use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io::Write; use std::process::Command; use tempfile::tempdir; extern crate hex; use assert_cmd::prelude::*; use predicates::prelude::*; #[test] fn factory_generates_correctly() { let dir = tempdir().unwrap(); let cfgfile_path = dir.path().join("cfg.toml"); let mut cfgfile = File::create(cfgfile_path.clone()).unwrap(); let binfile_path = dir.path().join("factory.bin"); writeln!( cfgfile, r#" [factory-settings] usb-id = {{ vid = 0x1209, pid = 0xb000 }} rot-fingerprint = "C7EE3124 DC87EAAE 5A6F7FCC B6C2E458 706835C9 9D5D7082 4EFFAC0F 12A5A875" debug-access = "Disabled" [factory-settings.boot-configuration] failure-port = 1 failure-pin = 21 speed = "48MHz" mode = "Usb" [] secure-boot-enabled = true puf-enrollment-disabled = false puf-keycode-generation-disabled = false trustzone-mode = "FromImageHeader" use-rsa4096-keys = false dice-computation-disabled = true "# ) .unwrap(); let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin("lpc55").unwrap(); cmd.arg("configure") .arg("factory-settings") .arg("-o") .arg(binfile_path.clone()) .arg(cfgfile_path); cmd.assert().success(); let data = fs::read(binfile_path).expect("Unable to read output factory file"); assert_eq!(data.len(), 512); // boot config assert_eq!(data[0..4], [0x10, 0x01, 0x00, 0xa9]); // usb vid pid assert_eq!(data[8..12], [0x09, 0x12, 0x00, 0xb0]); // nothing assert_eq!(data[0x0c..0x10], [0x00u8; 4]); // debug policies assert_eq!( data[0x10..0x18], [0xff, 0x83, 0x00, 0x7c, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff] ); // nothing assert_eq!(data[0x18..0x1c], [0x00u8; 0x1c - 0x18]); // secure boot cfg assert_eq!(data[0x1c..0x20], [0xc0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0]); // nothing assert_eq!(data[0x20..0x50], [0x00u8; 0x50 - 0x20]); // rotkh assert_eq!( data[0x50..0x70], hex::decode("C7EE3124DC87EAAE5A6F7FCCB6C2E458706835C99D5D70824EFFAC0F12A5A875").unwrap() ); // nothing assert_eq!(data[0x70..0x200], [0x00u8; 0x200 - 0x70]); } #[test] fn customer_generates_correctly() { let dir = tempdir().unwrap(); let cfgfile_path = dir.path().join("cfg.toml"); let mut cfgfile = File::create(cfgfile_path.clone()).unwrap(); let binfile_path = dir.path().join("customer.bin"); writeln!( cfgfile, r#" [customer-settings] customer-version = 0x030201 nonsecure-firmware-version = 0x060504 secure-firmware-version = 0x090807 rot-keys-status = ["Enabled", "Enabled", "Enabled", "Enabled"] "# ) .unwrap(); let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin("lpc55").unwrap(); cmd.arg("configure") .arg("customer-settings") .arg("-o") .arg(binfile_path.clone()) .arg(cfgfile_path); cmd.assert().success(); let data = fs::read(binfile_path).expect("Unable to read output customer file"); assert_eq!(data.len(), 512); // nothing assert_eq!(data[0..4], [0u8; 4]); // versions assert_eq!(data[4..16], [1, 2, 3, 0, 7, 8, 9, 0, 4, 5, 6, 0]); // nothing assert_eq!(data[0x10..0x18], [0u8; 8]); // revocations assert_eq!(data[0x18..0x1c], [0x55, 0, 0, 0]); // nothing assert_eq!(data[0x1c..0x20], [0u8; 4]); // debug policies assert_eq!(data[0x20..0x28], [0u8; 8]); // nothing assert_eq!(data[0x28..0x200], [0u8; 0x200 - 0x28]); } #[test] fn custom_debug_policy() { let dir = tempdir().unwrap(); let cfgfile_path = dir.path().join("cfg.toml"); let mut cfgfile = File::create(cfgfile_path.clone()).unwrap(); let binfile_path = dir.path().join("customer.bin"); // Needs to all be inline due to serde bug // writeln!(cfgfile, r#" [factory-settings] debug-access = {{ Custom = {{ nonsecure-noninvasive = "Disabled", secure-invasive = "Authenticate", jtag-tap = "Enabled" }} }} "#).unwrap(); let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin("lpc55").unwrap(); cmd.arg("configure") .arg("factory-settings") .arg("-o") .arg(binfile_path.clone()) .arg(cfgfile_path); cmd.assert().success(); let data = fs::read(binfile_path).expect("Unable to read output customer file"); // debug policies, default Enabled assert_eq!( data[0x10..0x18], [0xf7, 0x03, 0x08, 0xfc, 0xf6, 0x03, 0x09, 0xfc] ); } #[test] fn sha256_seal() { let dir = tempdir().unwrap(); let cfgfile_path = dir.path().join("cfg.toml"); let mut cfgfile = File::create(cfgfile_path.clone()).unwrap(); let binfile_path = dir.path().join("factory.bin"); // Needs to all be inline due to serde bug // writeln!( cfgfile, r#" [factory-settings] usb-id = {{ vid = 0x1209, pid = 0xb000 }} rot-fingerprint = "C7EE3124 DC87EAAE 5A6F7FCC B6C2E458 706835C9 9D5D7082 4EFFAC0F 12A5A875" debug-access = "Disabled" seal = true "# ) .unwrap(); let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin("lpc55").unwrap(); cmd.arg("configure") .arg("factory-settings") .arg("-o") .arg(binfile_path.clone()) .arg(cfgfile_path); cmd.assert().success(); let data = fs::read(binfile_path).expect("Unable to read output factory file"); // sha256 assert_eq!( data[480..512], hex::decode("11c38ce9fa006c6fda5f894c5ab679bd0a6dc01dfac2dc3e25a7670bd1e1752d").unwrap() ); } #[test] fn rotkh() { let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin("lpc55").unwrap(); cmd.arg("fingerprint-certificates") .arg("./example-cfgs/example-cfg.toml"); cmd.assert().success().stdout(predicate::str::contains( "D826E2FD 44F5C254 BC58C62E BF96A938 95C19DC2 25810C95 C8B9E6FD 9F7CC9CB", )); }