syntax = "proto3"; package io.linkerd.proxy.tap; option go_package = ""; import "google/protobuf/duration.proto"; import "http_types.proto"; import "net.proto"; // A service exposed by proxy instances to setup service Tap { rpc Observe(ObserveRequest) returns (stream TapEvent) {} } message ObserveRequest { // Limits the number of event keys that will be returned by this tap. uint32 limit = 1; // Encodes request-matching logic. Match match = 2; message Match { message Seq { repeated Match matches = 1; } oneof match { Seq all = 1; Seq any = 2; Match not = 3; Tcp source = 4; Tcp destination = 5; Http http = 6; Label destination_label = 7; Label route_label = 8; } message Label { string key = 1; string value = 2; } message Tcp { oneof match { Netmask netmask = 1; PortRange ports = 3; } message Netmask { net.IPAddress ip = 1; uint32 mask = 2; } // If either a minimum or maximum is not specified, the range is // considered to be over a discrete value. message PortRange { // Minimum matching port value (inclusive), if specified. uint32 min = 1; // Maximum matching port value (inclusive), if specified. uint32 max = 2; } } message Http { oneof match { http_types.Scheme scheme = 1; http_types.HttpMethod method = 3; StringMatch authority = 2; StringMatch path = 4; // TODO Header header = 4; } message StringMatch { oneof match { string exact = 1; string prefix = 2; } } } } // Conditionally extracts components from requests and responses to include // in tap events Extract extract = 3; message Extract { oneof extract { Http http = 1; } message Http { oneof extract { Headers headers = 1; } message Headers {} } } } message Eos { oneof end { uint32 grpc_status_code = 1; uint32 reset_error_code = 2; } } message TapEvent { net.TcpAddress source = 1; EndpointMeta source_meta = 5; RouteMeta route_meta = 7; net.TcpAddress destination = 2; EndpointMeta destination_meta = 4; ProxyDirection proxy_direction = 6; enum ProxyDirection { UNKNOWN = 0; INBOUND = 1; OUTBOUND = 2; } oneof event { Http http = 3; } message EndpointMeta { map labels = 1; } message RouteMeta { map labels = 1; } message Http { oneof event { RequestInit request_init = 1; ResponseInit response_init = 2; ResponseEnd response_end = 3; } message StreamId { // A randomized base (stable across a process's runtime) uint32 base = 1; // A stream id unique within the lifetime of `base`. uint64 stream = 2; } message RequestInit { StreamId id = 1; http_types.HttpMethod method = 2; http_types.Scheme scheme = 3; string authority = 4; string path = 5; http_types.Headers headers = 6; } message ResponseInit { StreamId id = 1; google.protobuf.Duration since_request_init = 2; uint32 http_status = 3; http_types.Headers headers = 4; } message ResponseEnd { StreamId id = 1; google.protobuf.Duration since_request_init = 2; google.protobuf.Duration since_response_init = 3; uint64 response_bytes = 4; Eos eos = 5; http_types.Headers trailers = 6; } } }