use std::{ fs::{self, File}, io::BufReader, }; use heck::{ToKebabCase, ToPascalCase}; use quote::{format_ident, quote}; use syntect::{ highlighting::ThemeSet, html::{self, ClassStyle}, }; const BUILTIN: &[(&str, &str, &str)] = &[ ("solarized", "Solarized (light)", "Solarized (dark)"), ("base16_ocean", "base16-ocean.light", "base16-ocean.dark"), ]; const CUSTOM: &[(&str, Option<&str>, Option<&str>)] = &[ ( "one_three_three_seven", None, Some("1337-Scheme/1337.tmTheme"), ), ( "coldark", Some("Coldark/Coldark-Cold.tmTheme"), Some("Coldark/Coldark-Dark.tmTheme"), ), ("dark_neon", None, Some("DarkNeon/DarkNeon.tmTheme")), ("dracula", None, Some("dracula-sublime/Dracula.tmTheme")), ("github", Some("github-sublime-theme/GitHub.tmTheme"), None), ( "gruvbox", Some("gruvbox/gruvbox-light.tmTheme"), Some("gruvbox/gruvbox-dark.tmTheme"), ), ("nord", None, Some("Nord-sublime/Nord.tmTheme")), ( "one_half", Some("onehalf/sublimetext/OneHalfLight.tmTheme"), Some("onehalf/sublimetext/OneHalfDark.tmTheme"), ), // Solarized ( "monokai_extended", Some("sublime-monokai-extended/Monokai Extended Light.tmTheme"), Some("sublime-monokai-extended/Monokai Extended.tmTheme"), ), ( "snazzy", None, Some("sublime-snazzy/Sublime Snazzy.tmTheme"), ), ("two_dark", None, Some("TwoDark/TwoDark.tmTheme")), ( "visual_studio_plus", None, Some("visual-studio-dark-plus/Visual Studio Dark+.tmTheme"), ), ("zenburn", None, Some("zenburn/zenburn.tmTheme")), ]; fn main() { let ts = ThemeSet::load_defaults(); let style = ClassStyle::SpacedPrefixed { prefix: "syntect-" }; let out = std::env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); for &(name, light, dark) in BUILTIN { let light = html::css_for_theme_with_class_style(&ts.themes[light], style).unwrap(); let dark = html::css_for_theme_with_class_style(&ts.themes[dark], style).unwrap(); fs::write( format!("{out}/{name}.css"), minify(format!( "{light}\n@media (prefers-color-scheme:dark) {{\n{dark}}}" )), ) .unwrap(); } for &(name, light, dark) in CUSTOM { let light =|light| { println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=assets/themes/{light}"); html::css_for_theme_with_class_style( &ThemeSet::load_from_reader(&mut BufReader::new( File::open(format!("assets/themes/{light}")).unwrap(), )) .unwrap(), style, ) .unwrap() }); let dark =|dark| { println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=assets/themes/{dark}"); html::css_for_theme_with_class_style( &ThemeSet::load_from_reader(&mut BufReader::new( File::open(format!("assets/themes/{dark}")).unwrap(), )) .unwrap(), style, ) .unwrap() }); let theme = match (light, dark) { (Some(theme), None) | (None, Some(theme)) => theme, (Some(light), Some(dark)) => { format!("{light}\n@media (prefers-color-scheme:dark) {{\n{dark}}}") } (None, None) => panic!("neither light nor dark theme"), }; fs::write(format!("{out}/{name}.css"), minify(theme)).unwrap(); } let names = BUILTIN .iter() .map(|v| (v.0, Some(v.1), Some(v.2))) .chain(CUSTOM.iter().copied()); let variants = names.clone().map(|(name, light, dark)| { let variant = format_ident!("{}", name.to_pascal_case()); let doc = match (light.is_some(), dark.is_some()) { (true, true) => "🔳 Both light and dark theme", (true, false) => "⬜ Light theme only", (false, true) => "⬛ Dark theme only", (false, false) => unreachable!("already checked this case before"), }; quote! { #[doc = #doc] #variant } }); let contents = names.clone().map(|(name, _, _)| { let variant = format_ident!("{}", name.to_pascal_case()); let path = format!("{out}/{name}.css"); quote! { Self::#variant => include_str!(#path) } }); let displays =|(name, _, _)| { let variant = format_ident!("{}", name.to_pascal_case()); let display = name.to_kebab_case(); quote! { Self::#variant => #display } }); let tokens = quote! { /// Possible themes that can be used for code highlighting. #[derive(Clone, Copy, ::clap::ValueEnum)] pub enum Theme { #(#variants,)* } impl Theme { pub fn as_str(self) -> &'static str { match self { #(#contents,)* } } pub fn as_bytes(self) -> &'static [u8] { self.as_str().as_bytes() } } impl std::fmt::Display for Theme { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.write_str(match self { #(#displays,)* }) } } }; fs::write(format!("{out}/"), tokens.to_string()).unwrap(); } fn minify(css: impl AsRef) -> String { css_minify::optimizations::Minifier::default() .minify(css.as_ref(), css_minify::optimizations::Level::One) .unwrap() }