpdateInput", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the notification subscription to update.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Updates a notification subscription.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "notificationSubscriptionUpdate", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "NotificationSubscriptionPayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the notification subscription reference to 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"deprecationReason": null, "description": "[Internal] Creates a temporary authentication code that can be exchanged for an OAuth token.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "oauthAuthStringChallenge", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "OauthAuthStringChallengePayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The auth string to authenticate.", "name": "authString", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the OAuth client that's trying to authenticate.", "name": "appId", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "[Internal] Authenticates an auth string by the user.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "oauthAuthStringAuthorize", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "OauthAuthStringAuthorizePayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The auth string to authenticate.", "name": "authString", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the OAuth client that's trying to authenticate.", "name": "appId", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "[Internal] Returns an access token once the auth string has been authenticated.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "oauthAuthStringCheck", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "OauthAuthStringCheckPayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The OAuth client approval request object to create.", "name": "input", 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"OauthClientUpdateInput", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the OAuth client to update.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Updates an OAuth client.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "oauthClientUpdate", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "OauthClientPayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the OAuth client to archive.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Archives an OAuth client.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "oauthClientArchive", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "ArchivePayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the OAuth client for which we want to rotate the secret.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Updates an OAuth client.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "oauthClientRotateSecret", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "RotateSecretPayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The group of scopes for the tokens to be revoked.", "name": "scope", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "LIST", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the OAuth client for the tokens to be revoked.", "name": "appId", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Revokes an OAuth token.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "oauthTokenRevoke", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "OauthTokenRevokePayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The group of scopes for the tokens to be revoked.", "name": "scope", "type": { "kind": "LIST", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the OAuth client for the tokens to be revoked.", "name": "appId", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "[INTERNAL] Revokes all OAuth tokens in a workspace for a given app and scope set.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "oauthTokenWorkspaceRevoke", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "OauthTokensRevokePayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The ID of the organization domain to claim.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "[INTERNAL] Verifies a domain claim.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "organizationDomainClaim", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "OrganizationDomainSimplePayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The organization domain to verify.", "name": "input", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "OrganizationDomainVerificationInput", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "[INTERNAL] Verifies a domain to 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"OrganizationInviteUpdateInput", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the organization invite to update.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Updates an organization invite.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "organizationInviteUpdate", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "OrganizationInvitePayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the organization invite to be re-send.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Re-send an organization invite.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "resendOrganizationInvite", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "ArchivePayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the organization invite to delete.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Deletes an organization invite.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "organizationInviteDelete", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "ArchivePayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "A partial organization object to update the organization with.", "name": "input", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "UpdateOrganizationInput", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Updates the user's organization.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "organizationUpdate", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "OrganizationPayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Get an organization's delete confirmation token. Administrator privileges required.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "organizationDeleteChallenge", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "OrganizationDeletePayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Information required to delete an organization.", "name": "input", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "DeleteOrganizationInput", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Delete's an organization. Administrator privileges required.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "organizationDelete", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "OrganizationDeletePayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Cancels the deletion of an organization. Administrator privileges required.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "organizationCancelDelete", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "OrganizationCancelDeletePayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The project link object to create.", "name": "input", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "ProjectLinkCreateInput", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Creates a new project link.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "projectLinkCreate", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "ProjectLinkPayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The project link object to update.", "name": "input", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "ProjectLinkUpdateInput", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the project link to update.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Updates a project link.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "projectLinkUpdate", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "ProjectLinkPayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the project link to delete.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Deletes a project link.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "projectLinkDelete", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "ArchivePayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The issue object to create.", "name": "input", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "ProjectCreateInput", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Creates a new project.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "projectCreate", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "ProjectPayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "A partial project object to update the project with.", "name": "input", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "INPUT_OBJECT", "name": "ProjectUpdateInput", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the project to update. Also the identifier from the URL is accepted.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Updates a project.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "projectUpdate", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "ProjectPayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the project to delete. Also the identifier from the URL is accepted.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Deletes a project. 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Use `me` to reference currently authenticated user.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Updates a user. Only available to organization admins and the user themselves.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "userUpdate", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "UserPayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The Discord OAuth redirect URI.", "name": "redirectUri", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } }, { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The Discord OAuth code.", "name": "code", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Connects the Discord user to this Linear account via OAuth2.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "userDiscordConnect", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "UserPayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The external service to disconnect", "name": "service", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Disconnects the external user from this Linear account.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "userExternalUserDisconnect", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "UserPayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the user to make an admin.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Makes user an admin. Can only be called by an admin.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "userPromoteAdmin", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "UserAdminPayload", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [ { "defaultValue": null, "description": "The identifier of the user to make a regular user.", "name": "id", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } } ], "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Makes user a regular user. 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Directives provide this by describing additional information to the executor.", "enumValues": null, "fields": [ { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": null, "isDeprecated": false, "name": "name", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": null, "isDeprecated": false, "name": "description", "type": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "String", "ofType": null } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": null, "isDeprecated": false, "name": "isRepeatable", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "SCALAR", "name": "Boolean", "ofType": null } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": null, "isDeprecated": false, "name": "locations", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "LIST", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "ENUM", "name": "__DirectiveLocation", "ofType": null } } } } }, { "args": [], "deprecationReason": null, "description": null, "isDeprecated": false, "name": "args", "type": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "LIST", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "NON_NULL", "name": null, "ofType": { "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "__InputValue", "ofType": null } } } } } ], "inputFields": null, "interfaces": [], "kind": "OBJECT", "name": "__Directive", "possibleTypes": null }, { "description": "A Directive can be adjacent to many parts of the GraphQL language, a __DirectiveLocation describes one such possible adjacencies.", "enumValues": [ { "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Location adjacent to a query operation.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "QUERY" }, { "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Location adjacent to a mutation operation.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "MUTATION" }, { "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Location adjacent to a subscription operation.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "SUBSCRIPTION" }, { "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Location adjacent to a field.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "FIELD" }, { "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Location adjacent to a fragment definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "FRAGMENT_DEFINITION" }, { "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Location adjacent to a fragment spread.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "FRAGMENT_SPREAD" }, { "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Location adjacent to an inline fragment.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "INLINE_FRAGMENT" }, { "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Location adjacent to a variable definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "VARIABLE_DEFINITION" }, { "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Location adjacent to a schema definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "SCHEMA" }, { "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Location adjacent to a scalar definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "SCALAR" }, { "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Location adjacent to an object type definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "OBJECT" }, { "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Location adjacent to a field definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "FIELD_DEFINITION" }, { "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Location adjacent to an argument definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "ARGUMENT_DEFINITION" }, { "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Location adjacent to an interface definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "INTERFACE" }, { "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Location adjacent to a union definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "UNION" }, { "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Location adjacent to an enum definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "ENUM" }, { "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Location adjacent to an enum value definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "ENUM_VALUE" }, { "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Location adjacent to an input object type definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "INPUT_OBJECT" }, { "deprecationReason": null, "description": "Location adjacent to an input object field definition.", "isDeprecated": false, "name": "INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION" } ], "fields": null, "inputFields": null, "interfaces": null, "kind": "ENUM", "name": "__DirectiveLocation", "possibleTypes": null } ] } } }