#compdef routed autoload -U is-at-least _routed() { typeset -A opt_args typeset -a _arguments_options local ret=1 if is-at-least 5.2; then _arguments_options=(-s -S -C) else _arguments_options=(-s -C) fi local context curcontext="$curcontext" state line _arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \ '-d+[Data directory path]:DATA_DIR:_files -/' \ '--data-dir=[Data directory path]:DATA_DIR:_files -/' \ '-c+[Path for the configuration file]:CONFIG:_files' \ '--config=[Path for the configuration file]:CONFIG:_files' \ '-T+[Use Tor]:TOR_PROXY:_hosts' \ '--tor-proxy=[Use Tor]:TOR_PROXY:_hosts' \ '-M+[ZMQ socket for peer message bus used to communicate with LNP node peerd service]:MSG_ENDPOINT:_files' \ '--msg=[ZMQ socket for peer message bus used to communicate with LNP node peerd service]:MSG_ENDPOINT:_files' \ '-X+[ZMQ socket for internal service control bus]:CTL_ENDPOINT:_files' \ '--ctl=[ZMQ socket for internal service control bus]:CTL_ENDPOINT:_files' \ '-R+[ZMQ socket for LNP Node client-server RPC API]:RPC_ENDPOINT: ' \ '--rpc=[ZMQ socket for LNP Node client-server RPC API]:RPC_ENDPOINT: ' \ '-n+[Blockchain to use]:CHAIN: ' \ '--chain=[Blockchain to use]:CHAIN: ' \ '--electrum-server=[Electrum server to use]:ELECTRUM_SERVER:_hosts' \ '--electrum-port=[Customize Electrum server port number. By default the wallet will use port matching the selected network]:ELECTRUM_PORT: ' \ '-h[Print help information]' \ '--help[Print help information]' \ '-V[Print version information]' \ '--version[Print version information]' \ '*-v[Set verbosity level]' \ '*--verbose[Set verbosity level]' \ '-t[Spawn daemons as threads and not processes]' \ '--threaded[Spawn daemons as threads and not processes]' \ && ret=0 } (( $+functions[_routed_commands] )) || _routed_commands() { local commands; commands=() _describe -t commands 'routed commands' commands "$@" } _routed "$@"