mod audio_data; mod feedback; mod listenbrainz_client; mod paginator; mod playlist; use crate::audio_data::AudioIDData; use crate::feedback::get_existing_feedback; use crate::listenbrainz_client::ListenbrainzClient; use crate::playlist::{ delete_items_from_playlist, get_current_playlists, get_current_user, mass_add_to_playlist, FullExistingPlaylistResponse, }; use anyhow::Result; use clap::{Parser, ValueEnum}; use clap_verbosity_flag::{InfoLevel, Verbosity}; use config::Config; use futures::stream::FuturesUnordered; use futures::{FutureExt, StreamExt}; use indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle}; use inquire::Confirm; use log::{debug, error, info}; use m3u::Entry; use num_traits::ToPrimitive; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::exit; use std::sync::Arc; use tokio::sync::Mutex; use uuid::Uuid; #[derive(Parser, Debug)] struct Args { file: PathBuf, #[arg(short, long, default_value = "./config.toml")] config: PathBuf, playlist_name: String, #[arg(value_enum, short, long)] feedback: Option, #[arg(short, long, default_value_t = false)] public: bool, #[command(flatten)] verbose: Verbosity, #[arg(value_enum, short, long, default_value = "none")] duplicate_action: DuplicateAction, #[arg(short, long, default_value_t = false)] no_confirm: bool, #[arg(long, hide = true)] markdown_help: bool, } #[derive(ValueEnum, Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[clap(rename_all = "lowercase")] enum Feedback { Love = 1, Hate = -1, Neutral = 0, } #[derive(ValueEnum, Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[clap(rename_all = "lowercase")] enum DuplicateAction { None, Overwrite, Number, Abort, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let args = Args::parse(); if args.markdown_help { clap_markdown::print_help_markdown::(); exit(0) } let verbosity = args.verbose; env_logger::Builder::new() .filter_level(verbosity.log_level_filter()) .init(); let settings = Config::builder() .add_source(config::File::from(args.config)) .build() .expect("Could not read configuration"); if !args.file.exists() { error!("Given playlist file doesn't exist"); exit(1); } let Ok(token) = settings.get_string("user_token") else { error!("Configuration does not contain a token!"); exit(1) }; let mut client = ListenbrainzClient::new(token); debug!("Testing token by resolving to user"); let user_name = match get_current_user(&mut client).await { Ok(s) => s, Err(e) => { error!("Could not resolve token successfully: {}", e); exit(1); } }; info!("This token belongs to {}!", &user_name); let file_path = &args.file; let playlist_entries = load_file_paths(file_path); let number_of_files = playlist_entries.len(); info!("Found {} files in playlist", number_of_files); if number_of_files == 0 { error!("No files read from playlist, aborting"); exit(1); } let song_data: Vec<_> = playlist_entries .into_iter() .flat_map(audio_data::load_tags_from_file_path) .collect(); let number_of_tagged_songs = song_data.len(); let percentage = calculate_percentage(&number_of_tagged_songs, &number_of_files) .expect("Could not calculate percentage of tagged songs"); info!( "{}/{} ({:.2}%) of songs had readable tags", number_of_tagged_songs, number_of_files, percentage, ); if number_of_tagged_songs == 0 { error!("No tagged songs could be read, aborting"); exit(1); } info!("Resolving song tags to Musicbrainz IDs..."); let musicbrainz_ids = resolve_all_songs_for_mbids(&mut client, song_data).await; let number_of_resolved_songs = musicbrainz_ids.len(); let percentage = calculate_percentage(&number_of_resolved_songs, &number_of_tagged_songs) .expect("Could not calculate percentage of resolved songs"); info!( "{}/{} ({:.2}%) of songs were resolved", number_of_resolved_songs, number_of_tagged_songs, percentage, ); if !args.no_confirm { match Confirm::new("Do you want to continue with the matched songs?") .with_default(true) .prompt() { Ok(true) => { info!("Continuing"); } Ok(false) => { info!("Aborting"); exit(1) } Err(_) => { error!("Error with questionaire"); } } } debug!("Retrieving existing playlists"); let current_playlists = match get_current_playlists(&mut client, &user_name).await { Ok(playlists) => playlists, Err(e) => { error!("Could not retrieve existing playlists: {}", e); exit(1) } }; debug!( "Found {} existing playlists on account", current_playlists.len() ); let mut playlist_name = args.playlist_name.clone(); let searched_playlist = current_playlists .iter() .find(|p| p.title == args.playlist_name); match searched_playlist { Some(p) => { let p = match FullExistingPlaylistResponse::convert_simple_playlist_response_to_full( &mut client, p, ) .await { Err(e) => { error!( "Could not find more detailed information on possible duplicate playlist: {}", e ); exit(1) } Ok(p) => p, }; info!("Found a duplicate playlist, enacting duplicate policy"); match args.duplicate_action { DuplicateAction::None => { // Just submit new playlist submit_new_playlist(&mut client, args.public, &musicbrainz_ids, playlist_name) .await; } DuplicateAction::Overwrite => { if p.number_of_tracks > 0 { let deletion_request = delete_items_from_playlist( &mut client, &p.identifier, 0, p.number_of_tracks + 1, ) .await; match deletion_request { Ok(()) => {} Err(e) => { error!