[package] name = "logicng" version = "0.1.0-alpha.3" authors = ["BooleWorks GmbH "] edition = "2021" include = ["/src"] description = "A Library for Creating, Manipulating, and Solving Boolean Formulas" license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0" keywords = ["logic", "sat-solving", "boolean-formulas"] categories = ["data-structures", "algorithms", "mathematics", "science"] readme = "README.md" documentation = "https://docs.rs/logicng/" homepage = "https://www.logicng.org/" repository = "https://github.com/booleworks/logicng-rs" [lib] crate-type = ["lib"] [workspace] members = ["lib/open_wbo_ffi"] [dependencies] fastrand = "2.0.0" regex = "1.9.5" bitvec = "1.0.1" itertools = "0.11.0" num-bigint = "0.4.4" pest = "2.7.3" pest_derive = "2.7.3" dashmap = "5.5.3" logicng-open-wbo-sys = { version = "0.1.0-alpha.3", path = "lib/open_wbo_ffi", optional = true } [features] default = [] # these tests should only be executed with the release profile, otherwise they take too much time long_running_tests = [] open_wbo = ["dep:logicng-open-wbo-sys"] [profile.release] debug = true # no runtime costs involved [[example]] name = "misc" path = "examples/benches/performance_large.rs" [[example]] name = "model_counting" path = "examples/benches/model_counting.rs" [[example]] name = "maximize" path = "examples/benches/maximize.rs" [[example]] name = "maximize_maxsat" path = "examples/benches/maximize_maxsat.rs" required-features = ["open_wbo"] [[example]] name = "solve" path = "examples/benches/solve.rs" [[example]] name = "parse" path = "examples/benches/parse.rs" [[example]] name = "bench_overview" path = "examples/benches/overview.rs" required-features = ["open_wbo"] [[test]] name = "test" path = "tests/sat/dimacs_tests.rs" [[test]] name = "concurrency_tests" path = "tests/concurrency.rs"