# LS013B7DH03 [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/ls013b7dh03)](https://crates.io/crates/ls013b7dh03) [![docs.rs](https://docs.rs/ls013b7dh03/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/ls013b7dh03) [![build and test](https://github.com/BogdanOlar/ls013b7dh03/actions/workflows/rust.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/BogdanOlar/ls013b7dh03/actions/workflows/rust.yml) LS013B7DH03 Sharp LCD driver for [embedded-hal v1.0](https://github.com/rust-embedded/embedded-hal) # Stand alone usage Simply add the driver to your `Cargo.toml`: ```toml ls013b7dh03 = { version = "0.4" } ``` Use: ```rs use ls013b7dh03::prelude::*; let mut buffer = [0u8; BUF_SIZE]; let mut display = Ls013b7dh03::new(spi, cs, disp_com, &mut buffer); for x in 10..100 { let _ = display.write(x, 10, true); } display.flush(); ``` # embedded-graphics usage An optional implementation for the [embeddded-graphics](https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics) 2D graphics library is provided by the optional `embdded_graphics` feature: ```toml ls013b7dh03 = { version = "0.4", features = ["embedded_graphics"] } ``` Use: ```rs use ls013b7dh03::prelude::*; use embedded_graphics::{ geometry::Point, pixelcolor::BinaryColor, prelude::*, primitives::{Circle, Primitive, PrimitiveStyle}, }; let mut buffer = [0u8; BUF_SIZE]; let mut display = Ls013b7dh03::new(spi, cs, disp_com, &mut buffer); let circle = Circle::new(Point::new(50, 50), 50).into_styled(PrimitiveStyle::with_stroke(BinaryColor::On, 2)); let _ = circle.draw(&mut display); display.flush(); ```