/***************************************************************************************[Solver.cc] Glucose -- Copyright (c) 2009-2014, Gilles Audemard, Laurent Simon CRIL - Univ. Artois, France LRI - Univ. Paris Sud, France (2009-2013) Labri - Univ. Bordeaux, France Syrup (Glucose Parallel) -- Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Gilles Audemard, Laurent Simon CRIL - Univ. Artois, France Labri - Univ. Bordeaux, France Glucose sources are based on MiniSat (see below MiniSat copyrights). Permissions and copyrights of Glucose (sources until 2013, Glucose 3.0, single core) are exactly the same as Minisat on which it is based on. (see below). Glucose-Syrup sources are based on another copyright. Permissions and copyrights for the parallel version of Glucose-Syrup (the "Software") are granted, free of charge, to deal with the Software without restriction, including the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicence, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - The above and below copyrights notices and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software; - The parallel version of Glucose (all files modified since Glucose 3.0 releases, 2013) cannot be used in any competitive event (sat competitions/evaluations) without the express permission of the authors (Gilles Audemard / Laurent Simon). This is also the case for any competitive event using Glucose Parallel as an embedded SAT engine (single core or not). --------------- Original Minisat Copyrights Copyright (c) 2003-2006, Niklas Een, Niklas Sorensson Copyright (c) 2007-2010, Niklas Sorensson Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. **************************************************************************************************/ #include #include "utils/System.h" #include "mtl/Sort.h" #include "core/Solver.h" #include "core/Constants.h" #include"simp/SimpSolver.h" using namespace Glucose; //================================================================================================= // Statistics //================================================================================================= //================================================================================================= // Options: static const char *_cat = "CORE"; static const char *_cr = "CORE -- RESTART"; static const char *_cred = "CORE -- REDUCE"; static const char *_cm = "CORE -- MINIMIZE"; static DoubleOption opt_K(_cr, "K", "The constant used to force restart", 0.8, DoubleRange(0, false, 1, false)); static DoubleOption opt_R(_cr, "R", "The constant used to block restart", 1.4, DoubleRange(1, false, 5, false)); static IntOption opt_size_lbd_queue(_cr, "szLBDQueue", "The size of moving average for LBD (restarts)", 50, IntRange(10, INT32_MAX)); static IntOption opt_size_trail_queue(_cr, "szTrailQueue", "The size of moving average for trail (block restarts)", 5000, IntRange(10, INT32_MAX)); static IntOption opt_first_reduce_db(_cred, "firstReduceDB", "The number of conflicts before the first reduce DB (or the size of leernts if chanseok is used)", 2000, IntRange(0, INT32_MAX)); static IntOption opt_inc_reduce_db(_cred, "incReduceDB", "Increment for reduce DB", 300, IntRange(0, INT32_MAX)); static IntOption opt_spec_inc_reduce_db(_cred, "specialIncReduceDB", "Special increment for reduce DB", 1000, IntRange(0, INT32_MAX)); static IntOption opt_lb_lbd_frozen_clause(_cred, "minLBDFrozenClause", "Protect clauses if their LBD decrease and is lower than (for one turn)", 30, IntRange(0, INT32_MAX)); static BoolOption opt_chanseok_hack(_cred, "chanseok", "Use Chanseok Oh strategy for LBD (keep all LBD<=co and remove half of firstreduceDB other learnt clauses", false); static IntOption opt_chanseok_limit(_cred, "co", "Chanseok Oh: all learnt clauses with LBD<=co are permanent", 5, IntRange(2, INT32_MAX)); static IntOption opt_lb_size_minimzing_clause(_cm, "minSizeMinimizingClause", "The min size required to minimize clause", 30, IntRange(3, INT32_MAX)); static IntOption opt_lb_lbd_minimzing_clause(_cm, "minLBDMinimizingClause", "The min LBD required to minimize clause", 6, IntRange(3, INT32_MAX)); static DoubleOption opt_var_decay(_cat, "var-decay", "The variable activity decay factor (starting point)", 0.8, DoubleRange(0, false, 1, false)); static DoubleOption opt_max_var_decay(_cat, "max-var-decay", "The variable activity decay factor", 0.95, DoubleRange(0, false, 1, false)); static DoubleOption opt_clause_decay(_cat, "cla-decay", "The clause activity decay factor", 0.999, DoubleRange(0, false, 1, false)); static DoubleOption opt_random_var_freq(_cat, "rnd-freq", "The frequency with which the decision heuristic tries to choose a random variable", 0, DoubleRange(0, true, 1, true)); static DoubleOption opt_random_seed(_cat, "rnd-seed", "Used by the random variable selection", 91648253, DoubleRange(0, false, HUGE_VAL, false)); static IntOption opt_ccmin_mode(_cat, "ccmin-mode", "Controls conflict clause minimization (0=none, 1=basic, 2=deep)", 2, IntRange(0, 2)); static IntOption opt_phase_saving(_cat, "phase-saving", "Controls the level of phase saving (0=none, 1=limited, 2=full)", 2, IntRange(0, 2)); static BoolOption opt_rnd_init_act(_cat, "rnd-init", "Randomize the initial activity", false); static DoubleOption opt_garbage_frac(_cat, "gc-frac", "The fraction of wasted memory allowed before a garbage collection is triggered", 0.20, DoubleRange(0, false, HUGE_VAL, false)); static BoolOption opt_glu_reduction(_cat, "gr", "glucose strategy to fire clause database reduction (must be false to fire Chanseok strategy)", true); static BoolOption opt_luby_restart(_cat, "luby", "Use the Luby restart sequence", false); static DoubleOption opt_restart_inc(_cat, "rinc", "Restart interval increase factor", 2, DoubleRange(1, false, HUGE_VAL, false)); static IntOption opt_luby_restart_factor(_cred, "luby-factor", "Luby restart factor", 100, IntRange(1, INT32_MAX)); static IntOption opt_randomize_phase_on_restarts(_cat, "phase-restart", "The amount of randomization for the phase at each restart (0=none, 1=first branch, 2=first branch (no bad clauses), 3=first branch (only initial clauses)", 0, IntRange(0, 3)); static BoolOption opt_fixed_randomize_phase_on_restarts(_cat, "fix-phas-rest", "Fixes the first 7 levels at random phase", false); static BoolOption opt_adapt(_cat, "adapt", "Adapt dynamically stategies after 100000 conflicts", true); static BoolOption opt_forceunsat(_cat,"forceunsat","Force the phase for UNSAT",true); //================================================================================================= // Constructor/Destructor: Solver::Solver() : // Parameters (user settable): // verbosity(0) , showModel(0) , K(opt_K) , R(opt_R) , sizeLBDQueue(opt_size_lbd_queue) , sizeTrailQueue(opt_size_trail_queue) , firstReduceDB(opt_first_reduce_db) , incReduceDB(opt_chanseok_hack ? 