# List Program The **List Program** creates lists of Solana account addresses. Developers can use these lists to index account data relevant to their programs without relying on an off-chain indexing solution. ## Get Started ```yaml # Cargo.toml [dependencies] index-program = { version = "0.0.2" } ``` Mainnet: `HPVqgVHeD9NPrJFSCd2UnpBudMYvorXYkzAqmy5naHTr` Devnet: `HPVqgVHeD9NPrJFSCd2UnpBudMYvorXYkzAqmy5naHTr` ## Instructions #### [`create_list`](https://github.com/faktorfi/workspace/blob/main/programs/list/src/instructions/create_list.rs) - Initializes a new [`List`](https://github.com/faktorfi/faktor/blob/main/programs/list/src/state/list.rs) account. - Errors if: - The list already exists for the given owner and namespace. #### [`delete_list`](https://github.com/faktorfi/workspace/blob/main/programs/list/src/instructions/delete_list.rs) - Closes an [`List`](https://github.com/faktorfi/faktor/blob/main/programs/list/src/state/list.rs) account. - Returns rent to owner. #### [`push_element`](https://github.com/faktorfi/workspace/blob/main/programs/list/src/instructions/push_element.rs) - Initializes a new [`Element`](https://github.com/faktorfi/workspace/blob/main/programs/list/src/state/element.rs) account. - Appends the element to the index's data structure. - Errors if: - The list is already at max capacity. #### [`pop_element`](https://github.com/faktorfi/workspace/blob/main/programs/list/src/instructions/pop_element.rs) - Closes an [`Element`](https://github.com/faktorfi/workspace/blob/main/programs/list/src/state/element.rs) account. - Removes the element from the index's data structure. - Returns rent to owner. ## State #### [`List`](https://github.com/faktorfi/workspace/blob/main/programs/list/src/state/list.rs) - Metadata for managing a list of addresses. - PDA is a hash of the owner's address and a custom namespace address. #### [`Element`](https://github.com/faktorfi/workspace/blob/main/programs/list/src/state/element.rs) - An address value with a position in a list. - PDA is a hash of the list's address and the pointer's position. ## Examples These examples are for Solana programs that need to create and manage their own on-chain lists. These examples show an Anchor program that has a singleton "authority account" for signing instructions on behalf of the program. ### Create a list Here is an example instruction `create_my_list` that creates an list owned by the program. ```rs // create_my_list.rs use { crate::state::*, anchor_lang::{prelude::*, solana_program::system_program}, std::mem::size_of, }; #[derive(Accounts)] #[instruction(bump: u8)] pub struct CreateMyList<'info> { #[account( mut, seeds = [SEED_AUTHORITY], bump = authority.bump, owner = crate::ID )] pub authority: Account<'info, Authority>, #[account(mut)] pub list: AccountInfo<'info>, #[account(address = list_program::ID)] pub list_program: Program<'info, list_program::program::ListProgram>, #[account( init, payer = signer, space = 8 + size_of() )] pub namespace: Account<'info, Namespace> #[account(mut)] pub signer: Signer<'info>, #[account(address = system_program::ID)] pub system_program: Program<'info, System>, } pub fn handler(ctx: Context, bump: u8) -> ProgramResult { // Get accounts. let authority = &ctx.accounts.authority; let list = &ctx.accounts.list; let list_program = &ctx.accounts.list_program; let namespace = &ctx.accounts.namespace; let signer = &ctx.accounts.signer; let system_program = &ctx.accounts.system_program; // Create a list owned by the program authority. list_program::cpi::create_index( CpiContext::new_with_signer( list_program.to_account_info(), list_program::cpi::accounts::CreateList { index: index.to_account_info(), namespace: namespace.to_account_info(), owner: authority.to_account_info(), payer: signer.to_account_info(), system_program: system_program.to_account_info(), }, &[&[SEED_AUTHORITY, &[authority.bump]]], ), bump, ) } ``` ### Push an element Here is an example instruction `push_my_element` that adds an element to a list owned by the program. ```rs // create_my_pointer.rs use { crate::state::*, anchor_lang::{prelude::*, solana_program::system_program}, std::mem::size_of, }; #[derive(Accounts)] #[instruction(reference: Pubkey, bump: u8)] pub struct CreateMyPointer<'info> { #[account( mut, seeds = [SEED_AUTHORITY], bump = authority.bump, owner = crate::ID )] pub authority: Account<'info, Authority>, #[account()] pub element: AccountInfo<'info>, #[account( mut, constraint = list.owner == authority.key(), constraint = list.namespace == namespace.key(), owner = list_program.key() )] pub list: AccountInfo<'info>, #[account(address = list_program::ID)] pub list_program: Program<'info, list_program::program::IndexProgram>, #[account()] pub namespace: Account<'info, Namespace> #[account(mut)] pub signer: Signer<'info>, #[account(address = system_program::ID)] pub system_program: Program<'info, System>, } pub fn handler( ctx: Context, reference: Pubkey, bump: u8, ) -> ProgramResult { // Get accounts. let authority = &ctx.accounts.authority; let element = &ctx.accounts.element; let list = &ctx.accounts.list; let list_program = &ctx.accounts.list_program; let signer = &ctx.accounts.signer; let system_program = &ctx.accounts.system_program; // Add the reference address into the list. list_program::cpi::push_element( CpiContext::new_with_signer( list_program.to_account_info(), list_program::cpi::accounts::PushElement { element: element.to_account_info(), list: list.to_account_info(), owner: authority.to_account_info(), payer: signer.to_account_info(), system_program: system_program.to_account_info(), }, &[&[SEED_AUTHORITY, &[authority.bump]]], ), reference, bump, ) } ```