( "Could not delete items from playlist to overwrite it: {}", e ); exit(1) } } } else { debug!("Existing playlist already has no tracks"); } let insertion_request = mass_add_to_playlist(&mut client, &p.identifier, &musicbrainz_ids).await; match insertion_request { Ok(()) => { info!("Replaced songs in playlist with ID {}", p.identifier); } Err(e) => { error!("Could not insert new items into playlist: {}", e); exit(1) } } } DuplicateAction::Number => { for i in 1.. { let prospective_title = format!("{}_{}", args.playlist_name, i); if current_playlists .iter() .any(|p| p.title == prospective_title) { continue; } playlist_name = prospective_title; } submit_new_playlist(&mut client, args.public, &musicbrainz_ids, playlist_name) .await; } DuplicateAction::Abort => { error!("Duplicate action says to abort!"); exit(1) } } } None => { info!("No duplicate playlists found"); submit_new_playlist(&mut client, args.public, &musicbrainz_ids, playlist_name).await; } } match { None => {} Some(f) => { let given_feedback = get_existing_feedback(&mut client, &user_name, f) .await .expect("Could not get existing feedback"); let filtered_musicbrainz_ids: Vec<_> = musicbrainz_ids .iter() .filter(|i| !given_feedback.contains(*i)) .collect(); let filtered_len = filtered_musicbrainz_ids.len(); let total_len = musicbrainz_ids.len(); let correct_len = total_len - filtered_len; let percentage = calculate_percentage(&correct_len, &total_len).unwrap(); if filtered_len == 0 { info!("All songs in playlist already have the correct feedback"); exit(0) } else if filtered_len == total_len { info!("Sending feedback for songs in playlist..."); } else { info!( "{}/{} ({:.2}%) of songs already have the correct feedback", correct_len, total_len, percentage ); info!("Sending feedback for remaining songs in playlist..."); } give_feedback_on_all_songs(&mut client, filtered_musicbrainz_ids, f).await; } } } async fn submit_new_playlist( listenbrainz_client: &mut ListenbrainzClient, public: bool, musicbrainz_ids: &Vec, playlist_name: String, ) { debug!("Submitting new playlist"); match playlist::submit_playlist(listenbrainz_client, musicbrainz_ids, playlist_name, public) .await { Ok(r) => { info!("Playlist created with ID {}", r.playlist_mbid); } Err(e) => { error!("Could not create playlist: {}", e); } } } async fn give_feedback_on_all_songs( listenbrainz_client: &mut ListenbrainzClient, musicbrainz_ids: Vec<&Uuid>, feedback: Feedback, ) { let progress_bar = make_progress_bar(musicbrainz_ids.len()); let listenbrainz_client = Arc::new(Mutex::new(listenbrainz_client)); let futures: FuturesUnordered<_> = musicbrainz_ids .iter() .map(|mbid| { let pb = Arc::clone(&progress_bar); let listenbrainz_client = Arc::clone(&listenbrainz_client); async move { let out = feedback::give_song_feedback_for_mbid( *listenbrainz_client.lock().await, mbid, feedback, ) .await;; out } .boxed() }) .collect(); let results: Vec> = futures.collect().await; for result in results { match result { Ok(()) => {} Err(e) => { error!("Could not give feedback on song: {}", e); } } } } async fn resolve_all_songs_for_mbids( listenbrainz_client: &mut ListenbrainzClient, song_data: Vec, ) -> Vec { let progress_bar = make_progress_bar(song_data.len()); let listenbrainz_client = Arc::new(Mutex::new(listenbrainz_client)); let futures: FuturesUnordered<_> = song_data .into_iter() .map(|data| { let pb = Arc::clone(&progress_bar); let listenbrainz_client = Arc::clone(&listenbrainz_client); async move { let out = match data { AudioIDData::Mbid(mbid) => Ok(mbid), AudioIDData::AudioFileData(d) => { audio_data::get_musicbrainz_id_for_audio_data( *listenbrainz_client.lock().await, d, ) .await } };; out } .boxed() }) .collect(); let musicbrainz_ids: Vec> = futures.collect().await; musicbrainz_ids .into_iter() .filter_map(|result| match result { Ok(s) => Some(s), Err(e) => { error!("Could not resolve song: {}", e); None } }) .collect() } fn make_progress_bar(length: usize) -> Arc { Arc::new(ProgressBar::new(length as u64).with_style( ProgressStyle::with_template("[{elapsed_precise}] {wide_bar} {human_pos}/{human_len} ({percent}%) [{eta_precise}]").unwrap()) ) } fn calculate_percentage(numerator: &T, denominator: &T) -> Option where T: ToPrimitive, { match (numerator.to_f64(), denominator.to_f64()) { (Some(first), Some(second)) if second != 0.0 => Some((first / second) * 100.0), _ => None, } } fn load_file_paths(file_path: &PathBuf) -> Vec { let playlist_entries: Vec = m3u::Reader::open(file_path) .expect("Could not read playlist file") .entries() .map(|e| e.expect("Could not read M3U entry")) .filter_map(|e| match e { Entry::Path(path) => Some(path), Entry::Url(_) => None, }) .collect(); playlist_entries } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use crate::*; #[test] fn test_load_songs_from_playlist() { let file_path = &PathBuf::from("./tests/test_playlist_1.m3u"); let result = load_file_paths(file_path); assert_eq!(result.len(), 4); } }