use std::cell::RefCell; use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; use std::rc::Rc; use lru_mem::{HeapSize, LruCache}; #[derive(Debug)] struct MockKey { id: u64, heap_size: usize, drop_counter: Rc> } impl MockKey { fn new(id: u64, heap_size: usize, drop_counter: &Rc>) -> MockKey { MockKey { id, heap_size, drop_counter: drop_counter.clone() } } } impl Drop for MockKey { fn drop(&mut self) { *self.drop_counter.borrow_mut() += 1; } } impl HeapSize for MockKey { fn heap_size(&self) -> usize { self.heap_size } } impl Hash for MockKey { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { state.write_u64( } } impl PartialEq for MockKey { fn eq(&self, other: &MockKey) -> bool { == } } impl Eq for MockKey { } #[derive(Debug)] struct MockValue { heap_size: usize, drop_counter: Rc> } impl MockValue { fn new(heap_size: usize, drop_counter: &Rc>) -> MockValue { MockValue { heap_size, drop_counter: drop_counter.clone() } } fn set_heap_size(&mut self, new_heap_size: usize) { self.heap_size = new_heap_size; } } impl Drop for MockValue { fn drop(&mut self) { *self.drop_counter.borrow_mut() += 1; } } impl HeapSize for MockValue { fn heap_size(&self) -> usize { self.heap_size } } fn insert_mock_entry(cache: &mut LruCache, id: u64, heap_size: usize, drop_counter: &Rc>) { let key_heap_size = heap_size / 2; let key = MockKey::new(id, key_heap_size, drop_counter); let value = MockValue::new(heap_size - key_heap_size, drop_counter); cache.insert(key, value).unwrap(); } fn make_cache_with_drop_counter(len: usize, id_start: u64, heap_size_per_entry: usize) -> (LruCache, Rc>) { let drop_counter = Rc::new(RefCell::new(0)); let mut cache = LruCache::new(usize::MAX); for index in 0..len { let id = id_start + index as u64; insert_mock_entry(&mut cache, id, heap_size_per_entry, &drop_counter); } (cache, drop_counter) } #[test] fn auto_reallocation_does_not_leak_entries() { const LEN: usize = 1024; let drop_counter = Rc::new(RefCell::new(0)); let mut cache = LruCache::new(usize::MAX); for index in 0..LEN { insert_mock_entry(&mut cache, index as u64, 128, &drop_counter); } drop(cache); assert_eq!(LEN * 2, *drop_counter.borrow()); } #[test] fn manual_reallocation_does_not_leak_entries() { const LEN: usize = 32; const ITERATION_COUNT: usize = 4; let (mut cache, drop_counter) = make_cache_with_drop_counter(LEN, 0, 128); for iteration_index in 0..ITERATION_COUNT { cache.reserve(cache.capacity() * iteration_index); cache.shrink_to_fit(); } drop(cache); assert_eq!(LEN * 2, *drop_counter.borrow()); } #[test] fn lru_removal_by_insert_does_not_leak_entries() { const LEN: usize = 1024; const ITERATION_COUNT: usize = 1024; let (mut cache, drop_counter) = make_cache_with_drop_counter(LEN, 0, 128); cache.set_max_size(cache.current_size()); for index in 0..ITERATION_COUNT { insert_mock_entry(&mut cache, (LEN + index) as u64, 128, &drop_counter); } assert_eq!(LEN, cache.len()); drop(cache); assert_eq!((LEN + ITERATION_COUNT) * 2, *drop_counter.borrow()); } #[test] fn lru_removal_by_decreasing_max_size_does_not_leak_entries() { const LEN: usize = 1024; const ITERATION_COUNT: u64 = 10; let (mut cache, drop_counter) = make_cache_with_drop_counter(LEN, 0, 128); for _ in 0..ITERATION_COUNT { cache.set_max_size(cache.current_size() / 2); } assert!(cache.len() < LEN); drop(cache); assert_eq!(LEN * 2, *drop_counter.borrow()); } #[test] fn lru_removal_by_mutating_does_not_leak_entries() { const LEN: usize = 1024; let (mut cache, drop_counter) = make_cache_with_drop_counter(LEN, 0, 64); cache.set_max_size(cache.current_size()); for index in 0..(LEN / 2) { let key = MockKey::new(index as u64, 0, &drop_counter); cache.mutate(&key, |value| value.set_heap_size(128)).unwrap(); } assert!(cache.len() < LEN); drop(cache); // temporary keys also count drops assert_eq!(LEN * 5 / 2, *drop_counter.borrow()); } #[test] fn clearing_does_not_leak_entries() { const LEN: usize = 1024; let (mut cache, drop_counter) = make_cache_with_drop_counter(LEN, 0, 128); cache.clear(); assert_eq!(LEN * 2, *drop_counter.borrow()); } #[test] fn retain_does_not_leak_entries() { const LEN: usize = 1024; let (mut cache, drop_counter) = make_cache_with_drop_counter(LEN, 0, 128); cache.retain(|key, _| % 2 == 0); // keys and values of half of the entries => 2 * 0.5 * LEN assert_eq!(LEN, *drop_counter.borrow()); }