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# LLM Weaver LLM Weaver is a flexible library designed to interact with any LLM, with an emphasis on managing long conversations exceeding the maximum token limit of a model, ensuring a continuous and coherent user experience. ## Implementation This library is a rust implementation of [OpenAI's Tactic](https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/gpt-best-practices/tactic-for-dialogue-applications-that-require-very-long-conversations-summarize-or-filter-previous-dialogue) for handling long conversations with a token context bound LLM. Once a certain threshold of context tokens is reached, the library will summarize the entire conversation and begin a new conversation with the summarized context appended to the system instructions. ## Usage Follow the [crate level documentation](https://docs.rs/llm-weaver/latest/llm_weaver/) for a detailed explanation of how to use the library. ## Contribution If you are passioniate about this project, please feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests for enhancements, bug fixes, or additional features. ## License LLM Weaver is distributed under the MIT License, ensuring maximum freedom for using and sharing it in your projects.