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### ❖ Information
lovesay.rs is a port of [lovesay](https://github.com/dotzenith/lovesay) in rust. It is a simple rust program that displays a quote from a loved one based on the day of the month or a quote passed in through the cli arguments.
### ❖ Requirements
Note: These requirements only apply if using you're using lovesay to print a different quote for each day of the month.
- A quotes file stored in `~/.config/lovesay/`
- Each quote must be on a new line, see the example quotes file in `.example/quotes`
- (optional) A partner to write you 31 lines full of love, one for each day of the month
### ❖ Installation
#### Shell
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf https://github.com/dotzenith/lovesay.rs/releases/latest/download/lovesay-installer.sh | sh
#### Brew
brew tap dotzenith/tap
brew install lovesay
#### Powershell
irm https://github.com/dotzenith/lovesay.rs/releases/latest/download/lovesay-installer.ps1 | iex
#### Cargo
cargo install lovesay
#### Binaries
Pre-Compiled binaries for linux, mac, and windows are available in [Releases](https://github.com/dotzenith/lovesay.rs/releases)
#### Source
- First, install [rust](https://rustup.rs/)
git clone https://github.com/dotzenith/lovesay.rs.git
cd lovesay.rs
cargo build --release
### ❖ Usage
#### lovesay can be used in a similar fashion to cowsay
lovesay Hello World
#### if there's a `quotes` file in `~/.config/lovesay/`, lovesay can be used without any arguments
#### if you'd like to use a quotes stored somewhere other than the path above, the `LOVESAY_PATH` env variable can be used as such
export LOVESAY_PATH="~/path/to/file"
#### Colorschemes
lovesay uses your terminal's colorscheme by default, but
other colorschemes can be set using an env variable
export LOVESAY_COLORSCHEME=nord # uses catppuccin mocha by default if this is left blank or malformed
The available colorschemes are as follows:
- catppuccin latte
- catppuccin frappe
- catppuccin macchiato
- catppuccin mocha
- dracula
- nord
- gruvbox dark
- gruvbox light
- onedark
- tokyonight
- ayu
- palenight
- gogh
- biscuit dark
- biscuit light
#### lovesay also supports two other environment variables
export LOVESAY_NO_NERD=1 # Set if your terminal does not use a nerd font (can be set to anything, lovesay just checks for existence)
export LOVESAY_MAX_WIDTH=80 # Override the width lovesay will use to wrap a quote
#### lovesay has support for pipes as well
lovesay | lolcat # pipe output to lolcat
echo something | lovesay # take input from another command
echo something | lovesay | lolcat # combine the two
### ❖ About lovesay
While this rust port has grown up to be the main version, the reasoning for the original is below:
I wrote lovesay because I got tired of seeing neofetch or pfetch every time I opened my terminal. I wanted something more personal.
Seeing words full of love from my partner is a lot better than any other command I could possibly run. It makes my terminal feel cozy, welcoming, and as is the case with most things my partner touches, it makes my terminal feel like home.
I hope that someone else finds a use for this little script as well. Love is a wonderful thing, and we could all use a little bit more of it in our lives (especially arch linux users)
### ❖ What's New?
1.0.0 - Stabilize printing with terminal colors by default