# llmvm-chat [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/llmvm-chat?style=for-the-badge)](https://crates.io/crates/llmvm-chat) [![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/djandries/llmvm?style=for-the-badge)](https://github.com/DJAndries/llmvm/blob/master/LICENSE) An [llmvm](https://github.com/djandries/llmvm) frontend that acts as a CLI chat interface. ## Demo [![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/601451.svg)](https://asciinema.org/a/601451) ## Installation Install this application using `cargo`. ``` cargo install llmvm-chat ``` The llmvm core must be installed. If you have not done so, the core may be installed via ``` cargo install llmvm-core ``` A backend must be installed and configured. The [llmvm-outsource](https://github.com/DJAndries/llmvm/tree/master/backends/outsource) is recommended for OpenAI requests. Currently, the default model preset is `gpt-3.5-chat` which uses this backend. ## Usage Run `llmvm-chat` to use the interface. Press CTRL-C when you are finished with your chat. A chat thread will be persisted, and the thread ID will be outputted. Use the `-h` to see all options. Use the `-l` to load the last chat thread. ## Configuration Run the chat executable to generate a configuration file at: - Linux: `~/.config/llmvm/chat.toml`. - macOS: `~/Library/Application Support/com.djandries.llmvm/chat.toml` - Windows: `AppData\Roaming\djandries\llmvm\config\chat.toml` |Key|Required?|Description| |--|--|--| |`stdio_core`|No|Stdio client configuration for communicated with llmvm core. See [llmvm-protocol](https://github.com/DJAndries/llmvm/tree/master/protocol#stdio-client-configuration) for details.| |`http_core`|No|HTTP client configuration for communicating with llmvm core. See [llmvm-protocol](https://github.com/DJAndries/llmvm/tree/master/protocol#http-client-configuration) for details.| ## License [Mozilla Public License, version 2.0](https://spdx.org/licenses/MPL-2.0.html)