use curl::easy::Easy; use encoding::all::ISO_8859_1; use encoding::DecoderTrap::Strict; use flate2::read::GzDecoder; use linfa::metrics::ToConfusionMatrix; use linfa::traits::{Fit, Predict}; use linfa::Dataset; use linfa_bayes::GaussianNb; use linfa_preprocessing::CountVectorizer; use ndarray::{Array1, Ix1}; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::path::Path; use tar::Archive; fn download_20news_bydate() { let mut data = Vec::new(); let mut easy = Easy::new(); easy.url("") .unwrap(); { let mut transfer = easy.transfer(); transfer .write_function(|new_data| { data.extend_from_slice(new_data); Ok(new_data.len()) }) .unwrap(); transfer.perform().unwrap(); } let tar = GzDecoder::new(data.as_slice()); let mut archive = Archive::new(tar); archive.unpack("./20news/").unwrap(); } fn load_set( path: &'static str, desired_targets: &[&str], ) -> Result<(Vec, Array1, usize), std::io::Error> { let mut file_paths = Vec::new(); let mut targets = Vec::new(); let desired_targets: HashSet = desired_targets.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect(); let mut ntargets = 0; let path = Path::new(path); let dir_content = std::fs::read_dir(path)?; for sub_dir in dir_content { let sub_dir = sub_dir?; if sub_dir.file_type().unwrap().is_dir() { let dir_name = sub_dir.file_name().into_string().unwrap(); if !desired_targets.is_empty() && !desired_targets.contains(&dir_name) { continue; } for sub_file in std::fs::read_dir(sub_dir.path())? { let sub_file = sub_file?; if sub_file.file_type().unwrap().is_file() { file_paths.push(sub_file.path()); } // each directory is a target targets.push(ntargets); } ntargets += 1; } } let targets = Array1::from_shape_vec(targets.len(), targets).unwrap(); Ok((file_paths, targets, ntargets)) } fn load_train_set( desired_targets: &[&str], ) -> Result<(Vec, Array1, usize), std::io::Error> { load_set("./20news/20news-bydate-train", desired_targets) } fn load_test_set( desired_targets: &[&str], ) -> Result<(Vec, Array1, usize), std::io::Error> { load_set("./20news/20news-bydate-test", desired_targets) } fn delete_20news_bydate() { std::fs::remove_dir_all("./20news").unwrap(); } fn main() { println!("Let's download and unpack the \"20 news\" text classification dataset first"); download_20news_bydate(); // Restrict possible targets to get a simpler problem. The full dataset has 20 targets total let desired_targets = [ "alt.atheism", "talk.religion.misc", "", "", ]; // --- Training set println!("Now let's load the training set along with the target for each document"); let (training_filenames, training_targets, ntargets) = load_train_set(&desired_targets).unwrap(); println!(); println!( "The training set is comprised of {} documents with {} different targets", training_filenames.len(), ntargets ); println!(); println!("Now let's try to fit a Tf-Idf vectorizer on this set without any restrictions"); // The 20news dataset's documents are stored in Latin1 encoding so we need to set the equivalent ISO // code as the encoding. Using a strict trap will stop the fitting, raising an error, if a file containing an invalid text sequence // is encountered let vectorizer = CountVectorizer::params() .fit_files(&training_filenames, ISO_8859_1, Strict) .unwrap(); println!( "We obtain a vocabulary with {} entries", vectorizer.nentries() ); println!(); println!( "Now let's generate a matrix containing the tf-idf value of each entry in each document" ); // Transforming gives a sparse dataset, we make it dense in order to be able to fit the Naive Bayes model let training_records = vectorizer .transform_files(&training_filenames, ISO_8859_1, Strict) .to_dense(); // Currently linfa only allows real valued features so we have to transform the integer counts to floats let training_records = training_records.mapv(|c| c as f32); println!( "We obtain a {}x{} matrix of counts for the vocabulary entries", training_records.dim().0, training_records.dim().1 ); // let's transform the records into a dataset with no targets let training_dataset = (training_records, training_targets).into(); println!(); println!("Let's try to fit a Naive Bayes model to this set"); let model = GaussianNb::params().fit(&training_dataset).unwrap(); let training_prediction = model.predict(&training_dataset); let cm = training_prediction .confusion_matrix(&training_dataset) .unwrap(); // 0.9944 let accuracy = cm.f1_score(); println!("The fitted model has a training f1 score of {}", accuracy); // --- Test set println!(); println!("Let's try the accuracy on the test set now"); let (test_filenames, test_targets, ntargets) = load_test_set(&desired_targets).unwrap(); println!( "The test set is comprised of {} documents with {} different targets", test_filenames.len(), ntargets ); let test_records = vectorizer .transform_files(&test_filenames, ISO_8859_1, Strict) .to_dense(); let test_records = test_records.mapv(|c| c as f32); let test_dataset: Dataset = (test_records, test_targets).into(); // Let's predict the test data targets let test_prediction = model.predict(&test_dataset); let cm = test_prediction.confusion_matrix(&test_dataset).unwrap(); // 0.9523 let accuracy = cm.f1_score(); println!("The model has a test f1 score of {}", accuracy); delete_20news_bydate(); }