0 : opt_inc_reduce_db) , specialIncReduceDB(opt_chanseok_hack ? 0 : opt_spec_inc_reduce_db) , lbLBDFrozenClause(opt_lb_lbd_frozen_clause) , chanseokStrategy(opt_chanseok_hack) , coLBDBound (opt_chanseok_limit) , lbSizeMinimizingClause(opt_lb_size_minimzing_clause) , lbLBDMinimizingClause(opt_lb_lbd_minimzing_clause) , var_decay(opt_var_decay) , max_var_decay(opt_max_var_decay) , clause_decay(opt_clause_decay) , random_var_freq(opt_random_var_freq) , random_seed(opt_random_seed) , ccmin_mode(opt_ccmin_mode) , phase_saving(opt_phase_saving) , rnd_pol(false) , rnd_init_act(opt_rnd_init_act) , randomizeFirstDescent(false) , garbage_frac(opt_garbage_frac) , certifiedOutput(NULL) , certifiedUNSAT(false) // Not in the first parallel version , vbyte(false) , panicModeLastRemoved(0), panicModeLastRemovedShared(0) , useUnaryWatched(false) , promoteOneWatchedClause(true) ,solves(0),starts(0),decisions(0),propagations(0),conflicts(0),conflictsRestarts(0) , curRestart(1) , glureduce(opt_glu_reduction) , restart_inc(opt_restart_inc) , luby_restart(opt_luby_restart) , adaptStrategies(opt_adapt) , luby_restart_factor(opt_luby_restart_factor) , randomize_on_restarts(opt_randomize_phase_on_restarts) , fixed_randomize_on_restarts(opt_fixed_randomize_phase_on_restarts) , newDescent(0) , randomDescentAssignments(0) , forceUnsatOnNewDescent(opt_forceunsat) , ok(true) , cla_inc(1) , var_inc(1) , watches(WatcherDeleted(ca)) , watchesBin(WatcherDeleted(ca)) , unaryWatches(WatcherDeleted(ca)) , qhead(0) , simpDB_assigns(-1) , simpDB_props(0) , order_heap(VarOrderLt(activity)) , progress_estimate(0) , remove_satisfied(true) ,lastLearntClause(CRef_Undef) // Resource constraints: // , conflict_budget(-1) , propagation_budget(-1) , asynch_interrupt(false) , incremental(true) , nbVarsInitialFormula(INT32_MAX) , totalTime4Sat(0.) , totalTime4Unsat(0.) , nbSatCalls(0) , nbUnsatCalls(0) { MYFLAG = 0; // Initialize only first time. Useful for incremental solving (not in // version), useless otherwise // Kept here for simplicity lbdQueue.initSize(sizeLBDQueue); trailQueue.initSize(sizeTrailQueue); sumLBD = 0; nbclausesbeforereduce = firstReduceDB; stats.growTo(coreStatsSize, 0); } //------------------------------------------------------- // Special constructor used for cloning solvers //------------------------------------------------------- Solver::Solver(const Solver &s) : verbosity(s.verbosity) , showModel(s.showModel) , K(s.K) , R(s.R) , sizeLBDQueue(s.sizeLBDQueue) , sizeTrailQueue(s.sizeTrailQueue) , firstReduceDB(s.firstReduceDB) , incReduceDB(s.incReduceDB) , specialIncReduceDB(s.specialIncReduceDB) , lbLBDFrozenClause(s.lbLBDFrozenClause) , chanseokStrategy(opt_chanseok_hack) , coLBDBound (opt_chanseok_limit) , lbSizeMinimizingClause(s.lbSizeMinimizingClause) , lbLBDMinimizingClause(s.lbLBDMinimizingClause) , var_decay(s.var_decay) , max_var_decay(s.max_var_decay) , clause_decay(s.clause_decay) , random_var_freq(s.random_var_freq) , random_seed(s.random_seed) , ccmin_mode(s.ccmin_mode) , phase_saving(s.phase_saving) , rnd_pol(s.rnd_pol) , rnd_init_act(s.rnd_init_act) , randomizeFirstDescent(s.randomizeFirstDescent) , garbage_frac(s.garbage_frac) , certifiedOutput(NULL) , certifiedUNSAT(false) // Not in the first parallel version , panicModeLastRemoved(s.panicModeLastRemoved), panicModeLastRemovedShared(s.panicModeLastRemovedShared) , useUnaryWatched(s.useUnaryWatched) , promoteOneWatchedClause(s.promoteOneWatchedClause) // Statistics: (formerly in 'SolverStats') // ,solves(0),starts(0),decisions(0),propagations(0),conflicts(0),conflictsRestarts(0) , curRestart(s.curRestart) , glureduce(s.glureduce) , restart_inc(s.restart_inc) , luby_restart(s.luby_restart) , adaptStrategies(s.adaptStrategies) , luby_restart_factor(s.luby_restart_factor) , randomize_on_restarts(s.randomize_on_restarts) , fixed_randomize_on_restarts(s.fixed_randomize_on_restarts) , newDescent(s.newDescent) , randomDescentAssignments(s.randomDescentAssignments) , forceUnsatOnNewDescent(s.forceUnsatOnNewDescent) , ok(true) , cla_inc(s.cla_inc) , var_inc(s.var_inc) , watches(WatcherDeleted(ca)) , watchesBin(WatcherDeleted(ca)) , unaryWatches(WatcherDeleted(ca)) , qhead(s.qhead) , simpDB_assigns(s.simpDB_assigns) , simpDB_props(s.simpDB_props) , order_heap(VarOrderLt(activity)) , progress_estimate(s.progress_estimate) , remove_satisfied(s.remove_satisfied) ,lastLearntClause(CRef_Undef) // Resource constraints: // , conflict_budget(s.conflict_budget) , propagation_budget(s.propagation_budget) , asynch_interrupt(s.asynch_interrupt) , incremental(s.incremental) , nbVarsInitialFormula(s.nbVarsInitialFormula) , totalTime4Sat(s.totalTime4Sat) , totalTime4Unsat(s.totalTime4Unsat) , nbSatCalls(s.nbSatCalls) , nbUnsatCalls(s.nbUnsatCalls) { // Copy clauses. s.ca.copyTo(ca); ca.extra_clause_field = s.ca.extra_clause_field; // Initialize other variables MYFLAG = 0; // Initialize only first time. Useful for incremental solving (not in // version), useless otherwise // Kept here for simplicity sumLBD = s.sumLBD; nbclausesbeforereduce = s.nbclausesbeforereduce; // Copy all search vectors s.watches.copyTo(watches); s.watchesBin.copyTo(watchesBin); s.unaryWatches.copyTo(unaryWatches); s.assigns.memCopyTo(assigns); s.vardata.memCopyTo(vardata); s.activity.memCopyTo(activity); s.seen.memCopyTo(seen); s.permDiff.memCopyTo(permDiff); s.polarity.memCopyTo(polarity); s.fixed_polarity.memCopyTo(polarity); s.decision.memCopyTo(decision); s.trail.memCopyTo(trail); s.order_heap.copyTo(order_heap); s.clauses.memCopyTo(clauses); s.learnts.memCopyTo(learnts); s.permanentLearnts.memCopyTo(permanentLearnts); s.lbdQueue.copyTo(lbdQueue); s.trailQueue.copyTo(trailQueue); s.forceUNSAT.copyTo(forceUNSAT); s.stats.copyTo(stats); } Solver::~Solver() { } /**************************************************************** Certified UNSAT proof in binary format ****************************************************************/ void Solver::write_char(unsigned char ch) { if(putc_unlocked((int) ch, certifiedOutput) == EOF) exit(1); } void Solver::write_lit(int n) { for(; n > 127; n >>= 7) write_char(128 | (n & 127)); write_char(n); } /**************************************************************** Set the incremental mode ****************************************************************/ // This function set the incremental mode to true. // You can add special code for this mode here. void Solver::setIncrementalMode() { #ifdef INCREMENTAL incremental = true; #else fprintf(stderr, "c Trying to set incremental mode, but not compiled properly for this.