//! # duo.rs //! //! This example works great on my Milk-V Duo! //! It should serve as an excellent starting point for your own projects, too! use std::time::Duration; use linux_max6675::Max6675; #[tracing::instrument] fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { tracing_subscriber::fmt() .with_max_level(tracing::Level::DEBUG) .init(); tracing::info!("Hello, world!"); // assuming your MAX6675 is found at this path let mut max = Max6675::new("/dev/spidev0.0")?; // sleep for a moment, just to let everything 'settle' std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(3)); loop { tracing::info!("Read Celsius! Got: {}° C.", max.read_celsius()?); // you might want to sleep so you don't get double readings. feel free to play with this, though! std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)); } }