use super::{Dictionary, Object, ObjectId, Reader, Stream, StringFormat}; use crate::content::*; use crate::error::XrefError; use crate::xref::*; use crate::Error; use std::str::{self, FromStr}; use nom::branch::alt; use nom::bytes::complete::{tag, take, take_while, take_while1, take_while_m_n}; use nom::character::complete::{digit0, digit1, one_of}; use nom::character::{is_hex_digit, is_oct_digit}; use nom::combinator::{map, map_opt, map_res, opt, verify}; use nom::error::{ErrorKind, ParseError}; use nom::multi::{fold_many0, fold_many1, many0, many0_count}; use nom::sequence::{delimited, pair, preceded, separated_pair, terminated, tuple}; use nom::IResult; // Change this to something else that implements ParseError to get a // different error type out of nom. type NomError = (); type NomResult<'a, O, E = NomError> = IResult<&'a [u8], O, E>; #[inline] fn strip_nom(r: NomResult) -> Option { r.ok().map(|(_, o)| o) } #[inline] fn convert_result(result: Result, input: &[u8], error_kind: ErrorKind) -> NomResult {|o| (input, o)).map_err(|_| { NomError::from_error_kind(input, error_kind); nom::Err::Error(()) }) } #[inline] fn offset_stream(object: &mut Object, offset: usize) { if let Object::Stream(ref mut stream) = object { stream.start_position = stream.start_position.and_then(|sp| sp.checked_add(offset)); } } fn eol(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult<&[u8]> { alt((tag(b"\r\n"), tag(b"\n"), tag(b"\r")))(input) } fn comment(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult<()> { map( tuple((tag(b"%"), take_while(|c: u8| !b"\r\n".contains(&c)), eol)), |_| (), )(input) } #[inline] fn is_whitespace(c: u8) -> bool { b" \t\n\r\0\x0C".contains(&c) } #[inline] fn is_delimiter(c: u8) -> bool { b"()<>[]{}/%".contains(&c) } #[inline] fn is_regular(c: u8) -> bool { !is_whitespace(c) && !is_delimiter(c) } #[inline] fn is_direct_literal_string(c: u8) -> bool { !b"()\\\r\n".contains(&c) } fn white_space(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult<()> { map(take_while(is_whitespace), |_| ())(input) } fn space(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult<()> { fold_many0( alt((map(take_while1(is_whitespace), |_| ()), comment)), || {}, |_, _| (), )(input) } fn integer(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult { let (i, _) = pair(opt(one_of("+-")), digit1)(input)?; let int_input = &input[..input.len() - i.len()]; convert_result(i64::from_str(str::from_utf8(int_input).unwrap()), i, ErrorKind::Digit) } fn real(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult { let (i, _) = pair( opt(one_of("+-")), alt(( map(tuple((digit1, tag(b"."), digit0)), |_| ()), map(pair(tag(b"."), digit1), |_| ()), )), )(input)?; let float_input = &input[..input.len() - i.len()]; convert_result(f32::from_str(str::from_utf8(float_input).unwrap()), i, ErrorKind::Digit) } fn hex_char(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult { map_res( verify(take(2usize), |h: &[u8]| h.iter().cloned().all(is_hex_digit)), |x| u8::from_str_radix(str::from_utf8(x).unwrap(), 16), )(input) } fn oct_char(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult { map_res( take_while_m_n(1, 3, is_oct_digit), // Spec requires us to ignore any overflow. |x| u16::from_str_radix(str::from_utf8(x).unwrap(), 8).map(|o| o as u8), )(input) } fn name(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult> { preceded( tag(b"/"), many0(alt(( preceded(tag(b"#"), hex_char), map_opt(take(1usize), |c: &[u8]| { if c[0] != b'#' && is_regular(c[0]) { Some(c[0]) } else { None } }), ))), )(input) } fn escape_sequence(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult> { preceded( tag(b"\\"), alt(( map(oct_char, Some), map(eol, |_| None), map(tag(b"n"), |_| Some(b'\n')), map(tag(b"r"), |_| Some(b'\r')), map(tag(b"t"), |_| Some(b'\t')), map(tag(b"b"), |_| Some(b'\x08')), map(tag(b"f"), |_| Some(b'\x0C')), map(take(1usize), |c: &[u8]| Some(c[0])), )), )(input) } enum InnerLiteralString<'a> { Direct(&'a [u8]), Escape(Option), Eol(&'a [u8]), Nested(Vec), } impl<'a> InnerLiteralString<'a> { fn push(&self, output: &mut Vec) { match self { InnerLiteralString::Direct(s) | InnerLiteralString::Eol(s) => output.extend_from_slice(s), InnerLiteralString::Escape(e) => output.extend(e), InnerLiteralString::Nested(n) => output.extend_from_slice(n), } } } fn inner_literal_string(depth: usize) -> impl Fn(&[u8]) -> NomResult> { move |input| { fold_many0( alt(( map(take_while1(is_direct_literal_string), InnerLiteralString::Direct), map(escape_sequence, InnerLiteralString::Escape), map(eol, InnerLiteralString::Eol), map(nested_literal_string(depth), InnerLiteralString::Nested), )), Vec::new, |mut out: Vec, value| { value.push(&mut out); out }, )(input) } } fn nested_literal_string(depth: usize) -> impl Fn(&[u8]) -> NomResult> { move |input| { if depth == 0 { map(verify(tag(b"too deep" as &[u8]), |_: &[u8]| false), |_| vec![])(input) } else { map( delimited(tag(b"("), inner_literal_string(depth - 1), tag(b")")), |mut content| { content.insert(0, b'('); content.push(b')'); content }, )(input) } } } fn literal_string(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult> { delimited(tag(b"("), inner_literal_string(crate::reader::MAX_BRACKET), tag(b")"))(input) } #[inline] fn hex_digit(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult { map_opt(take(1usize), |c: &[u8]| { str::from_utf8(c).ok().and_then(|c| u8::from_str_radix(c, 16).ok()) })(input) } fn hexadecimal_string(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult { map( delimited( tag(b"<"), terminated( fold_many0( preceded(white_space, hex_digit), || -> (Vec, bool) { (Vec::new(), false) }, |state, c| match state { (mut out, false) => { out.push(c << 4); (out, true) } (mut out, true) => { *out.last_mut().unwrap() |= c; (out, false) } }, ), white_space, ), tag(b">"), ), |(bytes, _)| Object::String(bytes, StringFormat::Hexadecimal), )(input) } fn boolean(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult { alt(( map(tag(b"true"), |_| Object::Boolean(true)), map(tag(b"false"), |_| Object::Boolean(false)), ))(input) } fn null(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult { map(tag(b"null"), |_| Object::Null)(input) } fn array(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult> { delimited(pair(tag(b"["), space), many0(_direct_object), tag(b"]"))(input) } fn dictionary(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult { delimited( pair(tag(b"<<"), space), fold_many0( pair(terminated(name, space), _direct_object), Dictionary::new, |mut dict, (key, value)| { dict.set(key, value); dict }, ), tag(b">>"), )(input) } fn stream<'a>(input: &'a [u8], reader: &Reader) -> NomResult<'a, Object> { let (i, dict) = terminated(dictionary, tuple((space, tag(b"stream"), eol)))(input)?; if let Ok(length) = dict.get(b"Length").and_then(|value| { if let Ok(id) = value.as_reference() { reader.get_object(id).and_then(|value| value.as_i64()) } else { value.as_i64() } }) { if length < 0 { return Err(nom::Err::Failure(())); } let (i, data) = terminated(take(length as usize), pair(opt(eol), tag(b"endstream")))(i)?; Ok((i, Object::Stream(Stream::new(dict, data.to_vec())))) } else { // Return position relative to the start of the stream dictionary. Ok((i, Object::Stream(Stream::with_position(dict, input.len() - i.len())))) } } fn unsigned_int(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult { map_res(digit1, |digits| I::from_str(str::from_utf8(digits).unwrap()))(input) } fn object_id(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult { pair(terminated(unsigned_int, space), terminated(unsigned_int, space))(input) } fn reference(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult { map(terminated(object_id, tag(b"R")), Object::Reference)(input) } fn _direct_objects(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult { alt(( null, boolean, reference, map(real, Object::Real), map(integer, Object::Integer), map(name, Object::Name), map(literal_string, Object::string_literal), hexadecimal_string, map(array, Object::Array), map(dictionary, Object::Dictionary), ))(input) } fn _direct_object(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult { terminated(_direct_objects, space)(input) } pub fn direct_object(input: &[u8]) -> Option { strip_nom(_direct_object(input)) } fn object<'a>(input: &'a [u8], reader: &Reader) -> NomResult<'a, Object> { terminated(alt((|input| stream(input, reader), _direct_objects)), space)(input) } pub fn indirect_object( input: &[u8], offset: usize, expected_id: Option, reader: &Reader, ) -> crate::Result<(ObjectId, Object)> { let (id, mut object) = _indirect_object(&input[offset..], offset, expected_id, reader)?; offset_stream(&mut object, offset); Ok((id, object)) } fn _indirect_object( input: &[u8], offset: usize, expected_id: Option, reader: &Reader, ) -> crate::Result<(ObjectId, Object)> { let (i, (_, object_id)) = terminated(tuple((space, object_id)), pair(tag(b"obj"), space))(input).map_err(|_| Error::Parse { offset })?; if let Some(expected_id) = expected_id { if object_id != expected_id { return Err(crate::error::Error::ObjectIdMismatch); } } let object_offset = input.len() - i.len(); let (_, mut object) = terminated(|i| object(i, reader), tuple((space, opt(tag(b"endobj")), space)))(i) .map_err(|_| Error::Parse { offset })?; offset_stream(&mut object, object_offset); Ok((object_id, object)) } pub fn header(input: &[u8]) -> Option { strip_nom(map_res( delimited( tag(b"%PDF-"), take_while(|c: u8| !b"\r\n".contains(&c)), pair(eol, many0_count(comment)), ), |v| str::from_utf8(v).map(Into::into), )(input)) } /// Decode CrossReferenceTable fn xref(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult { let xref_eol = map(alt((tag(b" \r"), tag(b" \n"), tag(b"\r\n"))), |_| ()); let xref_entry = pair( separated_pair(unsigned_int, tag(b" "), unsigned_int::), delimited(tag(b" "), map(one_of("nf"), |k| k == 'n'), xref_eol), ); let xref_section = pair( separated_pair(unsigned_int::, tag(b" "), unsigned_int::), preceded(pair(opt(tag(b" ")), eol), many0(xref_entry)), ); delimited( pair(tag(b"xref"), eol), fold_many1( xref_section, || -> Xref { Xref::new(0, XrefType::CrossReferenceTable) }, |mut xref, ((start, _count), entries)| { for (index, ((offset, generation), is_normal)) in entries.into_iter().enumerate() { if is_normal { if let Ok(generation) = generation.try_into() { xref.insert((start + index) as u32, XrefEntry::Normal { offset, generation }); } } } xref }, ), space, )(input) } fn trailer(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult { delimited(pair(tag(b"trailer"), space), dictionary, space)(input) } pub fn xref_and_trailer(input: &[u8], reader: &Reader) -> crate::Result<(Xref, Dictionary)> { alt(( map(pair(xref, trailer), |(mut xref, trailer)| { xref.size = trailer .get(b"Size") .and_then(Object::as_i64) .map_err(|_| Error::Trailer)? as u32; Ok((xref, trailer)) }), (|input| { _indirect_object(input, 0, None, reader) .map(|(_, obj)| { let res = match obj { Object::Stream(stream) => decode_xref_stream(stream), _ => Err(Error::Xref(XrefError::Parse)), }; (input, res) }) .map_err(|_| nom::Err::Error(())) }), ))(input) .map(|(_, o)| o) .unwrap_or(Err(Error::Trailer)) } pub fn xref_start(input: &[u8]) -> Option { strip_nom(delimited( pair(tag(b"startxref"), eol), integer, tuple((eol, tag(b"%%EOF"), space)), )(input)) } // The following code create parser to parse content stream. fn content_space(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult<()> { map(take_while(|c| b" \t\r\n".contains(&c)), |_| ())(input) } fn