\n"); exit(1); #endif } // Number of variables without selectors void Solver::initNbInitialVars(int nb) { nbVarsInitialFormula = nb; } bool Solver::isIncremental() { return incremental; } //================================================================================================= // Minor methods: // Creates a new SAT variable in the solver. If 'decision' is cleared, variable will not be // used as a decision variable (NOTE! This has effects on the meaning of a SATISFIABLE result). // Var Solver::newVar(bool sign, bool dvar) { int v = nVars(); watches.init(mkLit(v, false)); watches.init(mkLit(v, true)); watchesBin.init(mkLit(v, false)); watchesBin.init(mkLit(v, true)); unaryWatches.init(mkLit(v, false)); unaryWatches.init(mkLit(v, true)); assigns.push(l_Undef); vardata.push(mkVarData(CRef_Undef, 0)); activity.push(rnd_init_act ? drand(random_seed) * 0.00001 : 0); seen.push(0); permDiff.push(0); polarity.push(sign); fixed_polarity.push(false); forceUNSAT.push(0); decision.push(); trail.capacity(v + 1); setDecisionVar(v, dvar); return v; } bool Solver::addClause_(vec &ps) { assert(decisionLevel() == 0); if(!ok) return false; // Check if clause is satisfied and remove false/duplicate literals: sort(ps); vec oc; oc.clear(); Lit p; int i, j, flag = 0; if(certifiedUNSAT) { for(i = j = 0, p = lit_Undef; i < ps.size(); i++) { oc.push(ps[i]); if(value(ps[i]) == l_True || ps[i] == ~p || value(ps[i]) == l_False) flag = 1; } } for(i = j = 0, p = lit_Undef; i < ps.size(); i++) if(value(ps[i]) == l_True || ps[i] == ~p) return true; else if(value(ps[i]) != l_False && ps[i] != p) ps[j++] = p = ps[i]; ps.shrink(i - j); if(flag && (certifiedUNSAT)) { if(vbyte) { write_char('a'); for(i = j = 0, p = lit_Undef; i < ps.size(); i++) write_lit(2 * (var(ps[i]) + 1) + sign(ps[i])); write_lit(0); write_char('d'); for(i = j = 0, p = lit_Undef; i < oc.size(); i++) write_lit(2 * (var(oc[i]) + 1) + sign(oc[i])); write_lit(0); } else { for(i = j = 0, p = lit_Undef; i < ps.size(); i++) fprintf(certifiedOutput, "%i ", (var(ps[i]) + 1) * (-2 * sign(ps[i]) + 1)); fprintf(certifiedOutput, "0\n"); fprintf(certifiedOutput, "d "); for(i = j = 0, p = lit_Undef; i < oc.size(); i++) fprintf(certifiedOutput, "%i ", (var(oc[i]) + 1) * (-2 * sign(oc[i]) + 1)); fprintf(certifiedOutput, "0\n"); } } if(ps.size() == 0) return ok = false; else if(ps.size() == 1) { uncheckedEnqueue(ps[0]); return ok = (propagate() == CRef_Undef); } else { CRef cr = ca.alloc(ps, false); clauses.push(cr); attachClause(cr); } return true; } void Solver::attachClause(CRef cr) { const Clause &c = ca[cr]; assert(c.size() > 1); if(c.size() == 2) { watchesBin[~c[0]].push(Watcher(cr, c[1])); watchesBin[~c[1]].push(Watcher(cr, c[0])); } else { watches[~c[0]].push(Watcher(cr, c[1])); watches[~c[1]].push(Watcher(cr, c[0])); } if(c.learnt()) stats[learnts_literals] += c.size(); else stats[clauses_literals] += c.size(); } void Solver::attachClausePurgatory(CRef cr) { const Clause &c = ca[cr]; assert(c.size() > 1); unaryWatches[~c[0]].push(Watcher(cr, c[1])); } void Solver::detachClause(CRef cr, bool strict) { const Clause &c = ca[cr]; assert(c.size() > 1); if(c.size() == 2) { if(strict) { remove(watchesBin[~c[0]], Watcher(cr, c[1])); remove(watchesBin[~c[1]], Watcher(cr, c[0])); } else { // Lazy detaching: (NOTE! Must clean all watcher lists before garbage collecting this clause) watchesBin.smudge(~c[0]); watchesBin.smudge(~c[1]); } } else { if(strict) { remove(watches[~c[0]], Watcher(cr, c[1])); remove(watches[~c[1]], Watcher(cr, c[0])); } else { // Lazy detaching: (NOTE! Must clean all watcher lists before garbage collecting this clause) watches.smudge(~c[0]); watches.smudge(~c[1]); } } if(c.learnt()) stats[learnts_literals] -= c.size(); else stats[clauses_literals] -= c.size(); } // The purgatory is the 1-Watched scheme for imported clauses void Solver::detachClausePurgatory(CRef cr, bool strict) { const Clause &c = ca[cr]; assert(c.size() > 1); if(strict) remove(unaryWatches[~c[0]], Watcher(cr, c[1])); else unaryWatches.smudge(~c[0]); } void Solver::removeClause(CRef cr, bool inPurgatory) { Clause &c = ca[cr]; if(certifiedUNSAT) { if(vbyte) { write_char('d'); for(int i = 0; i < c.size(); i++) write_lit(2 * (var(c[i]) + 1) + sign(c[i])); write_lit(0); } else { fprintf(certifiedOutput, "d "); for(int i = 0; i < c.size(); i++) fprintf(certifiedOutput, "%i ", (var(c[i]) + 1) * (-2 * sign(c[i]) + 1)); fprintf(certifiedOutput, "0\n"); } } if(inPurgatory) detachClausePurgatory(cr); else detachClause(cr); // Don't leave pointers to free'd memory! if(locked(c)) vardata[var(c[0])].reason = CRef_Undef; c.mark(1); ca.free(cr); } bool Solver::satisfied(const Clause &c) const { #ifdef INCREMENTAL if(incremental) return (value(c[0]) == l_True) || (value(c[1]) == l_True); #endif // Default mode for(int i = 0; i < c.size(); i++) if(value(c[i]) == l_True) return true; return false; } /************************************************************ * Compute LBD functions *************************************************************/ template inline unsigned int Solver::computeLBD(const T &lits, int end) { int nblevels = 0; MYFLAG++; #ifdef INCREMENTAL if(incremental) { // ----------------- INCREMENTAL MODE if(end==-1) end = lits.size(); int nbDone = 0; for(int i=0;i=end) break; if(isSelector(var(lits[i]))) continue; nbDone++; int l = level(var(lits[i])); if (permDiff[l] != MYFLAG) { permDiff[l] = MYFLAG; nblevels++; } } } else { // -------- DEFAULT MODE. NOT A LOT OF DIFFERENCES... BUT EASIER TO READ #endif for(int i = 0; i < lits.size(); i++) { int l = level(var(lits[i])); if(permDiff[l] != MYFLAG) { permDiff[l] = MYFLAG; nblevels++; } } #ifdef INCREMENTAL } #endif return nblevels; } /****************************************************************** * Minimisation with binary reolution ******************************************************************/ void Solver::minimisationWithBinaryResolution(vec &out_learnt) { // Find the LBD measure unsigned int lbd = computeLBD(out_learnt); Lit p = ~out_learnt[0]; if(lbd <= lbLBDMinimizingClause) { MYFLAG++; for(int i = 1; i < out_learnt.size(); i++) { permDiff[var(out_learnt[i])] = MYFLAG; } vec &wbin = watchesBin[p]; int nb = 0; for(int k = 0; k < wbin.size(); k++) { Lit imp = wbin[k].blocker; if(permDiff[var(imp)] == MYFLAG && value(imp) == l_True) { nb++; permDiff[var(imp)] = MYFLAG - 1; } } int l = out_learnt.size() - 1; if(nb > 0) { stats[nbReducedClauses]++; for(int i = 1; i < out_learnt.size() - nb; i++) { if(permDiff[var(out_learnt[i])] != MYFLAG) { Lit p = out_learnt[l]; out_learnt[l] = out_learnt[i]; out_learnt[i] = p; l--; i--; } } out_learnt.shrink(nb); } } } // Revert to the state at given