use std::collections::HashMap; use logix::{ managed_file::{FileStatus, ManagedFile}, Logix, }; mod helper; static ROOT_LOGIX: &str = r#" Logix { home: UserProfile { username: "zeldor" name: "Zeldon Kingly" email: "" shell: Bash editor: "hx" packages: { helix: Custom { source: GitHub { owner: "helix-editor" repo: "helix" } config_dir: User { filter: Filter { ignore_starts_with: [ "runtime/" ] } } } } } } "#; struct WantStatus { modified: Vec, missing: Vec, local_added: Vec, logix_added: Vec, up_to_date: Vec, } impl WantStatus { fn assert_eq(&self, logix: &Logix) -> bool { let mut files = HashMap::new(); { let Self { modified, missing, local_added, logix_added, up_to_date, } = self; for file in modified { assert_eq!(files.insert(file, FileStatus::Modified), None); } for file in missing { assert_eq!(files.insert(file, FileStatus::MissingFromBoth), None); } for file in local_added { assert_eq!(files.insert(file, FileStatus::LocalAdded), None); } for file in logix_added { assert_eq!(files.insert(file, FileStatus::LogixAdded), None); } for file in up_to_date { assert_eq!(files.insert(file, FileStatus::UpToDate), None); } } for (status, file) in logix.calculate_config_status().unwrap() { if let Some(want_status) = files.remove(&file) { if want_status != status { panic!("Got unexpected status {status:?} for file {file:?} expected {want_status:?}"); } } else { panic!("Got unexpected file {file:?} with status {status:?}"); } } if let Some((file, status)) = files.iter().next() { panic!("Missing file {file:#?} with status {status:?}"); } true } } #[test] fn no_files() { let fs = helper::TestFs::new(ROOT_LOGIX); let logix = fs.load_logix(); let mut want = WantStatus { modified: vec![], missing: vec![], local_added: vec![], logix_added: vec![], up_to_date: vec![], }; assert!(want.assert_eq(&logix)); // Add a dummy config file and make sure we notice it fs.write_config_file("helix/config.toml", "# Dummy config"); want.local_added .push(fs.managed_logix_config("helix", "helix/config.toml")); assert!(want.assert_eq(&logix)); // Add themes/custom.toml to the logix config and make sure we notice it fs.write_config_file("logix/config/helix/themes/custom.toml", "# Dummy theme"); want.logix_added .push(fs.managed_logix_config("helix", "helix/themes/custom.toml")); assert!(want.assert_eq(&logix)); // Add a modified version of themes/custom.toml to .config and make sure we notice it fs.write_config_file("helix/themes/custom.toml", "# Dummy theme 2"); want.modified.extend(want.logix_added.pop()); assert!(want.assert_eq(&logix)); // Make themes/custom.toml identical fs.write_config_file("helix/themes/custom.toml", "# Dummy theme"); want.up_to_date.extend(want.modified.pop()); assert!(want.assert_eq(&logix)); // Files in the runtime directory should be ignored fs.write_config_file("helix/runtime/whatever.txt", "# Dummy file"); assert!(want.assert_eq(&logix)); }