use std::collections::HashMap; use serde_json::Value; use serde_json::Value::*; use std::string::String; use regex::Regex; use serde_derive::Deserialize; use evalexpr::*; use peg::*; use peg::error::ParseError; use peg::str::LineCol; use stemplate::*; //use llmclient::common::call_llm; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] pub struct Function { function: String, arguments: Vec, } impl Function { fn new(function: &str, arguments: Vec) -> Self { Function { function: function.to_string(), arguments } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] pub struct Argument { name: String, value: String, } impl Argument { fn new(name: &str, value: &str) -> Self { Argument { name: name.to_string(), value: value.to_string() } } } fn json_filler(provider: &str, func_defs: &[&str]) -> Result> { let func = match provider { "gpt" | "mistral" => r#" "type": "function", "function": { "name": "${func}", "description": "${func_desc}", "parameters": { "type": "object", "properties": { ${*,all_args} }, "required": [${*,mand_args}] } } "#, _ => r#" { "name": "${func}", "description": "${func_desc}", "input_schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { ${*,all_args} }, "required": [${*,mand_args}] } }"#, }; let all_args = r#" "${arg}": { "type": "string", "description": "${arg_desc}" } "#; let mand_args = r#""${marg}""#; let defs: Vec = func_defs.iter() .map(|f| llmfunc::func(f, func, all_args, mand_args)) .filter(|f| f.is_ok()) .map(|f| f.unwrap()) .collect(); Ok(defs.join(",")) } fn main() { let data = r#"{ "choices": [ { "message": { "tool_calls": [ { "function": { "name": "${func}", "arguments": "${args}" } } ] } } ] }"#; let data2 = r#"{ "id": "chatcmpl-9KmDSgvDNpdWzZMjNikOFzWyZRi8D", "object": "chat.completion", "created": 1714738930, "model": "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09", "choices": [ { "index": 0, "message": { "role": "assistant", "content": null, "tool_calls": [ { "id": "call_lPmkbGFiJkvuXvzs09uUYdzD", "type": "function", "function": { "name": "calc", "arguments": "{\"expr\":\"(60 * 24) * 265.251\"}" } }, { "id": "call_lPmkbGFiJkvuXvzs09uUYdzD", "type": "function", "function": { "name": "calc2", "arguments": "{\"expr\":\"(60 * 24)\", \"unit\": \"hours\"}" } } ] }, "logprobs": null, "finish_reason": "tool_calls" } ], "usage": { "prompt_tokens": 80, "completion_tokens": 23, "total_tokens": 103 }, "system_fingerprint": "fp_3450ce39d5" }"#; let func_def = r#" // this is a func // arg0: The first arg // arg1: The Second arg fn func(arg0, *arg1) "#; let func_def2 = r#" // this is another func // arg10: The first arg // arg11: The Second arg fn func(arg10, arg11) "#; let func_call = json_filler("gpt", &[func_def, func_def2]); println!("{}", func_call.unwrap()); // Convert to a string of JSON and print it out let v: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(data).unwrap(); let found = find_function(&v); println!("{found:?}"); let f: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(data2).unwrap(); let h = get_functions(&f, &found); println!("{h:?}"); let funcs = unpack_functions(h); println!("{funcs:?}"); if let Some(fun) = funcs { for f in fun { let exprs: Vec<&Argument> = f.arguments.iter() .filter(|p| == "expr") .collect(); let value = eval(&exprs[0].value); if let Ok(v) = value { println!("{}: {:?