level (keeping all assignment at 'level' but not beyond). // void Solver::cancelUntil(int level) { if(decisionLevel() > level) { for(int c = trail.size() - 1; c >= trail_lim[level]; c--) { Var x = var(trail[c]); assigns[x] = l_Undef; if(phase_saving > 1 || ((phase_saving == 1) && c > trail_lim.last())) { if (!fixed_polarity[x]) polarity[x] = sign(trail[c]); } insertVarOrder(x); } qhead = trail_lim[level]; trail.shrink(trail.size() - trail_lim[level]); trail_lim.shrink(trail_lim.size() - level); } } //================================================================================================= // Major methods: Lit Solver::pickBranchLit() { Var next = var_Undef; // Random decision: if(((randomizeFirstDescent && conflicts == 0) || drand(random_seed) < random_var_freq) && !order_heap.empty()) { next = order_heap[irand(random_seed, order_heap.size())]; if(value(next) == l_Undef && decision[next]) stats[rnd_decisions]++; } // Activity based decision: while(next == var_Undef || value(next) != l_Undef || !decision[next]) if(order_heap.empty()) { next = var_Undef; break; } else { next = order_heap.removeMin(); } if(randomize_on_restarts && !fixed_randomize_on_restarts && newDescent && (decisionLevel() % 2 == 0)) { return mkLit(next, (randomDescentAssignments >> (decisionLevel() % 32)) & 1); } if(fixed_randomize_on_restarts && decisionLevel() < 7) { return mkLit(next, (randomDescentAssignments >> (decisionLevel() % 32)) & 1); } if(next == var_Undef) return lit_Undef; if(forceUnsatOnNewDescent && newDescent) { if(forceUNSAT[next] != 0) return mkLit(next, forceUNSAT[next] < 0); return mkLit(next, polarity[next]); } return next == var_Undef ? lit_Undef : mkLit(next, rnd_pol ? drand(random_seed) < 0.5 : polarity[next]); } /*_________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | analyze : (confl : Clause*) (out_learnt : vec&) (out_btlevel : int&) -> [void] | | Description: | Analyze conflict and produce a reason clause. | | Pre-conditions: | * 'out_learnt' is assumed to be cleared. | * Current decision level must be greater than root level. | | Post-conditions: | * 'out_learnt[0]' is the asserting literal at level 'out_btlevel'. | * If out_learnt.size() > 1 then 'out_learnt[1]' has the greatest decision level of the | rest of literals. There may be others from the same level though. | |________________________________________________________________________________________________@*/ void Solver::analyze(CRef confl, vec &out_learnt, vec &selectors, int &out_btlevel, unsigned int &lbd, unsigned int &szWithoutSelectors) { int pathC = 0; Lit p = lit_Undef; // Generate conflict clause: // out_learnt.push(); // (leave room for the asserting literal) int index = trail.size() - 1; do { assert(confl != CRef_Undef); // (otherwise should be UIP) Clause &c = ca[confl]; // Special case for binary clauses // The first one has to be SAT if(p != lit_Undef && c.size() == 2 && value(c[0]) == l_False) { assert(value(c[1]) == l_True); Lit tmp = c[0]; c[0] = c[1], c[1] = tmp; } if(c.learnt()) { parallelImportClauseDuringConflictAnalysis(c, confl); claBumpActivity(c); } else { // original clause if(!c.getSeen()) { stats[originalClausesSeen]++; c.setSeen(true); } } // DYNAMIC NBLEVEL trick (see competition'09 companion paper) if(c.learnt() && c.lbd() > 2) { unsigned int nblevels = computeLBD(c); if(nblevels + 1 < c.lbd()) { // improve the LBD if(c.lbd() <= lbLBDFrozenClause) { // seems to be interesting : keep it for the next round c.setCanBeDel(false); } if(chanseokStrategy && nblevels <= coLBDBound) { c.nolearnt(); learnts.remove(confl); permanentLearnts.push(confl); stats[nbPermanentLearnts]++; } else { c.setLBD(nblevels); // Update it } } } for(int j = (p == lit_Undef) ? 0 : 1; j < c.size(); j++) { Lit q = c[j]; if(!seen[var(q)]) { if(level(var(q)) == 0) { } else { // Here, the old case if(!isSelector(var(q))) varBumpActivity(var(q)); // This variable was responsible for a conflict, // consider it as a UNSAT assignation for this literal bumpForceUNSAT(~q); // Negation because q is false here seen[var(q)] = 1; if(level(var(q)) >= decisionLevel()) { pathC++; // UPDATEVARACTIVITY trick (see competition'09 companion paper) if(!isSelector(var(q)) && (reason(var(q)) != CRef_Undef) && ca[reason(var(q))].learnt()) lastDecisionLevel.push(q); } else { if(isSelector(var(q))) { assert(value(q) == l_False); selectors.push(q); } else out_learnt.push(q); } } } //else stats[sumResSeen]++; } // Select next clause to look at: while (!seen[var(trail[index--])]); p = trail[index + 1]; //stats[sumRes]++; confl = reason(var(p)); seen[var(p)] = 0; pathC--; } while(pathC > 0); out_learnt[0] = ~p; // Simplify conflict clause: // int i, j; for(int i = 0; i < selectors.size(); i++) out_learnt.push(selectors[i]); out_learnt.copyTo(analyze_toclear); if(ccmin_mode == 2) { uint32_t abstract_level = 0; for(i = 1; i < out_learnt.size(); i++) abstract_level |= abstractLevel(var(out_learnt[i])); // (maintain an abstraction of levels involved in conflict) for(i = j = 1; i < out_learnt.size(); i++) if(reason(var(out_learnt[i])) == CRef_Undef || !litRedundant(out_learnt[i], abstract_level)) out_learnt[j++] = out_learnt[i]; } else if(ccmin_mode == 1) { for(i = j = 1; i < out_learnt.size(); i++) { Var x = var(out_learnt[i]); if(reason(x) == CRef_Undef) out_learnt[j++] = out_learnt[i]; else { Clause &c = ca[reason(var(out_learnt[i]))]; // Thanks to Siert Wieringa for this bug fix! for(int k = ((c.size() == 2) ? 0 : 1); k < c.size(); k++) if(!seen[var(c[k])] && level(var(c[k])) > 0) { out_learnt[j++] = out_learnt[i]; break; } } } } else i = j = out_learnt.size(); // stats[max_literals]+=out_learnt.size(); out_learnt.shrink(i - j); // stats[tot_literals]+=out_learnt.size(); /* *************************************** Minimisation with binary clauses of the asserting clause First of all : we look for small clauses Then, we reduce clauses with small LBD. Otherwise, this can be useless */ if(!incremental && out_learnt.size() <= lbSizeMinimizingClause) { minimisationWithBinaryResolution(out_learnt); } // Find correct backtrack level: // if(out_learnt.size() == 1) out_btlevel = 0; else { int max_i = 1; // Find the first literal assigned at the next-highest level: for(int i = 2; i < out_learnt.size(); i++) if(level(var(out_learnt[i])) > level(var(out_learnt[max_i]))) max_i = i; // Swap-in this literal at index 1: Lit p = out_learnt[max_i]; out_learnt[max_i] = out_learnt[1]; out_learnt[1] = p; out_btlevel = level(var(p)); } #ifdef INCREMENTAL if(incremental) { szWithoutSelectors = 0; for(int i=0;i0) break; } } else #endif szWithoutSelectors = out_learnt.size(); // Compute LBD lbd = computeLBD(out_learnt, out_learnt.size() - selectors.size()); // UPDATEVARACTIVITY trick (see competition'09 companion paper) if(lastDecisionLevel.size() > 0) { for(int i = 0; i < lastDecisionLevel.size(); i++) { if(ca[reason(var(lastDecisionLevel[i]))].lbd() < lbd) varBumpActivity(var(lastDecisionLevel[i])); } lastDecisionLevel.clear(); } for(int j = 0; j < analyze_toclear.size(); j++) seen[var(analyze_toclear[j])] = 0; // ('seen[]' is now cleared) for(int j = 0; j < selectors.size(); j++) seen[var(selectors[j])] = 0; } // Check if 'p' can be removed. 