# force comma match_block_trailing_comma = true # always chain chain_width = 0 # preferably short fn_call_width = 30 # force `x: x` -> `x` use_field_init_shorthand = true # keep | for complex match arms match_arm_leading_pipes = "Preserve" single_line_let_else_max_width = 100 # requires `rustup toolchain install nightly` # and `+nightly` arg when running rustfmt unstable_features = true # force (_, _) -> (..) condense_wildcard_suffixes = true # always newline the } when {}... empty_item_single_line = false # ...but always { ... } fns fn_single_line = true # always remove {} from singular match => match_arm_blocks = false # always flatten imports imports_granularity = "Item" # group imports in 3 chunks group_imports = "StdExternalCrate" brace_style = "PreferSameLine"