}", &f.function, v.to_string()); } } } } fn unpack_functions(h: HashMap>) -> Option> { let func = h.get("func"); let args = h.get("args"); if let Some(func) = func { if let Some(args) = args { let funcs = func.iter().zip(args.iter()) .map(|(f, a)| { if a.starts_with('{') && a.ends_with("}") { let fh: HashMap = serde_json::from_str(a).unwrap(); let args: Vec = fh.iter() .map(|(pn, pv)| Argument::new(pn, pv)) .collect(); Function::new(f, args) } else { Function::new(f, vec![]) } }) .collect(); return Some(funcs); } } None } fn get_functions(val: &Value, found: &Vec) -> HashMap> { fn getter(val: &Value, places: &str, found: &mut HashMap>) -> HashMap> { let mut v = val; let items: Vec<&str> = places.split(':').collect(); let var = *items.last().unwrap(); for (pos, i) in items.iter().enumerate() { if *i == var { if let Value::String(it) = v { let key = (&i[2..var.len()-1]).to_string(); found.entry(key) .and_modify(|v| v.push(it.to_string())) .or_insert(vec![it.to_string()]); } } else { if let Value::Array(it) = v { for a in it { getter(a, &items[pos..].join(":"), found); } } else { v = &v[i]; } } } found.clone() } let mut res: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); for i in found { getter(val, &i, &mut res); } res } fn find_function(v: &Value) -> Vec { fn finder(v: &Value, res: String, found: &mut Vec) -> Vec { match v { Null => { }, Bool(_b) => { }, Number(_n) => { }, String(s) => { let re = Regex::new(r#"\$\{[A-Za-z0-9_]+\}"#).unwrap(); if re.is_match(s) { let f = format!("{res}{s}"); if !found.contains(&f) { found.push(f); } } }, Array(a) => { for v in a { finder(v, res.clone(), found); } }, Object(o) => { for (k, v) in o.iter() { finder(v, res.clone() + k + ":", found); } }, }; found.clone() } finder(&v, String::new(), &mut vec![]) } peg::parser!( grammar llmfunc() for str { pub rule func(func: &str, all_args: &str, mand_args: &str) -> String = "\n"* fc:func_comment()+ ac:arg_comment()+ "fn"? _ f:ident() _ "(" a:arg_ident() ** comma() ")" _ "\n"* _ { //format!("{:?}", ( fc, ac, f, a )) let cnt = ac.iter().enumerate() .filter(|(i, arg)| { //*arg.0 == *a[*i] || "*".to_string() + &arg.0 == a[*i] arg.starts_with(a[*i]) || format!("*{arg}").starts_with(a[*i]) }).count(); if ac.len() == a.len() && a.len() == cnt { let ma: Vec<&str> = a.iter() .filter(|a| !a.starts_with("*")) .map(|a| &a[..]) .collect(); let a: Vec<&str> = a.iter() .map(|a| if a.starts_with("*") { &a[1..] } else { a }) .collect(); let mut h: HashMap<&str, String> = HashMap::new(); h.insert("func", f.to_string()); h.insert("func_desc", fc[0].to_string()); h.insert("arg", a.join("|")); h.insert("arg_desc", ac.join("|")); h.insert("marg", ma.join("|")); h.insert("all_args", all_args.to_string()); h.insert("mand_args", mand_args.to_string()); h.insert("func_call", func.to_string()); Template::new("${func_call}").render(&h) //format!("{:?}", ( fc, ac, f, a.clone(), ma)) } else { "Error: Argument names do not match".to_string() } } rule _ = [' ']* rule comma() = "," " "* rule ident() -> &'input str = s:$(['a'..='z'|'0'..='9'|'_']+) { s } rule arg_ident() -> &'input str = s:$("*"? ident()) { s } rule func_comment() -> &'input str = _ "/"*<2,3> _ s:comment() _ "\n"+ { s } rule arg_comment() -> &'input str = _ "/"*<2,3> _ a:$(ident() ":" comment()) _ "\n"+ { a } //rule arg_comment() -> (&'input str, &'input str) //= "//" _ a:ident() ":" _ s:comment() _ "\n"+ { (a, s) } rule comment() -> &'input str = s:$(['a'..='z'|'A'..='Z'|'0'..='9'|'_'|' ']+) { s } });