'abstract_levels' is used to abort early if the algorithm is // visiting literals at levels that cannot be removed later. bool Solver::litRedundant(Lit p, uint32_t abstract_levels) { analyze_stack.clear(); analyze_stack.push(p); int top = analyze_toclear.size(); while(analyze_stack.size() > 0) { assert(reason(var(analyze_stack.last())) != CRef_Undef); Clause &c = ca[reason(var(analyze_stack.last()))]; analyze_stack.pop(); // if(c.size() == 2 && value(c[0]) == l_False) { assert(value(c[1]) == l_True); Lit tmp = c[0]; c[0] = c[1], c[1] = tmp; } for(int i = 1; i < c.size(); i++) { Lit p = c[i]; if(!seen[var(p)]) { if(level(var(p)) > 0) { if(reason(var(p)) != CRef_Undef && (abstractLevel(var(p)) & abstract_levels) != 0) { seen[var(p)] = 1; analyze_stack.push(p); analyze_toclear.push(p); } else { for(int j = top; j < analyze_toclear.size(); j++) seen[var(analyze_toclear[j])] = 0; analyze_toclear.shrink(analyze_toclear.size() - top); return false; } } } } } return true; } /*_________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | analyzeFinal : (p : Lit) -> [void] | | Description: | Specialized analysis procedure to express the final conflict in terms of assumptions. | Calculates the (possibly empty) set of assumptions that led to the assignment of 'p', and | stores the result in 'out_conflict'. |________________________________________________________________________________________________@*/ void Solver::analyzeFinal(Lit p, vec &out_conflict) { out_conflict.clear(); out_conflict.push(p); if(decisionLevel() == 0) return; seen[var(p)] = 1; for(int i = trail.size() - 1; i >= trail_lim[0]; i--) { Var x = var(trail[i]); if(seen[x]) { if(reason(x) == CRef_Undef) { assert(level(x) > 0); out_conflict.push(~trail[i]); } else { Clause &c = ca[reason(x)]; // for (int j = 1; j < c.size(); j++) Minisat (glucose 2.0) loop // Bug in case of assumptions due to special data structures for Binary. // Many thanks to Sam Bayless (sbayless@cs.ubc.ca) for discover this bug. for(int j = ((c.size() == 2) ? 0 : 1); j < c.size(); j++) if(level(var(c[j])) > 0) seen[var(c[j])] = 1; } seen[x] = 0; } } seen[var(p)] = 0; } void Solver::uncheckedEnqueue(Lit p, CRef from) { assert(value(p) == l_Undef); assigns[var(p)] = lbool(!sign(p)); vardata[var(p)] = mkVarData(from, decisionLevel()); trail.push_(p); } void Solver::bumpForceUNSAT(Lit q) { forceUNSAT[var(q)] = sign(q) ? -1 : +1; return; } /*_________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | propagate : [void] -> [Clause*] | | Description: | Propagates all enqueued facts. If a conflict arises, the conflicting clause is returned, | otherwise CRef_Undef. | | Post-conditions: | * the propagation queue is empty, even if there was a conflict. |________________________________________________________________________________________________@*/ CRef Solver::propagate() { CRef confl = CRef_Undef; int num_props = 0; watches.cleanAll(); watchesBin.cleanAll(); unaryWatches.cleanAll(); while(qhead < trail.size()) { Lit p = trail[qhead++]; // 'p' is enqueued fact to propagate. vec &ws = watches[p]; Watcher *i, *j, *end; num_props++; // First, Propagate binary clauses vec &wbin = watchesBin[p]; for(int k = 0; k < wbin.size(); k++) { Lit imp = wbin[k].blocker; if(value(imp) == l_False) { return wbin[k].cref; } if(value(imp) == l_Undef) { uncheckedEnqueue(imp, wbin[k].cref); } } // Now propagate other 2-watched clauses for(i = j = (Watcher *) ws, end = i + ws.size(); i != end;) { // Try to avoid inspecting the clause: Lit blocker = i->blocker; if(value(blocker) == l_True) { *j++ = *i++; continue; } // Make sure the false literal is data[1]: CRef cr = i->cref; Clause &c = ca[cr]; assert(!c.getOneWatched()); Lit false_lit = ~p; if(c[0] == false_lit) c[0] = c[1], c[1] = false_lit; assert(c[1] == false_lit); i++; // If 0th watch is true, then clause is already satisfied. Lit first = c[0]; Watcher w = Watcher(cr, first); if(first != blocker && value(first) == l_True) { *j++ = w; continue; } #ifdef INCREMENTAL if(incremental) { // ----------------- INCREMENTAL MODE int choosenPos = -1; for (int k = 2; k < c.size(); k++) { if (value(c[k]) != l_False){ if(decisionLevel()>assumptions.size()) { choosenPos = k; break; } else { choosenPos = k; if(value(c[k])==l_True || !isSelector(var(c[k]))) { break; } } } } if(choosenPos!=-1) { c[1] = c[choosenPos]; c[choosenPos] = false_lit; watches[~c[1]].push(w); goto NextClause; } } else { // ----------------- DEFAULT MODE (NOT INCREMENTAL) #endif for(int k = 2; k < c.size(); k++) { if(value(c[k]) != l_False) { c[1] = c[k]; c[k] = false_lit; watches[~c[1]].push(w); goto NextClause; } } #ifdef INCREMENTAL } #endif // Did not find watch -- clause is unit under assignment: *j++ = w; if(value(first) == l_False) { confl = cr; qhead = trail.size(); // Copy the remaining watches: while(i < end) *j++ = *i++; } else { uncheckedEnqueue(first, cr); } NextClause:; } ws.shrink(i - j); // unaryWatches "propagation" if(useUnaryWatched && confl == CRef_Undef) { confl = propagateUnaryWatches(p); } } propagations += num_props; simpDB_props -= num_props; return confl; } /*_________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | propagateUnaryWatches : [Lit] -> [Clause*] | | Description: | Propagates unary watches of Lit p, return a conflict | otherwise CRef_Undef | |________________________________________________________________________________________________@*/ CRef Solver::propagateUnaryWatches(Lit p) { CRef confl = CRef_Undef; Watcher *i, *j, *end; vec &ws = unaryWatches[p]; for(i = j = (Watcher *) ws, end = i + ws.size(); i != end;) { // Try to avoid inspecting the clause: Lit blocker = i->blocker; if(value(blocker) == l_True) { *j++ = *i++; continue; } // Make sure the false literal is data[1]: CRef cr = i->cref; Clause &c = ca[cr]; assert(c.getOneWatched()); Lit false_lit = ~p; assert(c[0] == false_lit); // this is unary watch... No other choice if "propagated" //if (c[0] == false_lit) //c[0] = c[1], c[1] = false_lit; //assert(c[1] == false_lit); i++; Watcher w = Watcher(cr, c[0]); for(int k = 1; k < c.size(); k++) { if(value(c[k]) != l_False) { c[0] = c[k]; c[k] = false_lit; unaryWatches[~c[0]].push(w); goto NextClauseUnary; } } // Did not find watch -- clause