### Log-Tree Fast! 100% customizeable and very easy to use. This library used for printing tree structure in command line. ### Example ```rust // examples\basic.rs use log_tree::LogTree; struct Tree { key: String, childs: Vec, } macro_rules! t { ($key:tt, $($childs:expr),*) => { Tree { key: stringify!($key).to_string(), childs: vec![$($childs),*] } }; } impl LogTree for Tree { fn add_node(&self, _: u8) -> Option<(String, log_tree::Childs)> { Some((self.key.clone(), Box::new(&self.childs))) } } fn main() { let tree = t!( A1, t!(B1, t!(C1,), t!(C2,)), t!(B2, t!(C1, t!(D1,), t!(D2,))) ); println!("{}", tree.fmt_tree()); } ``` Output: `cargo run --example basic` ```text A1 ├─╼ B1 │ ├─> C1 │ ╰─> C2 └─╼ B2 ╰─> C1 ├─> D1 ╰─> D2 ```