; CRC-32 checksum calculation zp_res checksum,4 zp_byte checksum_temp zp_byte checksum_off_ ; Turns CRC updating on/off. Allows nesting. ; Preserved: A, X, Y crc_off: dec checksum_off_ rts crc_on: inc checksum_off_ beq :+ jpl internal_error ; catch unbalanced crc calls : rts ; Initializes checksum module. Might initialize tables ; in the future. init_crc: ; FALL THROUGH ; Clears checksum and turns it on ; Preserved: X, Y reset_crc: lda #0 sta checksum_off_ lda #$FF sta checksum sta checksum + 1 sta checksum + 2 sta checksum + 3 rts ; Updates checksum with byte in A (unless disabled via crc_off) ; Preserved: A, X, Y ; Time: 357 clocks average update_crc: bit checksum_off_ bmi update_crc_off update_crc_: pha stx checksum_temp eor checksum ldx #8 @bit: lsr checksum+3 ror checksum+2 ror checksum+1 ror a bcc :+ sta checksum lda checksum+3 eor #$ED sta checksum+3 lda checksum+2 eor #$B8 sta checksum+2 lda checksum+1 eor #$83 sta checksum+1 lda checksum eor #$20 : dex bne @bit sta checksum ldx checksum_temp pla update_crc_off: rts ; Prints checksum as 8-character hex value print_crc: jsr crc_off ; Print complement ldx #3 : lda checksum,x eor #$FF jsr print_hex dex bpl :- jmp crc_on