These are the main file for the tokens mod: ```rust ( //! This module defines the types of tokens that can be recognized and validated by the //! [`Lexer`](crate::components::lexer) and subsequently utilized by the [`Parser`](crate::components::parser). //! //! It provides a foundational framework for building the lexical components of a language, //! including primitive and potentially complex token types. //! //! ## Modules //! //! - `operators`: Includes various operator types like logical, mathematical, and relational operators. //! - `numbers`: Defines numeric token types such as natural numbers, integers, and real numbers. //! //! ## Usage //! //! Token types are typically constructed via parsing strings and are extensively used throughout the //! lexer and parser components to facilitate language processing. // Consider re-enabling and documenting the `variables` module if relevant for future extensions. // pub mod variables; // Defines variable-related tokens like identifiers. pub mod operators; // Contains definitions for various operators. pub mod numbers; // Contains definitions for numeric types. pub mod variables; // Contains definitions for variable-related tokens. pub use operators::Operator; pub use numbers::Number; pub use variables::Variable; // variables generator // pub use variables::Variable; // pub use variables::Constant; /// Represents a generic token within the language processing system. /// /// All token types must implement this trait to ensure they can be debugged and /// dynamically handled via polymorphism. Tokens are generally created from strings and /// can be represented back as strings for debugging and logging purposes. pub trait Token: std::fmt::Debug + 'static { /// Constructs an instance of a token from a string, if possible. fn from_str>(string: S) -> Option where Self: Sized; /// Returns a string representation of the token, typically used for debugging. fn to_string(&self) -> String { let mut result = std::any::type_name::().split("::").collect::>(); result.reverse(); let mut token_type = result.get(1).unwrap(); let token_type = token_type.chars().next().unwrap().to_uppercase().collect::() + &token_type[1..]; // format!("{:>12} :: {self:?}", token_type) // no additional formatting... let token_type = format!("\x1B[3m{}\x1B[0m", token_type); // italic let token_type = format!("\x1B[1m{}\x1B[0m", token_type); // bold format!("{:>28} :: {self:?}", token_type) // let token_type = format!("\x1B[36m{}\x1B[0m", token_type); // cyan // let token_type = format!("\x1B[32m{}\x1B[0m", token_type); // green // format!("{:>36} :: {self:?}", token_type) (format with spacing according to the token_type length...) // todo: make this a bit more dynamic... } } #[macro_export] /// Macro to implement specific token types for a given trait. /// /// This macro simplifies the creation of token structures that implement a common trait, /// allowing for polymorphic handling of different token types within the parsing logic. macro_rules! impl_enum_token { ($token_type:ident; $trait_name:ident; // $( $name:ident ( $( $variant:ident => ($($str:expr),+) $(,)? )+ ) ),+ $(,)? ) => { crate::impl_token_trait!($token_type; $trait_name; $($name),+); $( #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum $name { $($variant,)+ } impl Token for $name { fn from_str>(string: S) -> Option { match string.into().as_str() { $($($str)|+ => Some($name::$variant),)+ _ => None } } } impl $trait_name for $name {} // )+ }; } #[macro_export] /// Macro to implement specific token types for a given trait. /// Implements the 'from' method for the token type to create a Box from a string. /// /// This macro requires that al token types implement the specified trait and provides a `from_str` method to parse a string into a token. macro_rules! impl_token_trait { ($token_type:ident; $trait_name:ident; $( $name:ident // Name of the token type ),+ $(,)? // Supports multiple token types ) => { impl $token_type { /// Attempts to create a boxed token from a string if it matches any of the specified types. pub fn from + Copy>(string: S) -> Option> { $(if let Some(value) = $name::from_str(string) { Some(Box::new(value)); // Create some box with the token type })+ None // Return None if no types match } } }; } ``` ```rust // //! This file represents all the Number types that can be handled. #![allow(unused)] use super::*; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct Number; pub trait NumberTrait: Token { // Create the into f64 method (according to std::convert::From) } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct Digit(u8); impl Digit { pub fn from_char(c: char, base: u8) -> Option { c.to_digit(base.into()).map(|digit| Digit(digit as u8)) } } /// Macro to define numeric types and their associated traits. /// /// # Parameters /// /// - `$token_type`: The type of the token (e.g., `Number`). /// - `$trait_name`: The name of the trait that all numeric tokens will implement. /// - `$name`: The name of the struct representing a specific numeric type (e.g., `Natural`, `Integer`, `Real`). /// - `$native_type`: The native Rust type that the struct wraps (e.g., `usize`, `isize`, `f64`). /// /// # Example /// /// ```rust /// define_numeric_type!(Number; NumberTrait; /// Natural(usize), /// Integer(isize), /// Real(f64), /// ); /// ``` macro_rules! define_numeric_type { ($token_type:ident; $trait_name:ident; $( $name:ident($native_type:ty) ),+ $(,)? ) => { $( #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct $name { value: $native_type } impl $name { /// Creates a new instance of the numeric type from the native Rust type. /// # Parameters /// - `value`: The native Rust type value to be wrapped. pub fn from_n(value: $native_type) -> Self { Self { value } } } impl $trait_name for $name {} impl Token for $name { /// Parses a string into an instance of the numeric type. /// # Parameters /// - `string`: The string to be parsed. /// # Returns /// - `Option`: An instance of the numeric type if the parsing succeeds, `None` otherwise. fn from_str>(string: S) -> Option { string.into().parse::<$native_type>().ok().map(|value| Self { value }) } } )+ // Once all the numeric types have been defined, implement the trait for the token type... crate::impl_token_trait!($token_type; $trait_name; $($name),+); }; } // Use the macro to define Natural, Integer, and Real define_numeric_type!(Number; NumberTrait; Natural(usize), Integer(isize), Real(f64), ); // todo: Improve define_numeric_type! macro to handle Imaginary and Complex numbers // todo: Also modify the code above to make it able to use the Digit type to parse the numbers! // todo: Using the Digit type will allow the input of numbers in ANY BASE! // #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] // pub struct Imaginary { // value: f64, // } // impl Imaginary { // pub fn from_n(value: f64) -> Self { Self { value } } // } // impl NumberTrait for Imaginary {} // impl Token for Imaginary { // fn from_str>(string: S) -> Option { // let string = string.into(); // if string.ends_with('i') { // let real_part = &string[..string.len() - 1]; // real_part.parse::().ok().map(|value| Self { value }) // } else { // None // } // } // } // #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] // pub struct Complex { // real: f64, // imag: f64, // } // impl Complex { // pub fn from_parts(real: f64, imag: f64) -> Self { Self { real, imag } } // } // impl NumberTrait for Complex {} // impl Token for Complex { // fn from_str>(string: S) -> Option { // let string = string.into(); // let parts: Vec<&str> = string.split(|c| c == '+' || c == '-').collect(); // if parts.len() == 2 { // let real_part = parts[0]; // let imag_part = &parts[1][[1].len() - 1]; // Remove the trailing 'i' // if let (Ok(real), Ok(imag)) = (real_part.parse::(), imag_part.parse::()) { // let sign = if string.contains('-') { -1.0 } else { 1.0 }; // return Some(Self { real, imag: sign * imag }); // } // } // None // } // } ``` ```rust use super::*; use crate::impl_enum_token; pub trait OperatorTrait: Token { // * Add properties and methods for the operator type... // todo: Add all the stuff below... // todo: Add `precedence`, `associativity`, and `arity` properties for the operator type... // todo: Add `is_unary`, `is_binary`, and `is_nary` methods for the operator type... (use `arity`) // todo: Add `is_left_associative`, `is_right_associative`, and `is_non_associative` methods for the operator type... (use `associativity`) } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct Operator; pub trait OperatorNegator: OperatorTrait { const NEGATOR: Self; } /// Macro to implement operator tokens and their associated traits. /// /// # Parameters /// /// - `$token_type`: The type of the token (e.g., `Operator`). /// - `$trait_name`: The name of the trait that all operator tokens will implement. /// - `$name`: The name of the enum representing a specific operator type (e.g., `MathOp`). /// - `$negator`: An optional parameter representing the negator variant for the operator type. /// - `$variant`: The variants of the operator enum, mapping strings to enum variants. /// /// # Example /// /// ```rust /// impl_operator_token!(Operator; OperatorTrait; /// MathOp (Subtract; // this will be the negator of the operator type /// Add => ("+"), /// Subtract => ("-"), /// Multiply => ("*"), /// Divide => ("/"), /// Modulo => ("%"), /// Power => ("^"), /// Root => ("√"), /// Factorial => ("!"), /// ), /// LogicOp (Not; // this will be the negator of the operator type /// And => ("&", "^", "∧", "+"), /// Or => ("|", "||", "*"), /// Not => ("!", "~", "¬"), /// XOr => ("^", "⊻", "⨁"), /// XNOr => ("⊙", "⊽"), /// NAnd => ("↑"), /// NOr => ("↓"), /// ), /// RelationalOp (NotEqual; /// Equal => ("==", "="), /// NotEqual => ("!=", "≠"), /// LessThan => ("<"), /// LessThanOrEqual => ("<=", "≤"), /// GreaterThan => (">"), /// GreaterThanOrEqual => (">=", "≥"), /// ), /// SomeOtherOp (; // this will not have a negator (don't implement OperatorNegator for it) /// SomeOp => ("some_op"), /// AnotherOp => ("another_op"), /// ), /// ); /// ``` macro_rules! impl_operator_token { ($token_type:ident; $trait_name:ident; $($name:ident ( $( $negator:ident )?; $( $variant:ident => ($($str:expr),+) $(,)? )+ )),+ $(,)? ) => { impl_enum_token!($token_type; $trait_name; $($name ( $( $variant => ($($str),+) )+ )),+ ); $( $( impl OperatorNegator for $name { const NEGATOR: Self = $name::$negator; } )? )+ }; } impl_operator_token!(Operator; OperatorTrait; MathOp (Subtract; Add => ("+"), Subtract => ("-"), Multiply => ("*"), Divide => ("/"), Modulo => ("%"), Power => ("^"), Root => ("√"), Factorial => ("!"), ), LogicOp (Not; And => ("&", "^", "∧", "+"), Or => ("|", "||", "*"), Not => ("!", "~", "¬"), XOr => ("^", "⊻", "⨁"), XNOr => ("⊙", "⊽"), NAnd => ("↑"), NOr => ("↓"), ), // RelationalOp (NotEqual; // Equal => ("==", "="), // NotEqual => ("!=", "≠"), // LessThan => ("<"), // LessThanOrEqual => ("<=", "≤"), // GreaterThan => (">"), // GreaterThanOrEqual => (">=", "≥"), // ), ); ``` ```rust // Handle all the Token types that can be a Variable in the grammar! (Constants, etc...) #![allow(unused)] use super::*; use crate::impl_enum_token; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub struct Variable; pub trait VariableTrait: Token { // * Add properties and methods for the variable type... } /// Macro to define constants with their associated subjects and declare the subject traits. /// /// # Parameters /// /// - `$subject`: The subject to which the constants belong (e.g., Math, Physics). /// - `$name`: The name of the constant struct (e.g., Tau, ElectronMass). /// - `$str`: The string representation of the constant (e.g., "τ", "\\me"). /// /// # Example /// /// ```rust /// define_constants!( /// Math ( /// Tau => "τ", /// Pi => "π", /// Phi => "φ", /// EulerGamma => "γ", /// Infinity => "∞", /// E => "e", /// ), /// Physics ( /// SpeedOfLight => "\\c", /// PlanckConstant => "\\h", /// Gravitational => "\\G", /// MuonMass => "\\mμ", /// ElectronMass => "\\me", /// ProtonMass => "\\mp" /// ) /// ); /// ``` // * Add this behavior to the macro (+ '\\const_name') /// Macro to define constants and their associated traits. macro_rules! define_constants { ($token_type:ident; $trait_name:ident; $($name:ident ( $( $variant:ident => ($($str:expr),+) $(,)? )+ )),+ $(,)? ) => { impl_enum_token!($token_type; $trait_name; $($name ( $( $variant => ($($str),+) )+ )),+ ); }; } define_constants!(Variable; VariableTrait; MathConst ( Tau => ("τ", "\\tau"), Pi => ("π"), Phi => ("φ"), EulerGamma => ("γ"), Infinity => ("∞"), E => ("e"), ), PhysicConst ( SpeedOfLight => ("\\c"), PlanckConstant => ("\\h"), Gravitational => ("\\G"), MuonMass => ("\\mμ"), ElectronMass => ("\\me"), ProtonMass => ("\\mp"), ), ); ```