**lqth** is a simple screenshot utility for X11. It writes thae image in a Farbfeld format to the stdout. # Build and install ```sh cargo build -r ``` ```sh cp target/release/lqth /usr/bin ``` # Dependencies - libX11 # Optional dependencies - To convert farbfeld data you can use ff2jpg or ff2png from: https://git.suckless.org/farbfeld/ # Usage examples Take a screenshot for the full screen ```sh lqth > screen.ff ``` Take a screenshot of the active window ```sh lqth -w $(xdotool getactivewindow) | ff2png > window.png ``` Take a screenshot of a specific region ```sh lqth -r "$(xrectsel "x:%x,y:%y,w:%w,h:%h")" | ff2png > region.png ``` Take a screenshot of a specific region and copy it into the system clipboard ```sh lqth -r $(xrectsel "x:%x,y:%y,w:%w,h:%h") | ff2png | xclip -sel clip -t image/png -i ``` > Yep is just simple as that :)