operator(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult { map_res( take_while1(|c: u8| c.is_ascii_alphabetic() || b"*'\"".contains(&c)), |op| str::from_utf8(op).map(Into::into), )(input) } fn operand(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult { terminated( alt(( null, boolean, map(real, Object::Real), map(integer, Object::Integer), map(name, Object::Name), map(literal_string, Object::string_literal), hexadecimal_string, map(array, Object::Array), map(dictionary, Object::Dictionary), )), content_space, )(input) } fn operation(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult { map( preceded( many0(comment), terminated(pair(many0(operand), operator), content_space), ), |(operands, operator)| Operation { operator, operands }, )(input) } fn _content(input: &[u8]) -> NomResult>> { preceded( content_space, map(many0(operation), |operations| Content { operations }), )(input) } pub fn content(input: &[u8]) -> Option>> { strip_nom(_content(input)) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; fn tstrip(r: NomResult) -> Option { r.ok().and_then(|(i, o)| if !i.is_empty() { None } else { Some(o) }) } #[test] fn parse_real_number() { let real = |i| tstrip(real(i)); assert_eq!(real(b"0.12"), Some(0.12)); assert_eq!(real(b"-.12"), Some(-0.12)); assert_eq!(real(b"10."), Some(10.0)); } #[test] fn parse_string() { let literal_string = |i| tstrip(literal_string(i)); let data = vec![ ("()", ""), ("(text())", "text()"), ("(text\r\n\\\\(nested\\t\\b\\f))", "text\r\n\\(nested\t\x08\x0C)"), ("(text\\0\\53\\053\\0053)", "text\0++\x053"), ("(text line\\\n())", "text line()"), ]; for (input, expected) in data { assert_eq!( literal_string(input.as_bytes()), Some(expected.as_bytes().to_vec()), "input: {:?} output: {:?}", input, expected, ); } } #[test] fn parse_name() { let (text, expected) = (b"/ABC#5f", b"ABC\x5F"); let result = tstrip(name(text)); assert_eq!(result, Some(expected.to_vec())); let (text, expected) = (b"/#cb#ce#cc#e5", b"\xcb\xce\xcc\xe5"); let result = tstrip(name(text)); assert_eq!(result, Some(expected.to_vec())); } #[test] /// Run `cargo test -- --nocapture` to see output fn parse_content() { let stream = b" 2 J BT /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 72.5 712 TD [(Unencoded streams can be read easily) 65 (,) ] TJ 0 -14 TD [(b) 20 (ut generally tak) 10 (e more space than \\311)] TJ T* (encoded streams.) Tj "; let content = tstrip(_content(stream)); println!("{:?}", content); assert!(content.is_some()); } #[test] fn hex_partial() { // Example from PDF specification. let out = tstrip(hexadecimal_string(b"<901FA>")); match out { Some(Object::String(s, _)) => assert_eq!(s, b"\x90\x1F\xA0".to_vec()), _ => panic!("unexpected {:?}", out), } } #[test] fn hex_separated() { let out = tstrip(hexadecimal_string(b"<9 01F A>")); match out { Some(Object::String(s, _)) => assert_eq!(s, b"\x90\x1F\xA0".to_vec()), _ => panic!("unexpected {:?}", out), } } #[test] fn big_generation_value() { let input = b"xref 0 1 0000000000 65536 f 0 16 0000000000 65535 f 0000153238 00000 n 0000000019 00000 n 0000000313 00000 n 0000000333 00000 n 0000145531 00000 n 0000153407 00000 n 0000145554 00000 n 0000152303 00000 n 0000152324 00000 n 0000152514 00000 n 0000152880 00000 n 0000153106 00000 n 0000153139 00000 n 0000153532 00000 n 0000153629 00000 n trailer < <9DDC4B621B3F485FF5ED0F57D00A028F> ] /DocChecksum /2BCC3C7DE26E6BF3573E4A6E8362221F >> startxref 153804 %%EOF "; match xref(input) { Ok((_, re)) => assert_eq!(re.entries.len(), 15), Err(err) => panic!("unexpected {:?}", err), } } #[test] fn content_with_comments() { // It should be processed as usual but ignoring the comments let input = b"0.5 0.5 0.5 setrgbcolor % This is a comment 100 100 moveto (Hello, world!) show % Another comment "; let out = content(input).unwrap(); assert_eq!(out.operations.len(), 3); } }