is empty under assignment: *j++ = w; confl = cr; qhead = trail.size(); // Copy the remaining watches: while(i < end) *j++ = *i++; // We can add it now to the set of clauses when backtracking //printf("*"); if(promoteOneWatchedClause) { stats[nbPromoted]++; // Let's find the two biggest decision levels in the clause s.t. it will correctly be propagated when we'll backtrack int maxlevel = -1; int index = -1; for(int k = 1; k < c.size(); k++) { assert(value(c[k]) == l_False); assert(level(var(c[k])) <= level(var(c[0]))); if(level(var(c[k])) > maxlevel) { index = k; maxlevel = level(var(c[k])); } } detachClausePurgatory(cr, true); assert(index != -1); Lit tmp = c[1]; c[1] = c[index], c[index] = tmp; attachClause(cr); //Override :-( //goodImportsFromThreads[ca[cr].importedFrom()]++; ca[cr].setOneWatched(false); ca[cr].setExported(2); } NextClauseUnary:; } ws.shrink(i - j); return confl; } /*_________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | reduceDB : () -> [void] | | Description: | Remove half of the learnt clauses, minus the clauses locked by the current assignment. Locked | clauses are clauses that are reason to some assignment. Binary clauses are never removed. |________________________________________________________________________________________________@*/ void Solver::reduceDB() { int i, j; stats[nbReduceDB]++; if(chanseokStrategy) sort(learnts, reduceDBAct_lt(ca)); else { sort(learnts, reduceDB_lt(ca)); // We have a lot of "good" clauses, it is difficult to compare them. Keep more ! if(ca[learnts[learnts.size() / RATIOREMOVECLAUSES]].lbd() <= 3) nbclausesbeforereduce += specialIncReduceDB; // Useless :-) if(ca[learnts.last()].lbd() <= 5) nbclausesbeforereduce += specialIncReduceDB; } // Don't delete binary or locked clauses. From the rest, delete clauses from the first half // Keep clauses which seem to be usefull (their lbd was reduce during this sequence) int limit = learnts.size() / 2; for(i = j = 0; i < learnts.size(); i++) { Clause &c = ca[learnts[i]]; if(c.lbd() > 2 && c.size() > 2 && c.canBeDel() && !locked(c) && (i < limit)) { removeClause(learnts[i]); stats[nbRemovedClauses]++; } else { if(!c.canBeDel()) limit++; //we keep c, so we can delete an other clause c.setCanBeDel(true); // At the next step, c can be delete learnts[j++] = learnts[i]; } } learnts.shrink(i - j); checkGarbage(); } void Solver::removeSatisfied(vec &cs) { int i, j; for(i = j = 0; i < cs.size(); i++) { Clause &c = ca[cs[i]]; if(satisfied(c)) if(c.getOneWatched()) removeClause(cs[i], true); else removeClause(cs[i]); else cs[j++] = cs[i]; } cs.shrink(i - j); } void Solver::rebuildOrderHeap() { vec vs; for(Var v = 0; v < nVars(); v++) if(decision[v] && value(v) == l_Undef) vs.push(v); order_heap.build(vs); } /*_________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | simplify : [void] -> [bool] | | Description: | Simplify the clause database according to the current top-level assigment. Currently, the only | thing done here is the removal of satisfied clauses, but more things can be put here. |________________________________________________________________________________________________@*/ bool Solver::simplify() { assert(decisionLevel() == 0); if(!ok) return ok = false; else { CRef cr = propagate(); if(cr != CRef_Undef) { return ok = false; } } if(nAssigns() == simpDB_assigns || (simpDB_props > 0)) return true; // Remove satisfied clauses: removeSatisfied(learnts); removeSatisfied(permanentLearnts); removeSatisfied(unaryWatchedClauses); if(remove_satisfied) // Can be turned off. removeSatisfied(clauses); checkGarbage(); rebuildOrderHeap(); simpDB_assigns = nAssigns(); simpDB_props = stats[clauses_literals] + stats[learnts_literals]; // (shouldn't depend on stats really, but it will do for now) return true; } void Solver::adaptSolver() { bool adjusted = false; bool reinit = false; //printf("c\nc Try to adapt solver strategies\nc \n"); /* printf("c Adjusting solver for the SAT Race 2015 (alpha feature)\n"); printf("c key successive Conflicts : %" PRIu64"\n",stats[noDecisionConflict]); printf("c nb unary clauses learnt : %" PRIu64"\n",stats[nbUn]); printf("c key avg dec per conflicts : %.2f\n", (float)decisions / (float)conflicts);*/ float decpc = (float) decisions / (float) conflicts; if(decpc <= 1.2) { chanseokStrategy = true; coLBDBound = 4; glureduce = true; adjusted = true; //printf("c Adjusting for low decision levels.\n"); reinit = true; firstReduceDB = 2000; nbclausesbeforereduce = firstReduceDB; curRestart = (conflicts / nbclausesbeforereduce) + 1; incReduceDB = 0; } if(stats[noDecisionConflict] < 30000) { luby_restart = true; luby_restart_factor = 100; var_decay = 0.999; max_var_decay = 0.999; adjusted = true; //printf("c Adjusting for low successive conflicts.\n"); } if(stats[noDecisionConflict] > 54400) { //printf("c Adjusting for high successive conflicts.\n"); chanseokStrategy = true; glureduce = true; coLBDBound = 3; firstReduceDB = 30000; var_decay = 0.99; max_var_decay = 0.99; randomize_on_restarts = 1; adjusted = true; } if(stats[nbDL2] - stats[nbBin] > 20000) { var_decay = 0.91; max_var_decay = 0.91; adjusted = true; //printf("c Adjusting for a very large number of true glue clauses found.\n"); } if(!adjusted) { //printf("c Nothing extreme in this problem, continue with glucose default strategies.\n"); } //printf("c\n"); if(adjusted) { // Let's reinitialize the glucose restart strategy counters lbdQueue.fastclear(); sumLBD = 0; conflictsRestarts = 0; } if(chanseokStrategy && adjusted) { int moved = 0; int i, j; for(i = j = 0; i < learnts.size(); i++) { Clause &c = ca[learnts[i]]; if(c.lbd() <= coLBDBound) { permanentLearnts.push(learnts[i]); moved++; } else { learnts[j++] = learnts[i]; } } learnts.shrink(i - j); //printf("c Activating Chanseok Strategy: moved %d clauses to the permanent set.\n", moved); } if(reinit) { assert(decisionLevel() == 0); for(int i = 0; i < learnts.size(); i++) { removeClause(learnts[i]); } learnts.shrink(learnts.size()); checkGarbage(); /* order_heap.clear(); for(int i=0;i [lbool] | | Description: | Search for a model the specified number of conflicts. | NOTE! Use negative value for 'nof_conflicts' indicate infinity. | | Output: | 'l_True' if a partial assigment that is consistent with respect to the clauseset is found. If | all variables are decision variables, this means that the clause set is satisfiable. 'l_False' | if the clause set is unsatisfiable. 