# Changelog Entries are listed in reverse chronological order. ## 0.2.0 * Update Rust crate lazy_static to 1.4.0 * Update Rust crate ed25519-dalek to 2.1.1 * Update Rust crate curve25519-dalek to 4.1.2 * Update Rust crate chrono to 0.4.38 * Update Rust crate bincode to 1.3.3 * Update thiserror to 1.0.59 * Update Rust crate serde to 1.0.195 * Update time to 0.3.36 * Update Rust crate serde_with to 3.0.0 * Update Rust crate thiserror to 1.0.69 * Add bridgeauth feature to lox library * Remove unused dependency statistical, prometheus, hexfmt * Add additional protocols update_cred and update_invite to handle key rotation * Make lox's bridgetable private with required getters * Fix syncing issue that replaced not working spare bridges instead of removing them * Add more descriptive errors for proto functions * Fix bug in bridge_replace fn, test * Fix length of bridge bytes and rdsys request interval * Respond with error when open invitation buckets are empty * Add refactors and additional tests for added functions ## 0.1.0 * Add db to store lox-context * Update serde to 1.0.193 * Update serde_with to 3.4.0 * Update thiserror to 1.0.50 * Update time to 0.3.30 * Update rand to 0.8.0 * Update sha1 to 0.10 * Update aes-gcm to 0.10 * Update base64 to 0.21.4 * Update subtle to 2.5 * Update curve25519-dalek to 4, pointing to dalek-cryptography instead of zkcrypto * Update ed25519-dalek to 2, pointing to dalek-cryptography instead of zkcrypto * Change zkp dependency to lox-zkp 0.8.0 * Add/Adjust constants BRIDGE_BYTES, MAX_DAILY_BRIDGES, EXPIRY_DATE * Change bridge_unreachable function to bridge_blocked * Fixed bug in blockage-migration due to bug in zkp crate, removed in lox-zkp * Add functionality required to sync bridges from rdsys with the lox bridge table * Limit the number of open invites that are distributed each day * Convert bridge table structures from Vectors to HashMaps * Add logic to clean up unused buckets and find next bucket key * Add Tor MIT license * Add function to replace bridges that are determined to be down/not working rather than blocked * Make Issuer Keys, BridgeDB, BridgeAuth (de)serializeabe ## Pre 0.1.0 * Original release, created for Lox: Protecting the Social Graph in Bridge Distribution Paper: https://petsymposium.org/popets/2023/popets-2023-0029.php Original Repo: https://git-crysp.uwaterloo.ca/iang/lox