[package] name = "lowpass-filter" description = """ This is a `no_std` Rust library for simple digital low pass filters. You can use it for example to get the low frequencies from a song. """ version = "0.3.2" authors = ["Philipp Schuster "] edition = "2021" keywords = ["audio", "filter", "digital", "lowpass", "dsp"] categories = ["multimedia", "no-std"] readme = "README.md" license = "MIT" homepage = "https://github.com/phip1611/lowpass-filter" repository = "https://github.com/phip1611/lowpass-filter" documentation = "https://docs.rs/lowpass-filter/" exclude = [ ".github", "test", "res" ] [dependencies] [dev-dependencies] audio-visualizer = "0.3" # to visualize the output minimp3 = "0.5" # to test this filter wav = "1.0" # store was wav # use rustfft because I use a window length >4096 spectrum-analyzer = { version = "1.1", default-features = false, features = ["rustfft-complex"] } biquad = "0.4" # debug bins will be faster [profile.dev] opt-level = 1