'l_Undef' if the bound on number of conflicts is reached. |________________________________________________________________________________________________@*/ lbool Solver::search(int nof_conflicts) { assert(ok); int backtrack_level; int conflictC = 0; vec learnt_clause, selectors; unsigned int nblevels, szWithoutSelectors = 0; bool blocked = false; bool aDecisionWasMade = false; starts++; for(; ;) { if(decisionLevel() == 0) { parallelImportUnaryClauses(); if(parallelImportClauses()) return l_False; } CRef confl = propagate(); if(confl != CRef_Undef) { newDescent = false; if(parallelJobIsFinished()) return l_Undef; if(!aDecisionWasMade) stats[noDecisionConflict]++; aDecisionWasMade = false; stats[sumDecisionLevels] += decisionLevel(); stats[sumTrail] += trail.size(); // CONFLICT conflicts++; conflictC++; conflictsRestarts++; if(conflicts % 5000 == 0 && var_decay < max_var_decay) var_decay += 0.01; if(verbosity >= 1 && starts>0 && conflicts % verbEveryConflicts == 0) { printf("c | %8d %7d %5d | %7d %8d %8d | %5d %8d %6d %8d | %6.3f %% |\n", (int) starts, (int) stats[nbstopsrestarts], (int) (conflicts / starts), (int) stats[dec_vars] - (trail_lim.size() == 0 ? trail.size() : trail_lim[0]), nClauses(), (int) stats[clauses_literals], (int) stats[nbReduceDB], nLearnts(), (int) stats[nbDL2], (int) stats[nbRemovedClauses], progressEstimate() * 100); } if(decisionLevel() == 0) { return l_False; } if(adaptStrategies && conflicts == 100000) { cancelUntil(0); adaptSolver(); adaptStrategies = false; return l_Undef; } trailQueue.push(trail.size()); // BLOCK RESTART (CP 2012 paper) if(conflictsRestarts > LOWER_BOUND_FOR_BLOCKING_RESTART && lbdQueue.isvalid() && trail.size() > R * trailQueue.getavg()) { lbdQueue.fastclear(); stats[nbstopsrestarts]++; if(!blocked) { stats[lastblockatrestart] = starts; stats[nbstopsrestartssame]++; blocked = true; } } learnt_clause.clear(); selectors.clear(); analyze(confl, learnt_clause, selectors, backtrack_level, nblevels, szWithoutSelectors); lbdQueue.push(nblevels); sumLBD += nblevels; cancelUntil(backtrack_level); if(certifiedUNSAT) { if(vbyte) { write_char('a'); for(int i = 0; i < learnt_clause.size(); i++) write_lit(2 * (var(learnt_clause[i]) + 1) + sign(learnt_clause[i])); write_lit(0); } else { for(int i = 0; i < learnt_clause.size(); i++) fprintf(certifiedOutput, "%i ", (var(learnt_clause[i]) + 1) * (-2 * sign(learnt_clause[i]) + 1)); fprintf(certifiedOutput, "0\n"); } } if(learnt_clause.size() == 1) { uncheckedEnqueue(learnt_clause[0]); stats[nbUn]++; parallelExportUnaryClause(learnt_clause[0]); } else { CRef cr; if(chanseokStrategy && nblevels <= coLBDBound) { cr = ca.alloc(learnt_clause, false); permanentLearnts.push(cr); stats[nbPermanentLearnts]++; } else { cr = ca.alloc(learnt_clause, true); ca[cr].setLBD(nblevels); ca[cr].setOneWatched(false); learnts.push(cr); claBumpActivity(ca[cr]); } #ifdef INCREMENTAL ca[cr].setSizeWithoutSelectors(szWithoutSelectors); #endif if(nblevels <= 2) { stats[nbDL2]++; } // stats if(ca[cr].size() == 2) stats[nbBin]++; // stats attachClause(cr); lastLearntClause = cr; // Use in multithread (to hard to put inside ParallelSolver) parallelExportClauseDuringSearch(ca[cr]); uncheckedEnqueue(learnt_clause[0], cr); } varDecayActivity(); claDecayActivity(); } else { // Our dynamic restart, see the SAT09 competition compagnion paper if((luby_restart && nof_conflicts <= conflictC) || (!luby_restart && (lbdQueue.isvalid() && ((lbdQueue.getavg() * K) > (sumLBD / conflictsRestarts))))) { lbdQueue.fastclear(); progress_estimate = progressEstimate(); int bt = 0; #ifdef INCREMENTAL if(incremental) // DO NOT BACKTRACK UNTIL 0.. USELESS bt = (decisionLevel() firstReduceDB) || (glureduce && conflicts >= ((unsigned int) curRestart * nbclausesbeforereduce))) { if(learnts.size() > 0) { curRestart = (conflicts / nbclausesbeforereduce) + 1; reduceDB(); if(!panicModeIsEnabled()) nbclausesbeforereduce += incReduceDB; } } lastLearntClause = CRef_Undef; Lit next = lit_Undef; while(decisionLevel() < assumptions.size()) { // Perform user provided assumption: Lit p = assumptions[decisionLevel()]; if(value(p) == l_True) { // Dummy decision level: newDecisionLevel(); } else if(value(p) == l_False) { analyzeFinal(~p, conflict); return l_False; } else { next = p; break; } } if(next == lit_Undef) { // New variable decision: decisions++; next = pickBranchLit(); if(next == lit_Undef) { //printf("c last restart ## conflicts : %d %d \n", conflictC, decisionLevel()); // Model found: return l_True; } } // Increase decision level and enqueue 'next' aDecisionWasMade = true; newDecisionLevel(); uncheckedEnqueue(next); } } } double Solver::progressEstimate() const { double progress = 0; double F = 1.0 / nVars(); for(int i = 0; i <= decisionLevel(); i++) { int beg = i == 0 ? 0 : trail_lim[i - 1]; int end = i == decisionLevel() ? trail.size() : trail_lim[i]; progress += pow(F, i) * (end - beg); } return progress / nVars(); } void Solver::printIncrementalStats() { printf("c---------- Glucose Stats -------------------------\n"); printf("c restarts : %" PRIu64 "\n", starts); printf("c nb ReduceDB : %" PRIu64 "\n", stats[nbReduceDB]); printf("c nb removed Clauses : %" PRIu64 "\n", stats[nbRemovedClauses]); printf("c nb learnts DL2 : %" PRIu64 "\n", stats[nbDL2]); printf("c nb learnts size 2 : %" PRIu64 "\n", stats[nbBin]); printf("c nb learnts size 1 : %" PRIu64 "\n", stats[nbUn]); printf("c conflicts : %" PRIu64 "\n", conflicts); printf("c decisions : %" PRIu64 "\n", decisions); printf("c propagations : %" PRIu64 "\n", propagations); printf("\nc SAT Calls : %d in %g seconds\n", nbSatCalls, totalTime4Sat); printf("c UNSAT Calls : %d in %g seconds\n", nbUnsatCalls, totalTime4Unsat); printf("c--------------------------------------------------\n"); } double Solver::luby(double y, int x) { // Find the finite subsequence that contains index 'x', and the // size of that subsequence: int size, seq; for(size = 1, seq = 0; size < x + 1; seq++, size = 2 * size + 1); while(size - 1 != x) { size = (size - 1) >> 1; seq--; x = x % size; } return pow(y, seq); } // NOTE: assumptions passed in member-variable 'assumptions'. lbool Solver::solve_(bool do_simp, bool turn_off_simp) // Parameters are useless in core but useful for SimpSolver.... { if(incremental && certifiedUNSAT) { printf("Can not use incremental and certified unsat in the same time\n"); exit(-1); } model.clear(); conflict.clear(); if(!ok) return l_False; double curTime = cpuTime(); solves++; lbool status = l_Undef; if(!incremental && verbosity >= 1) { printf("c ========================================[ MAGIC CONSTANTS ]==============================================\n"); printf("c | Constants are supposed to work well together :-) |\n"); printf("c | however, if you find better choices, please let us known... |\n"); printf("c |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n"); if(adaptStrategies) { printf("c | Adapt dynamically the solver after 100000 conflicts (restarts, reduction strategies...) |\n"); printf("c |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n"); } printf("c | | | |\n"); printf("c | - Restarts: | - Reduce Clause DB: | - Minimize Asserting: |\n"); if(chanseokStrategy) { printf("c | * LBD Queue : %6d | chanseok Strategy | * size < %3d |\n", lbdQueue.maxSize(), lbSizeMinimizingClause); printf("c | * Trail Queue : %6d | * learnts size : %6d | * lbd < %3d |\n", trailQueue.maxSize(), firstReduceDB, lbLBDMinimizingClause); printf("c | * K : %6.2f | * Bound LBD : %6d | |\n", K, coLBDBound); printf("c | * R : %6.2f | * Protected : (lbd)< %2d | |\n", R, lbLBDFrozenClause); } else { printf("c | * LBD Queue : %6d | * First : %6d | * size < %3d |\n", lbdQueue.maxSize(), nbclausesbeforereduce, lbSizeMinimizingClause); printf("c | * Trail Queue : %6d | * Inc : %6d | * lbd < %3d |\n", trailQueue.maxSize(), incReduceDB, lbLBDMinimizingClause); printf("c | * K : %6.2f | * Special : %6d | |\n", K, specialIncReduceDB); printf("c | * R : %6.2f | * Protected : (lbd)< %2d | |\n", R, lbLBDFrozenClause); } printf("c | | | |\n"); printf("c ==================================[ Search Statistics (every %6d conflicts) ]=========================\n", verbEveryConflicts); printf("c | |\n"); printf("c | RESTARTS | ORIGINAL | LEARNT | Progress |\n"); printf("c | NB Blocked Avg Cfc | Vars Clauses Literals | Red Learnts LBD2 Removed | |\n"); printf("c =========================================================================================================\n"); } // Search: int curr_restarts = 0; while(status == l_Undef) { status = search( luby_restart ? luby(restart_inc, curr_restarts) * luby_restart_factor : 0); // the parameter is useless in glucose, kept to allow modifications if(!withinBudget()) break; curr_restarts++; } if(!incremental && verbosity >= 1) printf("c =========================================================================================================\n"); if(certifiedUNSAT) { // Want certified output if(status == l_False) { if(vbyte) { write_char('a'); write_lit(0); } else { fprintf(certifiedOutput, "0\n"); } } fclose(certifiedOutput); } if(status == l_True) { // Extend & copy model: model.growTo(nVars()); for(int i = 0; i < nVars(); i++) model[i] = value(i); } else if(status == l_False && conflict.size() == 0) ok = false; cancelUntil(0); double finalTime = cpuTime(); if(status == l_True) { nbSatCalls++; totalTime4Sat += (finalTime - curTime); } if(status == l_False) { nbUnsatCalls++; totalTime4Unsat += (finalTime - curTime); } return status; } //================================================================================================= // Writing CNF to DIMACS: static Var mapVar(Var x, vec &map, Var &max) { if(map.size() <= x || map[x] == -1) { map.growTo(x + 1, -1); map[x] = max++; } return map[x]; } void Solver::toDimacs(FILE *f, Clause &c, vec &map, Var &max) { if(satisfied(c)) return; for(int i = 0; i < c.size(); i++) if(value(c[i]) != l_False) fprintf(f, "%s%d ", sign(c[i]) ? "-" : "", mapVar(var(c[i]), map, max) + 1); fprintf(f, "0\n"); } void Solver::toDimacs(const char *file, const vec &assumps) { FILE *f = fopen(file, "wr"); if(f == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "could not open file %s\n", file), exit(1); toDimacs(f, assumps); fclose(f); } void Solver::toDimacs(FILE *f, const vec &assumps) { // Handle case when solver is in contradictory state: if(!ok) { fprintf(f, "p cnf 1 2\n1 0\n-1 0\n"); return; } vec map; Var max = 0; // Cannot use removeClauses here because it is not safe // to deallocate them at this point. Could be improved. int cnt = 0; for(int i = 0; i < clauses.size(); i++) if(!satisfied(ca[clauses[i]])) cnt++; for(int i = 0; i < clauses.size(); i++) if(!satisfied(ca[clauses[i]])) { Clause &c = ca[clauses[i]]; for(int j = 0; j < c.size(); j++) if(value(c[j]) != l_False) mapVar(var(c[j]), map, max); } // Assumptions are added as unit clauses: cnt += assumptions.size(); fprintf(f, "p cnf %d %d\n", max, cnt); for(int i = 0; i < assumptions.size(); i++) { assert(value(assumptions[i]) != l_False); fprintf(f, "%s%d 0\n", sign(assumptions[i]) ? "-" : "", mapVar(var(assumptions[i]), map, max) + 1); } for(int i = 0; i < clauses.size(); i++) toDimacs(f, ca[clauses[i]], map, max); if(verbosity > 0) printf("Wrote %d clauses with %d variables.\n", cnt, max); } //================================================================================================= // Garbage Collection methods: void Solver::relocAll(ClauseAllocator &to) { // All watchers: // for (int i = 0; i < watches.size(); i++) watches.cleanAll(); watchesBin.cleanAll(); unaryWatches.cleanAll(); for(int v = 0; v < nVars(); v++) for(int s = 0; s < 2; s++) { Lit p = mkLit(v, s); // printf(" >>> RELOCING: %s%d\n", sign(p)?"-":"", var(p)+1); vec &ws = watches[p]; for(int j = 0; j < ws.size(); j++) ca.reloc(ws[j].cref, to); vec &ws2 = watchesBin[p]; for(int j = 0; j < ws2.size(); j++) ca.reloc(ws2[j].cref, to); vec &ws3 = unaryWatches[p]; for(int j = 0; j < ws3.size(); j++) ca.reloc(ws3[j].cref, to); } // All reasons: // for(int i = 0; i < trail.size(); i++) { Var v = var(trail[i]); if(reason(v) != CRef_Undef && (ca[reason(v)].reloced() || locked(ca[reason(v)]))) ca.reloc(vardata[v].reason, to); } // All learnt: // for(int i = 0; i < learnts.size(); i++) ca.reloc(learnts[i], to); for(int i = 0; i < permanentLearnts.size(); i++) ca.reloc(permanentLearnts[i], to); // All original: // for(int i = 0; i < clauses.size(); i++) ca.reloc(clauses[i], to); for(int i = 0; i < unaryWatchedClauses.size(); i++) ca.reloc(unaryWatchedClauses[i], to); } void Solver::garbageCollect() { // Initialize the next region to a size corresponding to the estimated utilization degree. This // is not precise but should avoid some unnecessary reallocations for the new region: ClauseAllocator to(ca.size() - ca.wasted()); relocAll(to); if(verbosity >= 2) printf("| Garbage collection: %12d bytes => %12d bytes |\n", ca.size() * ClauseAllocator::Unit_Size, to.size() * ClauseAllocator::Unit_Size); to.moveTo(ca); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Functions related to MultiThread. // Useless in case of single core solver (aka original glucose) // Keep them empty if you just use core solver //-------------------------------------------------------------- bool Solver::panicModeIsEnabled() { return false; } void Solver::parallelImportUnaryClauses() { } bool Solver::parallelImportClauses() { return false; } void Solver::parallelExportUnaryClause(Lit p) { } void Solver::parallelExportClauseDuringSearch(Clause &c) { } bool Solver::parallelJobIsFinished() { // Parallel: another job has finished let's quit return false; } void Solver::parallelImportClauseDuringConflictAnalysis(Clause &c, CRef confl) { }