use std::env; use std::fs; use std::path::Path; const RESOURCES: &str = "resources/sprites"; fn agent_files(cwd: &str) -> String { // List files in resources/agents let files: Vec<_> = fs::read_dir(format!("{RESOURCES}/agents")) .unwrap() .flatten() .collect(); // Include the content of those files in as AGENTS with the include_bytes! macro let mut res_string = String::new(); res_string.push_str("pub const AGENT_BYTES: [&[u8]; 4] = ["); files.iter().for_each(|file| { res_string.push_str("include_bytes!(r#\""); res_string.push_str(cwd); res_string.push_str(file.path().to_str().unwrap()); res_string.push_str("\"#),\n"); }); res_string.push_str("];\n"); res_string } fn laser_files(cwd: &str) -> String { let mut res = String::new(); for direction in ["horizontal", "vertical"] { let files: Vec<_> = fs::read_dir(format!("{RESOURCES}/lasers/{direction}")) .unwrap() .flatten() .collect(); // Include the content of those files in as AGENTS with the include_bytes! macro res.push_str(&format!( "pub const {}_LASER_BYTES: [&[u8]; 4] = [", direction.to_uppercase() )); files.iter().for_each(|file| { res.push_str("include_bytes!(r#\""); res.push_str(cwd); res.push_str(file.path().to_str().unwrap()); res.push_str("\"#),\n"); }); res.push_str("];\n"); } res } fn laser_source_files(cwd: &str) -> String { let mut res = String::new(); for direction in ["east", "north", "south", "west"] { let files: Vec<_> = fs::read_dir(format!("{RESOURCES}/laser_sources/{direction}")) .unwrap() .flatten() .collect(); // Include the content of those files in as AGENTS with the include_bytes! macro let name = format!("LASER_SOURCE_{}_BYTES", direction.to_uppercase()); let the_type = "[&[u8]; 4]"; let mut value = String::from("["); files.iter().for_each(|file| { value.push_str(&format!( "include_bytes!(r#\"{cwd}{}\"#),\n", file.path().to_str().unwrap() )); }); value.push(']'); res.push_str(&make_const(&name, the_type, &value)); } res } fn make_const(name: &str, the_type: &str, value: &str) -> String { format!("pub const {}: {} = {};\n", name, the_type, value) } fn include_sprites_in_binary() { let out_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let cwd = env::current_dir().unwrap(); // Append '/' to cwd let cwd = format!("{}/", cwd.to_str().unwrap()); let mut res = agent_files(&cwd); res.push_str(&laser_files(&cwd)); res.push_str(&laser_source_files(&cwd)); res.push_str(&format!( "pub const GEM_BYTES: &[u8] = include_bytes!(r#\"{cwd}/{RESOURCES}/gem.png\"#);\n", )); res.push_str(&format!( "pub const VOID_BYTES: &[u8] = include_bytes!(r#\"{cwd}/{RESOURCES}/void.png\"#);\n", )); let dest_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join(""); fs::write(dest_path, res).unwrap(); } fn _make_readme() { let readme = fs::read_to_string("docs/").unwrap(); let mut readme = readme.replace("lvl6-annotated.png", "docs/lvl6-annotated.png"); readme.push_str(&fs::read_to_string("docs/").unwrap()); fs::write("", readme).unwrap(); } fn main() { include_sprites_in_binary(); // make_readme(); println!(""); }