/** Example program showing how to read a multi-channel time-series in LSL in a chunk-by-chunk manner, which is an easy way to read in a non-blocking fashion.*/ use lsl; use lsl::Pullable; // trait that provides the pull_chunk method fn main() -> Result<(), lsl::Error> { // first we're resolving a stream with content type EEG on the network println!("Resolving EEG stream..."); let res = lsl::resolve_byprop("type", "EEG", 1, lsl::FOREVER)?; // next we create an inlet to read from the stream, using default parameters let inl = lsl::StreamInlet::new(&res[0], 360, 0, true)?; println!("Reading data..."); loop { // read all new samples and their time stamps since our last call let (samples, stamps): (Vec>, _) = inl.pull_chunk()?; // print them for k in 0..samples.len() { println!("got {:?} at time {}", samples[k], stamps[k]); } println!("---"); // wait for some amount until we read a new chunk -- how long you wait depends on your // application, but if we don't sleep then the loop would spin very fast and pin a CPU core std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(16)); } }