# How to contribute to Lintje ## Report a bug Did you find a bug in Lintje or did it behave unexpectedly? Please [create a bug report](https://github.com/lintje/lintje/issues/new?assignees=&labels=bug&template=bug_report.yml). ## Report another type of issue - Did you find an issue on the [Lintje.dev](https://lintje.dev/) website? Please report this on the [lintje/lintje.dev repository](https://github.com/lintje/lintje.dev). - Did you find an issue on the [Lintje GitHub Action](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/lintje) website? Please report this on the [lintje/action repository](https://github.com/lintje/action). - Do you have a suggestion to improve Lintje? [Please open a new issue first.][new issue] - Do you have a question or other comment that's not an issue? [Please open a new discussion.](https://github.com/lintje/lintje/discussions) - Do you want to report a security vulnerability in Lintje? Please report this to [tom@tomdebruijn.com](mailto:tom@tomdebruijn.com) and do not create a public issue. The vulnerability can be publicly disclosed at a later time, after the issue has been resolved, or after a thirty day waiting period. ## Submit a Pull Request Do you have a bug fix, improvement or other change to contribute, please [send in a Pull Request on the Lintje GitHub repository](https://github.com/lintje/lintje). If the change is substantial and changes the behavior of Lintje, please [create an issue first][new issue]. We can discuss the impact of the change first and check if its fits into the [Lintje philosophy](https://lintje.dev/docs/philosophy/). ## Follow the Code of Conduct Everyone participating in the Lintje project and its related repositories are expected to follow the [Lintje Code of Conduct](https://lintje.dev/code-of-conduct/). --- Thank you for contributing! [new issue]: https://github.com/lintje/lintje/issues/new/choose