name: lovesense Test Program version: 0.1 author: Kyle Machulis about: Tests connections and functionality for Lovense Hardware args: - port: short: p long: port value_name: PORT help: Serial port to open for device communication takes_value: true required: true - speed: short: s long: speed value_name: SPEED help: Speed to set vibration motor to (0-20) takes_value: true - type: short: t long: type help: Prints out device type (Index, Version, BTID) - battery: short: b long: battery help: Prints out battery level - rotate: short: r long: rotate value_name: ROTATE help: Speed to rotate at (0-4) takes_value: true - power_off: long: power_off help: Turns off toy - status: long: status help: Shows device status (2 is OK) - air_level: short: a long: air value_name: AIR help: Level to set air pump to takes_value: true - change_direction: long: change_direction help: Change direction of rotation