LTC2983 ======= A create to provide an implementation of the communication with the `LTC2983` (Multi Sensor High Accuracy Digital Temperature Measurement System) via SPI. Not all sensor types are supported yet. Contributions welcome 💪 - [x] Theromcouple J,K,E,N,R,S,T,B - [ ] Custom Theromcouple - [ ] RTD - [ ] Thermistor - [x] Sense Resistor - [x] Diode - [ ] Direct ADC # Example of readout ``` rust let mut ltc = LTC2983::new(device); let _ = ltc.setup_channel(ltc2983::ThermalProbeType::Diode(ltc2983::DiodeParameters::default().ideality_factor(1.).excitation_current(ltc2983::DiodeExcitationCurrent::I20uA).num_reading(ltc2983::DiodeReadingCount::READ3)), ltc2983::LTC2983Channel::CH2); let _ = ltc.setup_channel(ltc2983::ThermalProbeType::Thermocouple_T(ThermocoupleParameters::default().cold_junction(ltc2983::LTC2983Channel::CH2)), ltc2983::LTC2983Channel::CH1); loop { let _ = ltc.start_conversion(ltc2983::LTC2983Channel::CH1); let mut status = ltc.status().unwrap(); while !status.done() { status = ltc.status().unwrap(); } let result = ltc.read_temperature(ltc2983::LTC2983Channel::CH1); println!("{result:#?}"); sleep(Duration::new(1, 0)); } ```