use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use proc_macro::TokenStream; use syn::parse::{Error, Parse, ParseStream, Result}; use syn::punctuated::Punctuated; use syn::{token, Token}; use wit_bindgen_core::{wit_parser::Interface, Direction, Files, Generator}; #[proc_macro] pub fn import(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { run(input, Direction::Import) } #[proc_macro] pub fn export(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { run(input, Direction::Export) } fn run(input: TokenStream, dir: Direction) -> TokenStream { let input = syn::parse_macro_input!(input as Opts); let mut gen =; let mut files = Files::default(); let (imports, exports) = match dir { Direction::Import => (input.interfaces, vec![]), Direction::Export => (vec![], input.interfaces), }; gen.generate_all(&imports, &exports, &mut files); let (_, contents) = files.iter().next().unwrap(); let mut contents = std::str::from_utf8(contents).unwrap().to_string(); // Include a dummy `include_str!` for any files we read so rustc knows that // we depend on the contents of those files. let cwd = std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap(); for file in input.files.iter() { contents.push_str(&format!( "const _: &str = include_str!(r#\"{}\"#);\n", Path::new(&cwd).join(file).display() )); } contents.parse().unwrap() } struct Opts { opts: wit_bindgen_gen_guest_rust::Opts, interfaces: Vec, files: Vec, } mod kw { syn::custom_keyword!(src); syn::custom_keyword!(paths); syn::custom_keyword!(unchecked); syn::custom_keyword!(multi_module); syn::custom_keyword!(export_macro); syn::custom_keyword!(types_path); syn::custom_keyword!(reexported_crate_path); } impl Parse for Opts { fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> Result { let mut opts = wit_bindgen_gen_guest_rust::Opts::default(); let call_site = proc_macro2::Span::call_site(); let mut files = Vec::new(); let interfaces = if input.peek(token::Brace) { let content; syn::braced!(content in input); let mut interfaces = Vec::new(); let fields = Punctuated::::parse_terminated(&content)?; for field in fields.into_pairs() { match field.into_value() { ConfigField::Unchecked => opts.unchecked = true, ConfigField::MultiModule => opts.multi_module = true, ConfigField::ExportMacro(name) => opts.export_macro = Some(name), ConfigField::TypesPath(path) => opts.types_path = Some(path), ConfigField::ReexportedCratePath(path) => { opts.reexported_crate_path = Some(path) } ConfigField::Interfaces(v) => interfaces = v, } } if interfaces.is_empty() { return Err(Error::new( call_site, "must either specify `src` or `paths` keys", )); } interfaces } else { while !input.is_empty() { if input.peek(kw::export_macro) { input.parse::()?; input.parse::()?; let macro_name = input.parse::()?.value(); opts.export_macro = Some(macro_name); } else if input.peek(kw::types_path) { input.parse::()?; input.parse::()?; let path = input.parse::()?.value(); opts.types_path = Some(path); } else if input.peek(kw::reexported_crate_path) { input.parse::()?; input.parse::()?; let path = input.parse::()?.value(); opts.reexported_crate_path = Some(path); } else { let s = input.parse::()?; files.push(s.value()); } } let mut interfaces = Vec::new(); let manifest_dir = PathBuf::from(std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap()); for path in files.iter() { let path = manifest_dir.join(path); let iface = Interface::parse_file(path).map_err(|e| Error::new(call_site, e))?; interfaces.push(iface); } interfaces }; Ok(Opts { files, opts, interfaces, }) } } enum ConfigField { Interfaces(Vec), Unchecked, MultiModule, ExportMacro(String), TypesPath(String), ReexportedCratePath(String), } impl Parse for ConfigField { fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> Result { let l = input.lookahead1(); if l.peek(kw::src) { input.parse::()?; let name; syn::bracketed!(name in input); let name = name.parse::()?; input.parse::()?; let s = input.parse::()?; let interface = Interface::parse(&name.value(), &s.value()).map_err(|e| Error::new(s.span(), e))?; Ok(ConfigField::Interfaces(vec![interface])) } else if l.peek(kw::paths) { input.parse::()?; input.parse::()?; let paths; let bracket = syn::bracketed!(paths in input); let paths = Punctuated::::parse_terminated(&paths)?; let values = paths.iter().map(|s| s.value()).collect::>(); let mut interfaces = Vec::new(); let manifest_dir = PathBuf::from(std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap()); for value in &values { let value = manifest_dir.join(value); let interface = Interface::parse_file(value).map_err(|e| Error::new(bracket.span, e))?; interfaces.push(interface); } Ok(ConfigField::Interfaces(interfaces)) } else if l.peek(kw::unchecked) { input.parse::()?; Ok(ConfigField::Unchecked) } else if l.peek(kw::multi_module) { input.parse::()?; Ok(ConfigField::MultiModule) } else if l.peek(kw::export_macro) { input.parse::()?; input.parse::()?; let macro_name = input.parse::()?.value(); Ok(ConfigField::ExportMacro(macro_name)) } else if l.peek(kw::types_path) { input.parse::()?; input.parse::()?; let path = input.parse::()?.value(); Ok(ConfigField::TypesPath(path)) } else if l.peek(kw::reexported_crate_path) { input.parse::()?; input.parse::()?; let path = input.parse::()?.value(); Ok(ConfigField::ReexportedCratePath(path)) } else { Err(l.error()) } } }