# Contributing to Graphcast Listener Radio Welcome to Graphcast Listener Radio! Thanks a ton for your interest in contributing. If you run into any problems feel free to create an issue. PRs are much appreciated for simple things. If it's something more complex we'd appreciate having a quick chat in GitHub Issues or the Graph Discord server. Join the conversation on [the Graph Discord](https://thegraph.com/discord). Please follow the [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/graphops/graphcast-sdk/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) for all the communications and at events. Thank you! ## Commit messages and pull requests We use the following format for commit messages: `{Brief description of changes}`, for example: `My great new change`. The body of the message can be terse, with just enough information to explain what the commit does overall. In a lot of cases, more extensive explanations of _how_ the commit achieves its goal are better as comments in the code. Commits in a pull request should be structured in such a way that each commit consists of a small logical step towards the overall goal of the pull request. Your pull request should make it as easy as possible for the reviewer to follow each change you are making. For example, it is a good idea to separate simple mechanical changes like renaming a method that touches many files from logic changes. Your pull request should not be structured into commits according to how you implemented your feature, often indicated by commit messages like 'Fix problem' or 'Cleanup'. Flex a bit, and make the world think that you implemented your feature perfectly, in small logical steps, in one sitting without ever having to touch up something you did earlier in the pull request. (In reality, that means you'll use `git rebase -i` a lot). Please do not merge main into your branch as you develop your pull request; instead, rebase your branch on top of the latest main if your pull request branch is long-lived. We try to keep the hostory of the `main` branch linear, and avoid merge commits. Once your pull request is approved, merge it following these steps: ``` git checkout main git pull main git rebase main my/branch git push -f git checkout main git merge my/branch git push ``` Allegedly, clicking on the `Rebase and merge` button in the Github UI has the same effect.